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This package enables .NET projects to use atomic primitives.

Design and implementation

Project aims to be very close to C++ 11 standard atomics by design and usage. For example, The memory order flag could be provided to primitives.

Although the library is a PCL itself, the minimum required version of .NET - 4.5. But you can compile for .NET 4.0 and earlier. The Itanium-related stuff (volatile reads with proper memory barriers usages, etc.) will be present by using ITANIUM_CPU directive (see docs).

For ECMA MM implementations of CLI on ARM architecture the conditional compilation is supported by using ARM_CPU directive.

The default memory semantics for the library's primitives (like Atomic<T>, etc.) is MemoryOrder.SeqCst, whereas AtomicReference<T> uses MemoryOrder.AcqRel, which fits very well with CAS approach and CLR 2.0 memory model.

The option for sequential consistency (i.e. SeqCst) is implemented by using intrinsic functions (with compilation to proper CPU instruction) or a combination of Acquire/Release with sequential order emulation through exclusion locks, when atomic read/writes to particular POD are not supported by HW.

Specifying Acquire only or Release only flag falls back to full Acquire/Release semantics for get/set operations or combinations of.

Atomic primitives

  • Atomic<T>
  • AtomicReference<T>
  • AtomicInteger
  • AtomicLong
  • AtomicBoolean

Supported types and operations

Read/writes operations on references are provided by AtomicReference<T>. The Atomic<T> class should be used for structs (i.e. value types), including (char, byte, etc.).

AtomicInteger and AtomicLong classes has support for +, -, *, /, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /= operators with atomicity guarantees.

All primitives implement the implicit conversion operator overloads with atomic access.

Integers ranging from 8 to 64 bit are supported as well as unsigned ones.

False Sharing

AtomicInteger and AtomicLong classes has support for memory alignment alongside modern CPU's cache lines. Use flag align in constructor of either Atomic<T>, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong or AtomicBoolean. Only specializations of Atomic<T> with Int32, Int64 and Boolean uses alignment.

Sample usage

Here is the basic setup and usage of atomic primitives.

using System;

class Counter
    private AtomicInteger _value;
    private readonly bool _isReadOnly;
    public Counter(int initialValue = 0, bool isReadOnly = false)
         * _value = new AtomicInteger(align: true)
         * for false sharing prevention, otherwise as shown below
        _value = initialValue;
        _isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
    public void Increment(int value)
        if (!_isReadOnly)
    public void PrintCounter()
        Console.WriteLine(_value); // Console.WriteLine(int) overload will be used

Notes for usage

Atomic<T> with Int32, Int64 and Boolean specialization falls back to using AtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicBoolean as internal storage respectively.

The memory order flag as well as alignment transfers to internal storage.

Lock-free stack 101

It is very straightforward to implement lock-free stack:

public class AtomicStack<T>
    private AtomicReference<StackNode<T>> _headNode = new AtomicReference<StackNode<T>>();

    public void Push(T item)
        _headNode.Set((stackNode, data) =>
            StackNode<T> node = new StackNode<T>(data);
            node._next = stackNode;

            return node;
        }, item);

    public T Pop()
        if (IsEmpty)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        return _headNode.Set(stackNode => stackNode._next)._value;

    public bool IsEmpty
        get { return _headNode.Load(MemoryOrder.Acquire) == null; }

    class StackNode<T>
        internal T _value;
        internal StackNode<T> _next;
        internal StackNode(T val) { _value = val; }

and usage:

AtomicStack<int> stack = new AtomicStack<int>();

Parallel.For(0, 100000, stack.Push);

var thread = new Thread(() => Parallel.For(0, 50000, index => stack.Pop()));
thread.IsBackground = true;

int i = 0;
while (!stack.IsEmpty)

Console.WriteLine("Pushed: {0};", i); // should print 50000

For more details about AtomicStack<T> example above, please refer docs.

CAS notes

Usually compare-and-swap (CAS) is used in lock-free algorithms to maintain thread-safety, while avoiding locks. Especially often the compare_exchange_weak variation is used. Provided by the .NET Framework Interlocked.CompareExchange method is the C++ compare_and_exchange_strong analog. The compare_exchange_weak is not supported.

Current implementation of uses CAS approach for lock-free atomic operations (the Atomic<T>.Value property uses CAS for setter.


  • RC3:
    • New AtomicReference<T>.Set<TData>(Func<T, TData, T>setter, TData data) method overload
    • New byref Store(ref T value, MemoryOrder order) method for Atomic<T>, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicBoolean
    • Optimization of Acquire/Release and Seq_Cst read/writes performance on x86
    • ITANIUM_CPU conditional compilation support
  • RC2:
    • align flag support in Atomic<T>, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong and AtomicBoolean for false sharing prevention alongside of CPU's cache lines
    • Bug fixes in CAS loops
    • ARM_CPU conditional compilation support
  • RC1:
    • AtomicReference<T>.Set() method fix for CAS
    • C++ 11 atomic Load/Store methods as well as IsLockFree property support in primitives
    • Docs and samples update
  • Beta2:
    • Lock-free stack samples
    • NuGet package support
    • Fixes
  • Beta1:
    • Thread interruption support in AtomicInteger, AtomicLong
    • Docs update
  • Alpha:
    • Initial milestone of project


Feel free to fork and create pull-requests if you have any kind of enhancements and/or bug fixes.


Package's page

Command: PM> Install-Package System.Threading.Atomics -Pre

License is licensed under the BSD license.


This package enables .NET projects to use atomic primitives.







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  • PowerShell 0.4%