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GridView component for Blazor

Easy way for displaying lits of items in table



Still development not completely finished and rapidly continue. Next versions can containt breaking changes


NuGet Pre Release

After nuget instalation you must create in Blazor.Client app Linker.xml file because nuget use some features which are not supported in default mono managed interpreter from WebAssembly (mono/mono#8872)

  <assembly fullname="mscorlib">
    <!-- Preserve all methods on WasmRuntime, because these are called by JS-side code
    to implement timers. Fixes -->
    <type fullname="System.Threading.WasmRuntime" />
  <assembly fullname="System.Core">
    <!-- This is required by JSon.NET and any expression.Compile caller -->
    <type fullname="System.Linq.Expressions*" />
    <type fullname="System.Linq.EnumerableRewriter*" />
    <type fullname="System.Linq.Queryable*" />
    <type fullname="System.Linq.Enumerable*" />
  <!-- Name of the entry point assembly -->
  <assembly fullname="Blazor.FlexGrid.Demo.Client" />

And Add this into csproj of client project

	<BlazorLinkerDescriptor Include="Linker.xml" />


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Setup ServerSide Blazor App

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

In your Blazor component add Tag helper and required usings

@addTagHelper *, Blazor.FlexGrid


@addTagHelper *, Blazor.FlexGrid
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.Demo.Shared
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.DataAdapters
@inject HttpClient Http
@page "/grid"

<h1>Weather forecast</h1>

<GridView DataAdapter="@dataAdapter" PageSize="5"></GridView>

    CollectionTableDataAdapter<WeatherForecast> dataAdapter;

    protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
        var forecast = await Http.GetJsonAsync<WeatherForecast[]>("/api/SampleData/WeatherForecastsSimple");
        dataAdapter = new CollectionTableDataAdapter<WeatherForecast>(forecast);

Result table


You do not need define informations about columns and component will render columns by properties of object type which is associated with table data adapter which provide data set for Table component. Value for column is provided by ToString method on the property type. Or you can configure some behavior for table and columns by using fluent api which is supported in classes where interface IEntityTypeConfiguration is implemented.

public class WeatherForecastGridConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<WeatherForecast>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<WeatherForecast> builder)
        builder.Property(e => e.Date)
            .HasValueFormatter(d => d.ToShortDateString());

        builder.Property(e => e.Summary)
            .HasValueFormatter(s => $"{s}!");

        builder.Property(e => e.TemperatureC)

        builder.Property(e => e.TemperatureF)

And provide this configuration

var serviceProvider = new BrowserServiceProvider(services =>
    services.AddFlexGrid(cfg =>
        cfg.ApplyConfiguration(new WeatherForecastGridConfiguration());

Data Adapters

You can use simple CollectionTableDataAdapter which requires collection of items.

    CollectionTableDataAdapter<WeatherForecast> dataAdapter;

    protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
        var forecast = await Http.GetJsonAsync<WeatherForecast[]>("/api/SampleData/WeatherForecastsSimple");
        dataAdapter = new CollectionTableDataAdapter<WeatherForecast>(forecast);

Another data adapter type is LazyLoadedTableDataAdapter which support lazy loading data from API. This type of adapter is registered in dependency injection conatiner and you only must provide LazyLoadingOptins to table component.

@addTagHelper *, Blazor.FlexGrid
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.Demo.Shared
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.DataAdapters
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.DataSet.Options
@page "/lazyloadedgrid"
@inject HttpClient Http
@inject LazyLoadedTableDataAdapter<WeatherForecast> forecastAdapter

<GridView DataAdapter="@forecastAdapter" LazyLoadingOptions="@(new LazyLoadingOptions() { DataUri = "/api/SampleData/WeatherForecasts" })" PageSize="10"></GridView>

Also you must provide the server side part

public IActionResult WeatherForecasts(int pageNumber, int pageSize, SortingParams sortingParams)
    var rng = new Random();

    var items = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Skip(pageSize * pageNumber).Take(pageSize).Select(index =>
                new WeatherForecast
                    Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(index),
                    TemperatureC = rng.Next(-20, 55),
                    Summary = Summaries[rng.Next(Summaries.Length)]


    items = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortingParams.SortExpression)
        ? items
        : items.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortingParams.SortExpression).ToList();

    return Ok(
            Items = items,
            TotalCount = 100

After that you have fully pageable and sortable table with lazy loaded data after you select new page

Permission restriction

You can configure permission restricion of showing/editing values for each column in table for current logged user. You only have to do 3 things. First create class which implements interface ICurrentUserPermission. Second provide configuration for permission restriction for exmaple:

public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Customer> builder)
	builder.Property(c => c.Email)
		.HasReadPermissionRestriction(perm => perm.IsInRole("Read"))
		.HasWritePermissionRestriction(perm => perm.IsInRole("Write"));

And last thing is register ICurrentUserPermission into DI container as Singleton.

