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An unofficial modding library for Craftopia (

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Follow the standard construction of the Craftopia mod project based on BepInEx.

Download the LibCraftopia.dll from the above download badge and add a reference to the downloaded dll file to your project. Then, add the BepInDependency attribute to your plug-in class.

[BepInPlugin("your guid", "your mod name", "your mod version")]
[BepInDependency(LibCraftopia.LibCraftopia.GUID, BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.HardDependency)] // Add this!



You can add your initialization procedure as follows:

public class YourMod : IInitializeHandler {
    void Start() {
        InitializeManager.Inst.AddHandler(InitializeManager.Init, this);

    public async UniTask Init(InitializeContext context) {
        // Do your initialization

Init method will be called during the startup initialization. InitializeContext can be used for controlling the information displayed in the startup scene.


A registry is a manager for game element, such as item, enchant, skill, enemy, and so on (currently, the item and enchant APIs are provided), by which we can keep the consistency of the added game elements' ids against update of the official game and mods. When adding a game element via the registry, you must specify a unique string as the game element's unique key instead of specifying the game element's id. The registry assigns an unused id to the game element automatically and remembers the correspondences between the string and id.

Accesses of the registry APIs must be done in Init method. What you should do first to access the registry APIs is obtaining a registry via RegistryManager.GetRegistry<T>(). For example, you can obtain an item registry as

public class YourMod : IInitializeHandler {
    void Start() {
        InitializeManager.Inst.AddHandler(InitializeManager.ModInit, this);

    public async UniTask Init(InitializeContext context) {
        var itemRegistry = RegistryManager.Inst.GetRegistry<Item>();

        // Add items

You can add a game element through Registry<T>.Register(string key, T element). The parameter key is the unique string of the game element. For example,

Item item = ...; // initialize an item
itemRegistry.Register("your.mod.specific.guid.ExampleItem", item);

Other registry APIs:

var copperIngot = itemRegistry.GetElement("CopperIngod");
if(itemRegistry.ExistsKey("your.mod.specific.guid.ExampleItem")) {
    UnityEngine.Debug.LogInfo("An item with the key `your.mod.specific.guid.ExampleItem` exists.");

Currently, we provide registries for the following types of game elements.

Game element Type
Item LibCraftopia.Item.Item
ItemFamily LibCraftopia.Item.ItemFamily
Enchant LibCraftopia.Enchant.Enchant

Add an item

var icon = ...; // Icon Sprite
var familyId = ...; // Item family id
var item = new Item();
item.Icon = icon;
item.Category = ItemCategory._28_Potion;
item.FamilyId = familyId;
item.ItemType = ItemType.Consumption;
item.WorkbenchId = 20011;
item.WorkbenchLevel = 1;
item.MaterialAId = 1218;
item.MaterialACount = 1;
item.CooldownTime = 1;
item.RestoreHealth = 200;
item.Handler = ItemHelper.Inst.PotionHandler;
itemRegistry.Register("peachpotion.PeachPotion", item);

Localize the display name of the added item

var displayName = LocalizationHelper.Inst.AddItemDisplayName(item.Id); // The registry assigns `Id` of an item automatically when registering the item.
displayName.Languages[LocalizationHelper.Inst.EnglishIndex] = "Peach potion";
displayName.Languages[LocalizationHelper.Inst.JapaneseIndex] = "ピーチポーション";
displayName.Languages[LocalizationHelper.Inst.ChineseSimplifiedIndex] = "..."; // Sorry, i cannot write chinese
displayName.Languages[LocalizationHelper.Inst.ChineseTraditionalIndex] = "...";

Add an Enchant

var enchant = new Enchant();
enchant.Rarity = Oc.Item.EnchantRarity.Rare;
enchant.LimitedCategoryId = (int)EnchantLimitedCategory.Equipment;
enchant[EnchantEffect.modify_Atk] = 100;
enchant.ProbInTreasureBox = new float[] { 0, 0, 3, 3, 3};
enchantRegistry.Register("myenchant.MyEnchant", enchant);

