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A library of various algorithms, helper classes and extension methods.


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"No code library is complete without a binary search!"

A library and repository of algorithms, data structures and helper methods that make one's daily programming life easier (in .NET that is).

Abacaxi is available on NuGet: and is built against .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.5.

F# Support:

F# bindings are available in the Abacaxi.FSharp library (targets .NET Standard 2.0 only).

Note that not all C# methods have F# bindings since F# core library already contains comparable implementations. Also, some methods in F# do not make sense in C# world as well.

The list of core data structures:

Data structure Description
Heap Implements the heap data structure (also known as priority queue). Related material:
MeanHeap Helper class that uses two heaps to provide O(1) mean value access to a sequence. Related material:
BitSet Implements the standard ISet<int> data structure in an optimized form (using bit masks). Related material:
DisjointSet Also known as union-find or merge-find data structure. Related material:
LinkedLinkedNode Represents a node in a singly-linked list. All operations implemented by the node classes. Related material:
Trie A trie that implements the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> interface. Related material:
AvlTree The standard AVL self-balancing tree. Related material:
BinarySearchTree The standard binary search tree. Related material:
LeftLeaningRedBlackTree The simplified version of Red/Black self-balancing tree. Related material:
Graph A generic (un)directional weighted graph that implements many algorithms. Related material:
ChessHorsePathGraph A specialized graph implementation used to solve the Knight's Tour problem. Related material:
StringNeighborhoodGraph A specialized graph implementation used to solve the Word Ladder problem. Related material:
MazeGraph A specialized base class for other graphs that use a two-dimensional integer board (think, a rat's maze). All standard graph algorithms can be applied to such a graph.
LiteralGraph A specialized graph used mainly in testing the graph-related algorithms.
Mash The Swiss army knife of collections. In essence, a tree-like dictionary which can have other sub-dictionaries as children and store a list of items as leaves. Employs some techniques to avoid wasting unnecessary memory.

The list of helper/additional classes:

Class Description
ArrayEqualityComparer Implements an equality comparer that is able to check two array for equality. The class is useful when using dictionaries/sets whose keys are arrays.
Temporary A class used to store a value for a specific amount of time. The value expires and has to be reloaded. Multi-threaded
BitWriter A specialized I/O class that implements the Stream base class. Allows for writing to a stream with bit granularity.
GlobPattern Simple class that allows checking if a string matches a glob-like pattern (e.g. "some*.?xt")
DependencySquid Class that helps represent the state of a dependancy tree (including conflicts). Can be used to validate selection viability (think package dependancies).
Cached A simple wrapper that allows storing a value and considering it "valid" for a certain duration. Automatic value refresh is performed when value expires.
NanoCache A very simple cache container. Very useful when quick-and-dirty caching is needed.

The list of implemented algorithms/helper methods:

