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Please see Message Routing Service.docx technical documentation at:

Message Routing Service.docx


  1. DotNET Core 3.1
  2. Akka.NET
  3. Consul Service Discovery
  4. Fabio Load Balancer

Deployment Instructions


Use the following dotnet command from project root folder to build application

dotnet build


Run the following command at root folder after a sucessful build to run automated tests.

dotnet test


To run application

dotnet EmailMessageRouter.Web/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/EmailMessageRouter.Web.dll

REST EndPoint

POST api/v1/routing

Request Body

	"From": "", 
	"To": "", 
	"Subject": "Postmark test #1", 
	"HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>"
	"From": "", 
	"To": "", 
	"Subject": "Postmark test #2", 
	"HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>"

Response Body

    "requestId": "618da6f6-dcc0-4221-b032-b5047a5f1e8b",
    "created": "2020-02-05T22:41:10.1086697-05:00",
    "total": 2

submit a POST request to endpoint then check application console log to test application behavior.

Application Config

Application configuration can be found in the appsettings.json EmailMessageRouter.Web folder.

MaxBatchEmails - sets queue size for emails that are sent to bulk email downstream pipeline.

 "MaxBatchEmails": 50,

CacheLifetime - set the lifespan a item is stored in cache, which is represented in minutes.

"CacheLifetime":  10,

ValidationRules - configure all validation rules that should be executed by Message Processor. Only validation rules that are defined and set to true will be executed.

"ValidationRules": {
    "EmailMessageRouter.Domain.Validation.RecipientSubscribeRule": true,
    "EmailMessageRouter.Domain.Validation.SourceEmailValidationRule": true

BusinessEvaluationHandlers - configure all handlers that should be executed by Message Processor. Only handlers that are defined and set to true will be executed.

    "EmailMessageRouter.Domain.Handlers.SenderReputationScoreHandler": true

Api - contains all external endpoint used by application. These are required configuration and the application will throw a ConfigurationException if they are missing.

"Api": {
    "DownStreamSingleEmail": "https://postmarkapp/api/email",
    "DownStreamBulkEmail": "https://postmarkapp/api/email/bulk"

Consul - configs url of consul agent. Application will not register instance with consul agent if configuration is missing.

"Consul": "https://onpremise-consul/agent"

Akka.NET Info

Actor class are not instantiated directly but instead by passing a Prop to actor system which creates and manages the lifecycle of actor processes.

Parent & Child Actors

All actors created by a actor are children of that actor. The parent actor supervises the children actors and tell them what do when they encounter failures. For the purpose of this assessment the default behavior will be used which is to instruct child actors to restart.

Command method

The actor Command is used to configure which actor method should handle a given messsage.

Persist method

The actor Persist method is used to save messages to actor system journal. This messages are replayed to for actors to recover where they stopped. For the purpose of the assessment a in-memory journal is used however mongoDB would be used in a production situation.

IActorRef class

IActorRef is used to send message to actors. It is return by the actor system when when actors are created.


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