Blazor components in column

You can configure column value for rendering Blazor component this way: Fisrt add using Blazor.FlexGrid.Components.Configuration. Second inject required service BlazorComponentColumnCollection into HTML of component where you use FlexGrid And the last thing you have to provide RenderFragment for columns

@inject BlazorComponentColumnCollection<WeatherForecast> Collection

    RenderFragment<WeatherForecast> weatherTemp = (weather) => @<BlazorButton>@weather.Summary</BlazorButton>;
	Collection.AddColumnValueRenderFunction(w => w.Summary, weatherTemp);

Master / Detail

You can have multiple DataSets related together and rendered only with one FlexGrid component. If you have object that have property which is collection FlexGrid component automatically find out this and will render this kind of object as Master / Detail grid.

Example configuration

public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Customer> builder)
    builder.HasDetailRelationship<Order>(c => c.Id, o => o.CustomerId)

    builder.HasDetailRelationship<CustomerAddress>(c => c.Id, o => o.CustomerId)
        .HasCaption("Customer addresses");

public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Order> builder)
    builder.HasDetailRelationship(o => o.OrderItems)
        .HasCaption("Order products");

For correct working of Master / Detail grid you must configure relation ships between objects. Also you can define some additional options for related grid component. If you want use LazyTableDataSet you must provide url address for loading. This is not required in ServerSide solution because you have to create your own DataSet which implements ILazyDataSetLoader.

Example page with Master/Detail grid

@addTagHelper *, Blazor.FlexGrid
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.Demo.Shared
@using Blazor.FlexGrid.DataAdapters
@inject HttpClient Http
@inject MasterTableDataAdapterBuilder<Customer> MasterAdapterBuilder
@inject LazyLoadedTableDataAdapter<Order> ordersAdapter
@page "/masterdetailgrid"


<GridView DataAdapter="@customersMasterDataAdapter" PageSize="5"></GridView>

    CollectionTableDataAdapter<Customer> customerDataAdapter;
    CollectionTableDataAdapter<CustomerAddress> customerAddressesDataAdapter;
    MasterTableDataAdapter<Customer> customersMasterDataAdapter;

    protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
        var customers = await Http.GetJsonAsync<Customer[]>("/api/Customer/Customers");
        var customersAddresses = await Http.GetJsonAsync<CustomerAddress[]>("/api/Customer/CustomersAddresses");
        customerDataAdapter = new CollectionTableDataAdapter<Customer>(customers);
        customerAddressesDataAdapter = new CollectionTableDataAdapter<CustomerAddress>(customersAddresses);

        customersMasterDataAdapter = MasterAdapterBuilder

For building Master / Detail TableDataSet is used MasterTableDataAdapter which is register in DI container. Master / Detail usage you can find in ServerSide Blazor demo project

Inline editing

You can use inline editing feature by configuring grid

public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Order> builder)
	// Or
    builder.AllowInlineEdit(conf =>
        conf.AllowDeleting = true;
        conf.DeletePermissionRestriction = perm => perm.IsInRole("TestRole");

You can also configure which columns will be editable for current logger user, see Permission restriction section. If you are using CollectionTableDataAdapter chagnes are saved only into local object in list. For saving to the server you have to write your own functionallity. If you are using LazyLoadedTableDataAdapter and Client/Server mode you must provide url for updating of item.

<GridView DataAdapter="@forecastAdapter"
          LazyLoadingOptions="@(new LazyLoadingOptions() {
                                    DataUri = "/api/SampleData/WeatherForecasts",
                                    PutDataUri = "/api/SampleData/UpdateWeatherForecast",
                                    DeleteUri = "/api/SampleData/Delete/{Id}" })"

And the Http request will be send to the server. For fully working delete feature you have to set properly DeleteUri of LazyLoadingOptions. In url is a template where at end you must specify the name of object property in { } (for example {Id}) which is key and this key is send to the action method on server side.

Or if the Grid is used as detail

builder.HasDetailRelationship<Order>(c => c.Id, o => o.CustomerId)


You can subscribe some events which FlexGrid provides only things which you must do are add using @using Blazor.FlexGrid.Components.Events and register EventHandler in HTML of Grid component.

Suppoerted events:
SaveOperationFinished DeleteOperationFinished


You can override some default CssClasses by your own CssClasses by using fluent api configuration

public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<WeatherForecast> builder)
	builder.UseCssClasses(conf =>
		conf.Table = "my-table";
		conf.TableBody = "my-table-body";
		conf.TableCell = "my-table-cell";
		conf.TableHeader = "my-table-header";
		conf.TableHeaderCell = "my-table-header-cell";
		conf.TableHeaderRow = "my-table-header-row";
		conf.TableRow = "my-table-row";

Contributions and feedback

Please feel free to use the component, open issues, fix bugs or provide feedback.


Create proper Docs Add UnitTests More fluent API configuration Filtration support


GridView component for Blazor






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  • C# 80.6%
  • CSS 19.4%