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Using ASP.NET MVC with razor I am creating a task manager site to show case my Model View Control skills and build on them.


I recently started this project to both demonstrate and build on my ability to develop cloud applications. I see this project both as a point for learning, development, and show casing my skills. The project is primarily C# ASP.NET Core/MVC a cloud. The project is an amalgamation of technologies/approaches in reality and will be listed here.
    I) Technologies
         1) C# 6.0 including the .NET Core framework, Lambdas, Attributes, and LINQS can be observed through most of the project. This can be sub categorized.
             i) ASP.NET Core/MVC Models are used for serving data located in any file in the “Models” folder.
             ii) ASP.NET Core/MVC Views are used for rendering html located in any file in the “Views” folder.
             iii) ASP.NET Core/MVC Controllers are used for serving calls located in any file in the “Controllers” folder.
             iv) ASP.NET Core/MVC Bundling are used for serving located in the “App_Start\BundleConfig.cs” file and in the views such as _Layout.
             v) Custom ASP.NET Core/MVC attributes can be observed in the SecurityValidation\DBFSPAuthorizeAttribute.cs
         2) HTML is used in any and all ASP.NET Core/MVC Razor views. Razor pages that is a combination of HTML and C#. For Example any file in the “Views” folder will have Razor HTML.
         3) CSS files can be found on all views as well. They can be observed in the CSS classes used on objects. For Example any file in the “Views” folder will have Razor HTML and for Source Example any file in the “Content” folder.
         4) Bootstrap CSS and JS library can be found on all views as well. They can be observed in the CSS classes used on objects. For Example any file in the “Views” folder will have Razor HTML.
         5) JavaScript with JQuery integrated in all of JavaScript files. These Client side instructions be found in the “Scripts” folder. Various views use them in various ways such as on load or calls.
         6) MomentJS, JQueryUI, and 3DJS are all used where appropriate JavaScript to display or input data.
         7) AngularJS is used in a few different places. Modals can be found in “PageScripts\DashBoard\DashBoard.js” and “Scripts\PageScripts\Projects\Index.js” files. Related AngularJS augmented HTML Code “Views\Project” and “Views\Dashboard” folder. Most of these pages consume ASP.Net restful (not truly) APIs and razor pages.
         8) Typescript using type definitions for JavaScript libraries can be observed in the “src” folder. JavaScript outputs can be observed in the “Scripts/TypeScriptOutput” folder
         9) Project makes heavy use of my AngelASPExtentions library for ASP.NET. found at In this project there are custom attributes for data annotations, custom extensions for strings; files; images; byte arrays; controllers; HtmlHelper, Custom Results, and a Razor hack to template to a string for emails.
         10) Project as makes use of the MS C# System.Security.Cryptography library for salting and hashing in the _HelpersAndExtens\SecurityHelper.cs file
         11) It MS C# System.Net/System.Net.Mail in the ASP.NET Core for email in the “_HelpersAndExtens\SMTPHelper.cs” file
         12) The project makes use of the Entity Framework (C#) in the “Models\TaskMasterData.edmx” file. This Is how I access my database from a (DB First approach with stored procedures)
         13) The project uses PLSQL in the MVCTaskMasterAppData project.
    II) Approaches
         1) This project makes use at its base a ASP.NET Core and MVC approach. Most of the project is built this way.
         2) This project makes use of a database first approach. The ASP.NetMVC-razor-Example-TaskPlanner project has the database with triggers, tables, stored procedures, views, and scripts.
         3) This project makes use of a Typescript approach for complicated JavaScript Problems. This can be seen in the "src" folder
         4) This project makes use for certain pages some API architecture though they are not truly restful as they leverage a state (signed in?). This is mostly seen in tandem with AngularJS calls from the "Controllers/UtilitiesAPIController.cs" file .
         5) This project makes use for certain pages AngularJS’s MVVM approach.
         6) This project would like to use a GraphQL architecture rather than API architecture. I will probably make a Controller for this.


    As I stated before, I recently started this project to both demonstrate and build on my ability to develop cloud applications. I see this project both as a point for learning, development, and show casing my skills. The project is primarily C# ASP.NET Core/MVC a cloud application that fills in a void I saw while I worked in the construction industry.

The Problem

    It’s a simple problem of communication that could feel like the following scenario.

    “More often than not you would be told to go and do work. Being receiving pay by the hour you would go not thinking much of it. When you get there; however, you would see that the plumber still need to lay down his in floor pipes for the sewer, or in floor heating. You being responsible for the concrete on top would realize you wasted your time and gas coming out. It’s not a big deal; you are payed by the hour, but now you need to phone your boss and inform him. It probably won’t be too bad as it’s not your fault, but it is his company’s time and money wasted. Add to that this is the fifth time the contractor has miscommunicated with him.“

    Well that is a serious problem for any contractor or subcontractor. You must pay these people regardless and replace the gas. This is money out of some ones pocket and puts strain on the relationships as a result.

