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VSharp is an API wrapper build to interact with the VLive API. It provides access to several endpoints, as well as automatic monitoring of certain tasks.


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The VSharp library offers two objects you can interact with to use the VLive API: VSharpService and VSharpMonitor. Both offer different functionalities which will be discussed further.


To create a VSharpService object, you'll first need to get an appId to authorize your requests. This appId can be found by visiting any VLive channel, opening your web browser's developer tools and searching for app_id in the requests sent when loading the VLive channel. Copy the app_id url parameter from one of the requests that uses it.

Next up you'll have to decide on a locale to use, VSharp will add this locale to the requests sent to the VLive API. The data the API will respond with might change depending on the value of the locale specified. For example, titles of certain VLives might change depending on the locale used. Currently, VSharp supports two values for this parameter: Locale.EN and Locale.KO, which represent English and Korean respectively.

Lastly, VSharp allows you to pass your own User-Agent that it'll use when sending requests to the VLive API. The default value of the User-Agent is "VSharp VLive API Wrapper <Current Version>"

Now you're ready to create a VSharpService instance!

VSharpService service = new VSharpService("my_app_id", Locale.EN);
VSharpService service = new VSharpService("my_app_id", "my_user_agent", Locale.EN);

VSharpService offers the following methods for retrieving data:

Method Description Exceptions Note
DecodeChannelCodeAsync Retrieves the correspending channelSeq for the provided channelCode ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UndecodableChannelCodeException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetChannelAsync Retrieves data about the channel related to the provided channelCode or channelSeq ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, NoSuchChannelException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UndecodableChannelCodeException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetChannelVideoListAsync Retrieves a list of videos defined by the provided channelCode or channelSeq, count and page ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UndecodableChannelCodeException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetUpcomingVideoListAsync Retrieves a list of upcoming videos defined by the provided channelCode or channelSeq, count and page ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UndecodableChannelCodeException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetNoticesAsync Retrieves a list of notices from the channel defined by the provided channelCode or channelSeq ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UndecodableChannelCodeException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetPostListAsync Retrieves a list of posts from the provided board ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException board values for a channel can be found in the CelebBoards and FanBoards properties of a Channel
GetAboutInfoAsync Retrieves the about information of the channel defined by the provided channelCode or channelSeq ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, NoSuchChannelException, TaskCanceledException, UnauthorizedException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetVideoStatusAsync Retrieves the status of the video defined by the provided videoSeq ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, TaskCanceledException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException
GetVODInfoAsync Retrieves all information for the VLive defined by the provided videoSeq ArgumentException, InternalServerErrorException, ResourceUnavailableException, TaskCanceledException, UnkownErrorException, UnmappableResponseException

count is limited to a maximum value of 50.


You can create three types of iterators using the VSharpService.


The PostListIterator allows you to easily retrieve all posts from a specific board. Each fetch it'll retrieve count new posts.

PostListIterator iterator = service.CreatePostListIterator(board, count);
List<Post> posts = new List<Post>();

while (iterator.HasNext())
    PostListResponse response = await iterator.FetchNextAsync();


The ChannelVideoListIterator allows you to easily retrieve all videos from a specific channelSeq. Each fetch it'll retrieve count new videos.

ChannelVideoListIterator iterator = service.CreateChannelVideoListIterator(channelSeq, count);
List<Video> videos = new List<Video>();

while (iterator.HasNext())
    ChannelVideoListResponse response = await iterator.FetchNextAsync();


The UpcomingVideoListIterator allows you to easily retrieve all upcoming videos from a specific channelSeq. Each fetch it'll retrieve count new videos.

UpcomingVideoListIterator iterator = service.CreateUpcomingVideoListIterator(channelSeq, count);
List<Video> videos = new List<Video>();

while (iterator.HasNext())
    UpcomingVideoListResponse response = await iterator.FetchNextAsync();


The VSharpMonitor allows you to register tasks with three types of monitors. On the completion of a task, VSharpMonitor will fire an event with the completed task data that you can subscribe to.

To create a VSharpMonitor you will need an instance of VSharpService.

VSharpMonitor monitor = new VSharpMonitor(service);
Method Event Description Note
RegisterSubtitleMonitor SubtitleAvailable Monitor a VLive defined by the provided videoSeq for when a specific kind of subtitles are available Subtitle monitor tasks will unregister automatically upon completion
UnegisterSubtitleMonitor Will stop the monitoring task defined by the provided videoSeq, language and type if the task exists
RegisterLiveMonitor NewLive Monitor a channel defined by the provided channelSeq for when the channel starts a new VLive Has to be explicitly unregistered from using UnregisterLiveMonitor, count is used to define how many of the most recently available videos for that channel are being checked
UnregisterLiveMonitor Will stop the monitoring task defined by the provided channelSeq if the task exists
RegisterUploadMonitor NewUpload Monitor a channel defined by the provided channelSeq for when the channel uploads a new VLive Has to be explicitly unregistered from using UnregisterLiveMonitor, count is used to define how many of the most recently available videos for that channel are being checked
UnregisterUploadMonitor Will stop the monitoring task defined by the provided channelSeq if the task exists

Every time you register a monitor task, you can provide a TimeSpan that will act as the period that the task will check for updates.

Exceptions thrown inside the monitoring tasks are captured and redirect to the ExceptionThrown event.


Registering a subtitle monitor task for that checks for official English subtitles every 5 minutes

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    VSharpService service = new VSharpService("my_app_id", Locale.EN);
    VSharpMonitor monitor = new VSharpMonitor(service);
    monitor.RegisterSubtitleMonitor(214915, Language.English, SubtitleType.Official, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
    monitor.SubtitleAvailable += SubtitleAvailableHandler;

    await Task.Delay(-1);

private static void SubtitleAvailableHandler(object sender, Models.Events.SubtitlesAvailableEventArgs e)
    /* do something with e...*/

Registering a live monitor task for that checks for new VLives every 30 seconds

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    VSharpService service = new VSharpService("my_app_id", Locale.EN);
    VSharpMonitor monitor = new VSharpMonitor(service);

    DecodeChannelCodeResponse response = await service.DecodeChannelCodeAsync("EDBF");
    monitor.RegisterLiveMonitor(response.ChannelSeq, 5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
    monitor.NewLive += NewLive;

    await Task.Delay(-1);

private static void NewLive(object sender, Models.Events.NewLiveEventArgs e)
    /* do something with e...*/

Registering an upload monitor task for that checks for new VLives every 2 minutes

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
    VSharpService service = new VSharpService("my_app_id", Locale.EN);
    VSharpMonitor monitor = new VSharpMonitor(service);

    DecodeChannelCodeResponse response = await service.DecodeChannelCodeAsync("EDBF");
    monitor.RegisterUploadMonitor(response.ChannelSeq, 5, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
    monitor.NewUpload += NewUpload;

    await Task.Delay(-1);

private static void NewUpload(object sender, Models.Events.NewUploadEventArgs e)
    /* do something with e...*/


VSharp is an API wrapper build to interact with the VLive API. It provides access to several endpoints, as well as automatic monitoring of certain tasks.







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