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Destiny Scrims Tracker

Version 0.0.1

Does you and your clan run a lot of private match scrimmages? Do you have a hard time trying to match up teams to be as fair as possible and still be a good fight?! Well then this is the tool for you! Destiny Scrims Tracker is a web interface to manage all of your internal clan scrimmaging and ranking! With this, all you need to do is input the results of a game and it will calculate a ELO system specific to your clan!

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project to a live system.


The projects contained in this repository are dependent on the following .NET versions, which can be downloaded at here:

  • .NET Core SDK 3.0
  • .NET Standard 2.1

Quickstart Examples

The following snippets are provided for illustrative purposes only and the tests should be referred to as the source of "implementation truth".

Getting The Database Up and Running

In order to run the service locally you will need a database to support it. Thankfully, this is fairly simple to get going. You can use the public PostGres docker image to spin up a local database.

To get this started, just run docker run -p 5432:5432 -d --name scrims-db postgres.

Next, you will need to update the database so it reflects the latest migrations. To do this, from the root of the repo, run dotnet ef database update --project Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api/Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api.csproj

Note: you may need to run dotnet tool restore first.

Starting the Service Locally

To build the service locally, from the root of the repository, run dotnet build.

To run the service locally, from the root of the repository, run dotnet run --project Destiny.ScrimsTracker.Api/Destiny.ScrimsTracker.Api.csproj

Starting the Service Locally in Docker

To build the docker image locally, make sure you have docker installed and run docker build . -t destiny-scrims-tracker:latest

Then, to run the image, run docker run --publish 5500:80 --name destiny-scrims-tracker --rm destiny-scrims-tracker:latest

Running the tests

To run the tests locally, from the root of the repository, run dotnet test.

Database Migration

If you are making database changes, making and running migrations is super easy.

Once you have made the changes you need, run dotnet ef migrations add <Summary Of Changes> --project Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api/Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api.csproj

Once that's completed, run dotnet ef database update --project Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api/Destiny.ScrimTracker.Api.csproj


Deploying Through Heroku

Deploying to Heroku is super easy. We have it hooked into git already, so whenever you merge into the master branch, it will kick off a deploy to Heroku.


Feature branches should have pull requests opened between themselves and the master branch when ready for submission, with relevant stakeholders added as reviewers. PRs may be merged to master upon a single approval. As a general rule of thumb, it is generally prudent to wait for successful builds from the PR before merging it.


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