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Carsales is a clone website built with ASP.NET Core MVC that lists cars and submits car enquiries.


.NET Core

Go to, select your OS and follow the installation guide. At the time of writing, the latest version is .NET Core 1.1.

Bower packages

In a command line window, run:

$ cd Carsales.Web
$ bower install

The command will install the following Bower packages:

Nuget packages

If you can, restore the Nuget package dependencies/dlls of all projects with your IDE, then build the solution. Otherwise, at the root of the solution, run:

$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build


Go to and follow the installation guideline if you need to install SQLite.

If you want to reset the database, delete the Carsales.db file first:

$ rm -f bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1/Carsales.db

To initialize the database, run:

$ dotnet ef database update

The database will get populated automatically the first time you run the website (see DbInitializer.cs).


Start the website with your IDE (Debug > Start Without Debugging) or execute:

$ dotnet run

Carsales is now up and running at http://localhost:5000/.

To run the tests:

$ cd ../Carsales.Web.UnitTests
$ dotnet restore
$ dotnet build
$ dotnet xunit


Dependency Injection

The Dependency Inversion Principle states that:

High level modules should not depend on low-level modules, both should depend on abstractions.

.NET Core MVC comes with a built-in Dependency Injection container that creates requested objects with their dependencies. The container registers all types at the application start and build a complex dependency graph between them. When an instance is requested, it goes through the dependency graph to new up all the dependant types before finally instantiating the requested type.


Repositories are an extra layer that aims to encapsulate the business/data access logic in one place for better code reusability and extension. Carsales uses one repository per domain entity: one for Cars and one for Enquiries.


AutoMapper's purpose is two-fold:

  • mapping one object's properties to another object
  • cleaning up your controllers' actions by getting rid of mapping code that bloats them up and organize them in Profiles

Unit Tests

The Carsales.Web.UnitTests project contains unit tests using xUnit and Moq. I have structured my tests so that there's a test class per class being tested and a nested class for each method being tested. Easy to read and a nice way to keep track of what has been tested.



The Carsales.Web.Core folder couldn't be exported to its own Carsales.Core project due to dependency issues between .NET Core App and .NET Standard Library projects.

The End.


Carsales clone website built with ASP.NET Core MVC






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  • C# 89.5%
  • CSS 10.4%
  • JavaScript 0.1%