Algorithm/Method Description
LinkedListNode.TryGetMiddleAndTailNodes Finds the middlem, tail nodes and the length of the list in one pass. If the list is circular, the method returns -1 See related material:
LinkedListNode.Reverse Reverses a singly-linked list using the recursive algorithm. See related material:
LinkedListNode.GetIntersectionNode Find the node that is the intersection of two singly-linked. See related material:
LinkedListNode.GetKnotNode Find the node that connects the tail of the list to another interior node (knot) in a singly-linked. See related material:
Graph.TraverseBfs Traverses the vertices in a graph using the breadth-first search. See related material:
Graph.TraverseDfs Traverses the vertices in a graph using the depth-first search. See related material:
Graph.FillWithOneColor Fills all vertices of a graph with a given "color". See related material:
Graph.FindShortestPath Find the shortest path between two graph vertices. See related material:
Graph.GetComponents Finds all distinct connected components of a graph. The method returns each component represented as another graph. See related material:
Graph.TopologicalSort Implements the topological sorting algorithm. See related material:
Graph.FindAllArticulationVertices Finds all articulation points in a graph. See related material:
Graph.IsBipartite Checks if a graph is bipartite. See related material:
Graph.DescribeVertices Returns a description of all vertices in a graph, including in-degree, out-degree and component index.
Graph.FindCheapestPath Finds the cheapest path between two vertices in a graph. See related material:*_search_algorithm
Graph.Colorize Finds the minimum number of colors and applies thm on graph verticesh. See related material:
FibonacciSequence.Enumerate Lists all Fibonacci numbers up to a given index in the series. See related material:
FibonacciSequence.GetMember Returns the Fibonacci number at a given index in the series. See related material:
Integer.DeconstructIntoPowersOfTwo Deconstructs an integer into a sum of powers of two.
Integer.DeconstructIntoPrimeFactors Deconstructs an integer into a prime factors.
Integer.Break Deconstructs an integer into repeatable components. See related material:
Integer.IsPrime Checks whether an integer is a prime number.
Integer.Zip Zips the digits of two integers into a new integer.
Integer.Divide A simple division algorithm that only uses addition.
Integer.Swap Algorithm that performs a swap of two integers without an additional variable.
Integer. GetCountOfTrailingZeroesInFactorial Find the number of trailing zeroes for a factorial number. See related material:
Integer.Max Returns the maximum of two integers without using comparisons.
Integer.Sum Returns the sum of two integers using only bitwise operations.
IntegerPartitions.Enumerate Enumerates all integer partitions for a given number.
IntegerPartitions.GetCount Calculates the number of integer partitions for a given number.
Knapsack.Fill The generic 0/1 knapsack algorithm. See related material:
Interval.MergeOverlapping Merges a sequence of overlapping intervals (or whatever intervals do overlap) leaving the other ones untouched.
Interval.ChoseBestNonOverlapping Selects the non-overlapping (and scored) intervals that yeild the best aggregate score.
Pairing.GetPairsWithMinimumCost Pairs the elements of a sequence as to minimize the cost of each pair.
Pairing. GetPairsWithApproximateMinimumCost Pairs the elements of a sequence as to approximate minimization of the cost of each pair.
Pairing.GetPairWithMaximumDifference Find the first pair in a sequence whose elements yield the greatest difference.
Pairing. GetPairWithIncreasingOrderMaximumDifference Find the first pair in a sequence whose elements yield the greatest difference with the restriction that elements in eth pair are strictly increasing.
Pairing.GetEqualizationPairs Finds all pairs of elements from both sequences whose values, if swapped, makes the sequences being equal in their sum.
ZArray.Construct Constructs a Z-array from a given input sequence. Z-arrays are useful for string pattern matching. See related materials:,
RandomExtensions.Sample A random sampling algorithm for a sequence of objects. See related material:
RandomExtensions.NextBool An extension method that allows retrieving a random boolean value.
RandomExtensions.NextItem An extension method that allows retrieving a random item from a sequence of objects.
SequenceAlgorithms. FindLongestIncreasingSequence Finds the longest increasing sequence within a given sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms. ContainsTwoElementsThatAggregateTo Determines whether the sequence contains two elements that aggregate to a given target.
SequenceAlgorithms.FindDuplicates Finds duplicates in a sequence. A specialized and optimized version for integer sequences also provided.
SequenceAlgorithms.FindUniques Finds unique elements in a sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms.FindUniquesInOrder Finds unique elements in a sequence and retains the order of their appearance in the sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms.ExtractNestedBlocks An algorithm to allow extracting nested sub-sequences from a sequence (e.g. "(a(b))" would return "(b)" then "(a(b))").
SequenceAlgorithms. GetSubsequencesOfAggregateValue Finds all sub-sequences of a given aggregated value in another sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms.Interleave Creates a sequence which combines multiple interleaved sequences based on a given comparison.
SequenceAlgorithms.Reverse Reverses a sequence in place.
SequenceAlgorithms.Repeat Creates a sequence which is based on the original sequence repeated a number of times.
SequenceAlgorithms.BinarySearch Implements the standard binary search algorithm. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms.BinaryLookup Implements a slightly modified binary search algorithm that returns the range of matching items or the position of immediatelly smaller item. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms.Diff Implements the generic edit distance algorithm. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms. GetLongestCommonSubSequence Finds the longest sub-sequence that is common to two distinct sequences. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms.DeconstructIntoTerms Deconstructs a given sequence into a sequence of terms (sub-sequences) based on given term scoring (e.g. think of recognizing an English phrase for all lower-case text without whitespaces using a given dictionary of known words: "ilovecookies" will be split into "i", "love", "cookies").
SequenceAlgorithms.GetItemFrequencies Gets the items and their frequencies within a sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms.IsPalindrome Checks if a given (sub)sequence is a palindrome. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms. IsPermutationOfPalindrome Checks if a given (sub)sequence is a possible permutation of palindrome. See related material:
