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UI Automated Test Framework

An automation framework designed to drive browser based user interfaces to assist in automated test execution.

Project name: DFC.TestAutomation.UI


This project is designed to provide a useful array of logic to assist in driving browser based applications. Simple interactions with the browser can be simulated easily by calling on logic defined in this project.

This project is predominantly a Selenium wrapper meaning that the core component within this project is the Selenium Webdriver.

The framework depends heavily on the scenario context which is derived from Specflow. As such this project is intended to be used in a solution adopting behavioral driven development through the use of Specflow.

The key components within the project include:


The helper classes are broken down into specific classes (i.e. FormHelper.cs, ScreenshotHelper.cs, JavaScriptHelper.cs etc.). These classes are packaged neatly in what we call the helper library. Each of these classes have their individual helper methods that provide invaluable actions. The helpers are what make driving the browser quick and simple.

Test Support

The test support classes are intended to be used as a 'one off'. For example we have the WebDriverSupport.cs class which can be used to create an instance of the Selenium Webdriver. This class does not hold instance data and so it can be disposed of once it has been finished with. You would not expect to use support classes continuously throughout your project.


In order to use this package your project will need to have an appsettings.json file in the root of the project. The Copy to output directory property for this json file needs to be set to Copy always or Copy if newer.

The following is an example of the appsettings.json file. This will provide an indication of the format and the the type of data expected:

  "BrowserSettings": {
    "BrowserName": "Chrome",
    "BrowserArguments": {
      "InSandbox": false,
      "InHeadless": false
    "UseProxy": false,
    "Proxy": ""
  "BrowserStackSettings": {
    "OperatingSystem": "Windows",
    "OperatingSystemVersion": "10",
    "BrowserName": "Chrome",
    "BrowserVersion": "latest",
    "ScreenResolution": null,
    "Project": "BrowserStack project",
    "EnableDebug": false,
    "EnableNetworkLogs": true,
    "RecordVideo": false,
    "EnableSeleniumLogs": true,
    "Username": "USERNAME",
    "AccessKey": "AND_ENCRYPTED_KEY"
  "AppSettings": {
  "TestExecutionSettings": {
    "TimeoutSettings": {
      "PageNavigation": 60,
      "ImplicitWait": 10
    "RetrySettings": {
      "NumberOfRetries": 3,
      "ExplicitWaitInSeconds": 1

The settings classes are used as models. These models are used when parsing your appsettings.json file. The settings files are passed to the helper library in order to initialise the helper classes.


It is recommended that this project be used as a NuGet package. This package can be found on To include this NuGet in your solution you can use the Visual Studio NuGet package manager. To do this right click on your project in the solution explorer and select Manage Nuget Packages. Ensure that your package source is set to and search for DFC.TestAutomation.UI. You will find the package listed where you will be able to select the install option.

Note: Make sure to install the Specflow and Selenium NuGets also.


Below are examples you can use to get started.

1. Create a settings class that conforms to IAppSettings.cs

internal class AppSettings : IAppSettings
    public string AppName { get; set; }
    public Uri AppUrl { get; set; }

2. Set up your settings library

private ScenarioContext Context { get; set; }
public void SetUpSettingsLibrary()
    var settingsLibrary = new SettingsLibrary<AppSettings>();

3. Set up your object context

private ScenarioContext Context { get; set; }
public void SetUpObjectContext()
    var objectContext= new ObjectContext();

4. Set up your Selenuim Webdriver

private ScenarioContext Context { get; set; }
public void SetUpWebDriver()
    var settingsLibrary = this.Context.GetSettingsLibrary<AppSettings>();
    var webdriverSupport = new WebDriverSupport<AppSettings>(settingsLibrary);
    var webDriver = webdriverSupport.Create();

5. Set up the helper library

private ScenarioContext Context { get; set; }
public void SetUpHelperLibrary()
    var webDriver = this.Context.GetWebDriver();
    var settingsLibrary = this.Context.GetSettingsLibrary<AppSettings>();
    var helperLibrary = new HelperLibrary<AppSettings>(webDriver, settingsLibrary);

Other useful examples

private ScenarioContext Context { get; set; }
public void TakeAScreenshot() 
    var helperLibrary = this.Context.GetHelperLibrary<AppSettings>();

public void SelectARadioButton() 
    var radioButtonLocator = By.Id("radio_button_id");
    var formHelper = this.context.GetHelperLibrary<AppSettings>().FormHelper;
public void GetTextFromAnIWebElement() 
    var webElementLocator = By.CssSelector("my_css_selector");
    var helperLibrary = this.Context.GetHelperLibrary<AppSettings>();
    var elementText = helperLibrary.CommonActionHelper.GetText(webElementLocator);

public void RunAxeAccessibilityAnalysis() 
    var axeHelper = this.Context.GetHelperLibrary<AppSettings>().AxeHelper;


Please note that this project is not open to contributors outside of the National Careers Service.


Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.


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