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#POKKT SDK Unity Integration Guide (v 6.0) ##Overview

Thank you for choosing Pokkt SDK for Xamarin . This document contains all the information required to set up the SDK with your project. We also support mediation for various third party networks. To know the supported third party networks and their integration process go to mediation section.

Before implementing plugins it is mandatory to go through project configuration and implementation steps , as these sections contain mandatory steps for basic SDK integration and are followed by every plugin.

You can download our SDK from .

In the android package downloaded above you will find:

  1. Docs: Contains documentations for step wise step integration for SDK.

  2. PokktAds Demo: Source code for PokktAds Demo(Sample app) which showcase implementation of Pokkt SDK through code for better understanding.

  3. PokktAds Demo.apk: Application package of PoktkAds Demo, so that you can directly install this apk on your device and have a look how our SDK works instead of compiling the source code.

  4. Extensions: PokktExtension.dll and P okktExtension.Droid.dll both of these are required by Pokkt SDK and should be added to project

  5. Extensions with Analytics: PokktExtension.dll and P okktExtension.Droid.dll both of these are required by Pokkt SDK and should be added to project, these one contains moat and comscore analytics. We recommend you to use these dlls.

minSdkVersion supported is 11 .

In the iOS package downloaded above you will find:

  1. Docs: Contains documentations for step wise step integration for SDK.

  2. PokktAds Demo: Source code for PokktAds Demo(Sample app) which showcase implementation of Pokkt SDK through code for better understanding.

  3. Extensions: PokktExtension.dll and PokktExtension.iOS.dll both of these are required by PokktSDK and should be added to project

  4. Extensions with Analytics: PokktExtension.dll and PokktExtension.iOS.dll both of these are required by Pokkt SDK and should be added to project, these one contains moat and comscore analytics. We recommend you to use these dlls.

ScreenName: This one parameter is accepted by almost all API’s of Pokkt SDK. This controls the placement of ads and can be created on Pokkt Dashboard.

We will be referencing PokktAds Demo app provided with SDK . We will be referencing this app during the course of explanation in this document. We suggest you go through the sample app for better understanding.

We suggest you go through the sample app for better understanding.

##Project Configuration (Android)


● Add PokktExtension.dll and PokktExtension.Droid.dll with analytics to your project as “ Reference”.

● We expect Google play services integrated in project, although it;s optional but we recommend you to integrate it, as it’s required to fetch AdvertisingID for device,which is useful to deliver targeted advertising to Android users.

###Manifest ####Permissions Declarations Add the following permissions to your project manifest

####1. Mandatory permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

android.permission.INTERNET = Required for SDK communication with server.

android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE = Required for creating unique identifier for you application based on the unique id of the device like IMEI.

####2. Optional permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR" /
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />

android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE = Required to detect changes in network, like if WIFI is available or not.

android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE = Required to detect changes in network, like if WIFI is available or not.

android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE = Required to detect changes in network, like if WIFI is available or not.

android.permission.WAKE_LOCK = Required to prevent device from going into the sleep mode during video play.

android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE = Required to store media files related to ads in external SD card, if not provided we will use app cache folder to store media files, which will result in unnecessary increase in application’s size. It is recommended to ask for this permission as low end devices generally have less internally memory available.

android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR = Some Ads create events in calendar.

android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION = Some Ads show content based on user’s location. ● android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION = Some Ads show content based on user’s location ● android.permission.CALL_PHONE = Some Ads are interactive and they provide you a way to call directly from the content.

android.permission.SEND_SMS = Some Ads are interactive and they provide you a way to send message.

Activity Declaration

Add the following activity in your AndroidManifest for Pokkt SDK integration.

android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden|adjustUnspecified" />

You can change the android:screenOrientation="landscape" to of your choice, the way you want to display the ads.

Service Declaration

Add the following service in your AndroidManifest for receiving InApp notifications. How to set up InApp notifications .

android:label="PokktNotificationService" />

##Project Configuration (iOS) ###Dependencies ● Add PokktExtension.dll and PokktExtension.iOS.dll with analytics to your project as “ Reference”.



###Info.plist Add the below exceptions to your application info.plist.


Implementation Steps

SDK Configuration

###Setting Extension (Android)

  1. You need to set extension before calling any method like below. This should be the first call. PokktAds.SetNativeExtentions(new AndroidExtension(this));

###Setting Extension (iOS)

  1. You need to set extension before calling any method like below. This should be the first call.

    PokktAds.SetNativeExtentions(new iOSExtension(this));

###Common Configuration Steps

  1. Set Application Id and Security key in Pokkt SDK. You can get it from Pokkt dashboard from your account. We generally assign unique application Id and Security key.