SequenceAlgorithms.IndexOfPermutationOf Finds the first occurence of sub-sequence (or any of its permutations) in the given sequence.
SequenceAlgorithms. FindUnorderedSubsequenceRange Finds the un-ordered sub-sequence inside a given sequence. Once found sub-sequence is sorted, the whole sequence becomes ordered.
SequenceAlgorithms. GetRangeWithGreatestAggregateValue Finds the sub-sequence range with the greatest aggregate value.
SequenceExtensions.ToSet Helper methods to convert a given sequence into a set.
SequenceExtensions.AsList Helper method that interprets a given sequence as a list. If the sequence is already a list/array then the original object is returned; otherwise, the sequence is converted to an array. This method may or may not create a new object and does not guarantee mutability of the result.
SequenceExtensions.Copy Helper method to copy a sub-sequence into a new array.
SequenceExtensions.AddOrUpdate Extends the dictionary classes with the ability to add a new, or update an existing key/pair.
SequenceExtensions.Increment Extends the dictionary classes with the ability to increment integer value for a given key (treating non-existing keys as having value of zero).
SequenceExtensions.Append A number of small utility methods used to append items to arrays. If the array is null, a new array is created. These methods return new arrays as their return values.
SequenceExtensions.ToList Utility method that replaces a common "Select(...).Tolist()" LINQ pattern.
SequenceExtensions.Partition Partitions a given sequence into a batch of smaller partitions of a given size.
SequenceExtensions.EmptyIfNull Method returns an empty sequence if the current sequence is null; otherwise it returns the sequence itself.
SequenceExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty Mimics the String.IsNullOrEmpty method.
SequenceExtensions.ToString Utility method that replaces a common "String.Join(..., ...Select(...))" LINQ pattern.
SequenceExtensions.Min Returns the element of a sequence with a given selected minimum (e.g. select the person object with the smallest age).
SequenceExtensions.Max Returns the element of a sequence with a given selected maximum (e.g. select the person object with the greatest age).
SequenceExtensions.Segment Returns a view of the original sequence bounded to a segment of the list. Useful when other methods do not allow specifying a start/length pair of arguments.
SequenceExtensions.SelectValues Selects the values of a sequence of nullables. Nullable items that have no value are skipped.
SequenceExtensions.Separate Separates items from a sequence into two distinct arrays based on a predicate.
SequenceExtensions.Unzip Splits tuples (and key-value pairs) into separate array containing individual items.
SequenceExtensions.IsValidAdjacency Checkes whether all sequence adjacent elements satisfy a common condition.
SequenceExtensions.IsOrdered Checkes whether the elements of a given sequence are sorted in ascending order.
SequenceExtensions.IsStrictlyOrdered Checkes whether the elements of a given sequence are strictly sorted in ascending order.
SequenceExtensions.IsOrderedDescending Checkes whether the elements of a given sequence are sorted in descending order.
SequenceExtensions. IsStrictlyOrderedDescending Checkes whether the elements of a given sequence are strictly sorted in descending order.
SequenceExtensions.Fold Folds a sequence by merging consecutive appearances of a given item into one output item (think reduce).
Set.EnumerateSubsetCombinations Splits a set into subsets of a given length and returns all such combinations.
Set.SplitIntoSubsetsOfEqualValue Tries to find all subsets with equal aggregate value. See related material:
Set.GetSubsetWithNearValue Extracts a subset of integers whose sum is equal or very close to the target value.
Set.ContainsSubsetWithExactValue Checks whether there is a subset of integers whose sum is equal to a target value.
Set.GetSubsetWithGreatestValue Finds the first N number of pairs with greatest sums.
Set.GetPermutations Evaluates and returns all permutations of a given set. See related material:
Sorting.BubbleSort Implements the standard bubble sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.CocktailShakerSort Implements the standard cocktail shaker sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.CombSort Implements the standard comb sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.GnomeSort Implements the standard gnome sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.HeapSort Implements the standard heapsort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.InsertionSort Implements the standard insertion sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.MergeSort Implements the standard merge sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.OddEvenSort Implements the standard odd-even sort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.QuickSort Implements the standard quicksort algorithm. See related material:
Sorting.ShellSort Implements the standard shellsort algorithm. See related material:
ObjectExtensions.IsAnyOf Helper methods that allows checking if an object is equal to any other object in a sequence (think of _x IN (o1, o2, o3)).
ObjectExtensions.Inspect A simple helper method that allows extracting fields/properties/methods values from an object as a dictionary.
ObjectExtensions.TryConvert Tries to convert a given object to a given type. Uses different techniques to achieve this goal.
ObjectExtensions.As A simpler version of TryConvert that throws an exception if the conversion is not possible.
StringExtensions.AsList Returns a wrapper IList<char> object. Useful when using other algorithms that expect a list. The returned list is read-only for obvious reasons.
StringExtensions.Reverse Reverses a string and returns the reversed version.
StringExtensions.Shorten Shortens a string to a given maximum length (considering Unicode surrogate-pairs, etc.). Allows for an optional "shortening indicator string" used at the end of the string (think "This is a go...").
StringExtensions.Escape Escapes a string using the standard "C" escape sequences (e.g. "\n" for new line).
StringExtensions.Like A wrapper method on top of GlobPattern class. A convenient method to check if a string matches a pattern.
StringExtensions.FindDuplicates Finds duplicate characters in the string. Uses both a set and a small array for ASCII characters.
StringExtensions.SplitIntoLines Splits a given string into its contituent lines. Treats both "\n" and "\r\n" as line breaks.
StringExtensions.WordWrap Word-wraps a string to a given max line length. Uses white-spaces and puctuation characters as potential line breaks.
StringExtensions.StripDiacritics Strips the Unicode diacritics from a text. Useful for text normalization in searches.
StringBuilderExtensions. AppendNotEmptyLine Appends a line to the string builder if the line is not empty.


A library of various algorithms, helper classes and extension methods.








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