It’s not anyone’s real fault, as all parties are generally pretty busy with multiple contracts, projects, and jobs to fill. All of this divides our attention leaving holes in our view of the picture (data) and thus communication.

Why we fail

    We plan a project from the start with planning. The planning is an analytics from what we know of earlier problems with the same characteristic. The construction industry is huge and required everywhere and as a result can often nail this step with statistic. This is the data at its root and often is quite close to the truth in this industry, so why does it fail then.The problem is in the communication. We know there will need to be in floor heating from the start. We even had it in the gantt chart in our office no one is allowed into, but does the concrete guys know about it no.

    Similarly the data is never static. It grows and adapts. Often changing what we planned. So static statistical data is a good starting point, but communication of the dynamic outlaying data is just as important if not more important after the fact. For instance the plumber knows about the in floor heating, but learns he needs a special tubing he does not have enough of. Well now he has to phone (that phones his boss), so that he can notify the proper party. Add to that this is happening for his many jobs. So wouldn’t it be nice if using the framing work we set up in the planning step we could just go ahead and notify everyone involved in a single step. It’s not that complicated when you think about it. Just connect the data on an accessible platform (The web).

The Solution

    This is what my application would like to remove from the table. By taking the data from the beginning to end and placing it on a cloud that can be accessed by everyone (within reason abstraction of certain things is still good) we cut down on these issues.

    More often than not in the planning step we make gantt charts that identify the critical routes for work (tasks). Often these can be assigned to a profession and a group that handles it. If Task A for the plumbers finishes why not notify the Task B concrete finisher party automatically using the management’s confirmation step. Using the groupings responsible for the task abstract the data to who needs it, or just leave it visible for transparency.

    And while we are busy interconnecting this data why not allow for communication up the chain as well. For instance the plumber will take longer he posts to a virtual board rooms wall and notifies them of it with the reason. All invested parities would probably like to know why it is late and how late will it be. If this is critical issue now we all actively join a virtual board room with voice and go over the problem for a solution together.

I have been working on a project as a show case for my self in my spare time. I have been the the primary author for a some time now. It has been full of technical challenges and design challenges.

These challenges included what kind of technologies to use. This is only to name a few challenges in the technical design. How one should interact with the server its self and how these should be secured. To how the data should be presented and related.

To start with I chose C# and the ASP.NET MVC as a server language as it provided a excellent extendable business logic platform to build off of. This Technology also had many great Microsoft supported libraries and with Mono could run on nearly any platform. It also provided a great link to the hardware while keeping the code easy to write and read. To add to this the languages reflection added greatly to re-usability and scripting of code and extra extend-ability with out extra libraries.

The to Present the data ASP.NET MVC had built in a great Razor HTML template engine for the severs side as a basis for a server View rendering, but it would need more for responsive controls. To bridge this gap I used JavaScript libraries like AngularJS, JQuery, JQueryUI, and JQuery Validate where I thought appropriate. I also built some utility API's to allow this library to be better served by the server on need basis. To actually display some of the the data I used 3djs to Draw Gantts and Charts that are to be interactive when done.

All of this would need security. ASP.NET MVC provides a great session device to use, but by its self it was vulnerable. So I used the C# security library to salt and hash passwords. I further reinforced my security by providing a security key similar to OAuth, but internally or the user to use in place of a password. This had the added benefit of faster secure session authentication. I then Posted It back to the database to check ageist.

I wanted The documents interactions to be fairly fast but minimal data loss. So I'm building an API with SignalR web sockets. The Plan is to move the concrete interactions on to the API and have the less concrete ones on the sockets asynchronously. Any fully validated changes would be posted to the server on an API. While two people could make and see changes at the same time. This would benefit to save state data for minimal data loss on sessions timeouts and would also keep data relations clean.

I also need a way to reset passwords. This needed to be tied to anchor like a email. So I did just that; however, I also wanted It to be abstracted almost entirely from the user. So I opted for a get request from an email so that it would work from any browser using a temporary one use code. This get request would then immediately post back to the server via HTML and JavaScript fall back. The post back would allow the server to populate hidden fields to use in another page to post back for the full reset against the code.

For data storage I went with MS/PL SQL for a professional data keeping. The Technology integrates near seamlessly with with ASP.NET and Entity Frameworks. The data base also provides great support for views, queries, selects, triggers, indexing, and other standard database tools. I also tried to keep data normalized and saleable.

Although there were many challenges planning, research, and adaptability have made the project an overall success. I provided my self with a challenging scope and continue to push it. It provides a fun way me to grow and developer my skills as a developer.


Using ASP.NET MVC with razor I am creating a task manager site to show case my Model View Control skills and build on them.






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  • JavaScript 66.1%
  • C# 18.7%
  • TSQL 8.1%
  • HTML 5.3%
  • TypeScript 1.3%
  • PLSQL 0.3%
  • Other 0.2%