    PokktAds.SetPokktConfig(“<Pokkt Application ID>”, “<Pokkt Security Key>”);

  2. If you are using server to server integration with Pokkt, you can also set Third Party UserId in PokktAds.

    PokktAds.SetThirdPartyUserId(“<Third party user Id>”);

  3. When your application is under development and if you want to see Pokkt logs and other informatory messages, you can enable it by setting ShouldDebug to true . Make sure to disable debugging before release.


##Ad Types ###Video ● Video ad can be rewarded or non-rewarded. You can either cache the ad in advance or directly call show for it.

● We suggest you to cache the ad in advance so as to give seamless play behaviour, In other case it will stream the video which may lead to unnecessary buffering delays depending on the network connection.


  1. To cache rewarded ad call:


  2. To show rewarded ad call:


####Non Rewarded

  1. To cache non-rewarded ad call:


  2. To show non-rewarded ad call:


    You can check if ad is available or not before making cache or show request.

    PokktAds.VideoAd.CheckAdAvailability(“<screen name>”, <true / false>);

###Interstitial ####Rewarded

  1. To cache rewarded ad call:


  2. To show rewarded ad call:


####Non Rewarded

  1. To cache non-rewarded ad call:


  2. To show non-rewarded ad call:


You can check if ad is available or not before making cache or show request.

PokktAds.Interstitial.CheckAdAvailability(“<screen name>”, <true / false>);

###Banner There are two ways to load banners:

####1. Load banner PokktManager.LoadBanner(, );

There are predefined positions for banner positioning inside BannerPosition (Com.Pokkt.Plugin.Common.BannerPosition ) .


####2. Load banner with rect

PokktAds.Banner.LoadBannerWithRect(<ScreenName>,<Height>, Width>, <x>,<y>);
Height : Custom height for banner.
Width: Custom width for banner.
x: Point x on screen to show banner.
y: Point y on screen to show banner.

####3. Remove Banner You can remove Banner using:

####4. Auto refresh Banner You can also set banner to auto-refresh using:

##Ad Actions Ad actions are optional, but we suggest to implement them as it will help you to keep track of the status of your ad request.


PokktAds.VideoAd.AdAvailabilityEvent += AdAvailabilityStatus;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdCachingCompletedEvent += AdCachingCompleted;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdCachingFailedEvent += AdCachingFailed;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdDisplayedEvent += AdDisplayed;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdFailedToShowEvent += AdFailedToShow;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdSkippedEvent += AdSkipped;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdCompletedEvent += AdCompleted;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdClosedEvent += AdClosed;
PokktAds.VideoAd.AdGratifiedEvent += AdGratified;


PokktAds.Interstitial.AdAvailabilityEvent += AdAvailabilityStatus;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdCachingCompletedEvent += AdCachingCompleted;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdCachingFailedEvent += AdCachingFailed;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdDisplayedEvent += AdDisplayed;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdFailedToShowEvent += AdFailedToShow;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdSkippedEvent += AdSkipped;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdCompletedEvent += AdCompleted;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdClosedEvent += AdClosed;
PokktAds.Interstitial.AdGratifiedEvent += AdGratified;


PokktAds.Banner.BannerLoadedEvent += bannerLoaded;
PokktAds.Banner.BannerLoadFailedEvent += bannerLoadFailed;

##Pokkt Ad player configuration Pokkt Ad player works the way App is configured at Pokkt dashboard, but we provide a way to override those settings using PokktAdPlayerViewConfig .

Application should prefer configuration provided through code by developer or what’s configured for the app in dashboard, can be controlled any time through the dashboard itself. If you want to make changes to this configuration after your app distribution, you can contact Pokkt Team to do the same for your app through admin console.

PokktAdPlayerViewConfig adPlayerViewConfig = new PokktAdPlayerViewConfig ();
// set properties values to adPlayerViewConfig
PokktAds.SetAdPlayerViewConfig(adPlayerViewConfig );

Various properties that can be managed through this are:

  1. Back button Defines if user is allowed to close the Advertisement by clicking on back button or not.

Property name : BackButtonDisabled Values: True = Back button is disabled and user cannot close the Ad. False = Back button is not disabled and user can close the Ad. ~~~ 2. Default skip time Defines the time after which user can skip the Ad.


