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#tatami Tatami.NET Tatami is a C# library for web application testing.

  • Manages test cases in CSV file like this.
    • HTTP request conditions to get test documents (Uri, Method, UseAgent, QueryString, PathInfos, Header, Cookie)
    • Test cases and Assert conditions
  • Verifies HTTP response information.
    • HTTP response header, cookies, status code, URL
    • Document structure (HTML, XML, JSON and Other text format)
  • Can be integrated in major C# test frameworks and CI.
    • NUnit, MS Test, Jenkins, TeamCity, etc.

Tatami enables you to reduce test codes and help review for test cases.


This library covers the following test types.

  • Integration Test
  • Acceptance Test
  • Smoke Test
  • (not for Unit Test)

Tatami provides the following test functions.

  • Manage HTTP request information, test cases and assert conditions in CSV.
  • Get expected and actual documents (such as HTML, XML, JSON and Other formats).
  • Test HTTP response information (Uri, Status Code, Header, Cookie, Format using XSD).
  • Test response documents using expected values, XPath and regular expression.
  • Provide failed information.

1. HTML page test (Wikipedia)

Test the HTML structure of the "United States" Wikipedia article by expecting static values.

  • This scenario covers to test between html values and static values in CSV.
  • See Wikipedia page test for details. sample1

2. HTML page test using Web API (Yahoo Weather)

Test the HTML structure of the "New York" Wikipedia article by expecting values from Web APIs (Yahoo Weather RSS).

  • Recent Web applications consume data created by Web APIs instead of databases. This scenario will test that particular values that are present in an XML Web API exist in a separate HTML interface.
  • See Yahoo Weather page test for details. sample2

3. Web API test (XML/JSON)

  • Test Web API which returns XML/JSON using static values.
  • See Yahoo API test for details. sample3

See CSV implementation for details.

See BaseUriMapping.xml settings for details.

See UserAgentMapping.xml settings for details.

  1. Create a C# test project.
  2. Install Tatami library from then sets this into the project.
  3. Create a BaseUriMapping.xml
  4. Create a UserAgentMapping.xml
  5. Create a CSV file including test cases.
  6. Create a test method.
  7. Run test.

Copyright (c) 2014 kenyamat. Licensed under MIT.


Tatami is a .NET library for web application testing.






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