Property name: DefaultSkipTime Values: Any Integer value. Default value is 10 seconds . ~~~

  1. Should allow skip Defines if user is allowed to skip the Ad or not.

Property name: ShouldAllowSkip Values: True = User can skip Ad. False = User can’t skip Ad. ~~~ 4. Should allow mute Defines if user is allowed to mute the Video Ad or not.


Property name: ShouldAllowMute Values: True = User can mute video Ad. False = User can’t mute video Ad. ~~~ 5. Should confirm skip Defines if confirmation dialog is to be shown before skipping the Ad.


Property name: ShouldConfirmSkip Values: True = Confirmation dialog will be shown before skipping the video. False = Confirmation dialog will not be shown before skipping the video. ~~~ 6. Skip confirmation message Defines what confirmation message to be shown in skip dialog.


Property name: SkipConfirmMessage Values: Any String message. Default value is “Skipping this video will earn you NO rewards. Are you sure?”. ~~~ 7. Affirmative label for skip dialog Defines what should be the label for affirmative button in skip dialog.


Property name: SkipConfirmYesLabel Values: Any String message. Default value is “Yes”. ~~~ 8. Negative label for skip dialog Defines what should be the label for affirmative button in skip dialog.


Property name: SkipConfirmNoLabel Values: Any String message. Default value is “No”. ~~~

  1. Skip timer message Defines message to be shown before enabling skip button. Don’t forget to add placeholder “ ## ” in your custom message. This placeholder is replaced by property “Default skip time” assigned above.

Property name: SkipTimerMessage Values: Any String message. Default value is “You can skip video in ## seconds” ~~~

  1. Incentive message Defines message to be shown during video progress, that after what time user will be incentivised.

Property name: IncentiveMessage Values: Any String message Default value is “more seconds only for your reward !” ~~~

##User Details For better targeting of ads you can also provide user details to our SDK using.

PokktUserDetails pokktUserDetails = new PokktUserDetails();
pokktUserDetails.Name = "";
pokktUserDetails.Age = "";
pokktUserDetails.Sex = "";
pokktUserDetails.MobileNo = "";
pokktUserDetails.EmailAddress = "";
pokktUserDetails.Location = "";
pokktUserDetails.Birthday = "";
pokktUserDetails.MaritalStatus = "";
pokktUserDetails.FacebookId = "";
pokktUserDetails.TwitterHandle = "";
pokktUserDetails.Education = "";
pokktUserDetails.Nationality = "";
pokktUserDetails.Employment = "";
pokktUserDetails.MaturityRating = "";

##Debugging Other than enabling debugging for Pokkt SDK, it can also be used to:

###1. Export log Export your log to your desired location, we generally have it in root directory of SD card, if permission for external storage is provided and in cache folder otherwise.


###2. Export log to cloud You can also export log to cloud.


##Analytics We support various analytics in Pokkt SDK. Below is mentioned how to enable various analytics with Pokkt SDK.

###Google Analytics Google analytics Id can be obtained from Google dashboard.

AnalyticsDetails analyticsDetail = new AnalyticsDetails();
analyticsDetail.SelectedAnalyticsType = AnalyticsType.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS;
analyticsDetail.GoogleAnalyticsId = "Google Analytics Id";

###Flurry Analytics Flurry application key can be obtained from Flurry dashboard.

AnalyticsDetails analyticsDetail = new AnalyticsDetails();
analyticsDetail.SelectedAnalyticsType = AnalyticsType.FLURRY;
analyticsDetail.FlurryApplicationKey = "Flurry Application Key";

###MixPanel Analytics MixPanel project token can be obtained from MixPanel dashboard.

AnalyticsDetails analyticsDetail = new AnalyticsDetails();
analyticsDetail.SelectedAnalyticsType = AnalyticsType.MIXPANEL;
analyticsDetail.MixPanelProjectToken = "MixPanel Project Token";

###Fabric Analytics Analytics Id is not required in case of Fabric.

AnalyticsDetails analyticsDetail = new AnalyticsDetails();
analyticsDetail.SelectedAnalyticsType = AnalyticsType.FABRIC;
analyticsDetail.FabricAnalyticsId = "Fabric Analytics Id";

##IAP(In App Purchase) Call trackIAP to send any In App purchase information to Pokkt.

InAppPurchaseDetails inAppPurchaseDetails = new InAppPurchaseDetails();
inAppPurchaseDetails.ProductId = "<productId>";
inAppPurchaseDetails.PurchaseData = "<purchaseData>";
inAppPurchaseDetails.PurchaseSignature = "<purchaseSignature>";
inAppPurchaseDetails.PurchaseStore = IAPStoreType.GOOGLE;
inAppPurchaseDetails.Price = <100.00>;


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