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A collection of various algorithms and data structures made in C#

Currently has:


Computational geometry

  • Convex hull — uses Graham's scan to find the smallest polygon that contains all the points in a set


  • Minimum cut — calculates the lightest set of edges that would divide the graph in two components should they be removed
  • Minimum spanning tree — calculates the lightest tree that connects all the node in the graph using Kruskal's algorithm
  • Maximum flow — calculates the maximum amount of flow that can move from the source to the sink
  • Shortest path — find the shortest path between to nodes in a graph using Dijkstra's algorithm for weighted graphs and a simple breadth-first search for unweigthed graphs


  • Binary-Interpolation search — alternating passes of binary search and interpolation search
  • Binary search — find an item by repeatedly halving the range it could be in
  • Gallop search — search that favours finding elements close to the start of the search, looks for exponentially increasing ranges and then performs binary search on the range that contains the item
  • Interpolation search — find an item by interpolation between the upper and lower bound of the search, giving O(log log n) search time for evenly distributed arrays
  • Random search — find an item by repeatedly splitting the range it could be in at a random point


  • Binary insertion sort — performs a binary search on the sorted part to determine where to place the next element
  • Bubble sort — optimised by keeping track of the place of the last swap, everything after that is sorted
  • Cocktail sort — one pass of Bubble sort left-to-right, followed by a pass right-to-left
  • Comb sort — repeated Bubble sort with decreasing gaps, calls to Bubble sort when the gap reaches 1 for final sorting
  • Comb-Insertion sort — same as Comb sort, but calls to Insertion sort for final sorting
  • Cycle sort — achieves the theoretical minimum number of writes to the original array
  • Gnome sort — optimised by making the gnome remember his position before walking back
  • Heapsort — using a binary heap with Floyd's method for constructing a heap in O(n) time
  • Insertion sort — no fancy stuff here, just plain old Insertion sort
  • JSort — builds a min-heap from the lowest index followed by a max-heap from the highest index, then sorts completely with Insertion sort
  • Merge sort — bottom-up merging, requires only one extra array of length n
  • Odd-Even sort — swap odd-even pairs when out of order, then swap even-odd pairs
  • Patience sort — build stacks with elements in order, then repeatedly extract the value of the stack with the smallest top
  • Quicksort — dual-pivot randomized quicksort as proposed by Vladimir Yaroslavskiy
  • Selection sort — uses an optimisation that finds the two smallest elements in 3n/2 - 2 comparisons
  • Shellsort — repeated Insertion sort over decreasing gaps, using the gap sequence h(n) = ⌈2.25 * h(n - 1)⌉, with h(0) = 1
  • Strand sort — looks for sequences of input that are already sorted and merges them with the sorted part of the array
  • Timsort — highly adaptive merge sort, builds runs out of data already in order and merges those
  • Tree sort — uses an AVL Tree, adds all elements and retrieves them in order


Binary search tree

  • AVL tree — height-balanced tree with worst-case O(log n) operations
  • Binary search tree — base class for all other BSTs, no balancing, implemented as ICollection<T> and IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
  • Red-black tree — height-balanced tree with worst-case O(log n) operations
  • Scapegoat tree — weight-balanced tree with O(log n) lookup, amortized O(log n) insertion and deletion
  • Splay tree — height-balanced tree with amortized O(log n) operations


  • Union Find — implements union by rank and path compression

Priority queue

  • d-ary heap — generalisation of a binary heap with d children, uses Floyd's method for constructing a heap in O(n) time, implements ICollection<T>
  • Pairing heap — heap with amortised O(log n) extraction, O(1) merge and insertion, and amortised Ω(log log n) change key, implements ICollection<T>

Probabilistic structures

  • Bloom filter — test whether an element might be in a set (with a known margin of error), or that it is definitely not in the set, without storing the actual elements
  • Skip list — an alternative to balanced BSTs, offers average case O(log n) operations, but worst case O(n)


A collection of various algorithms and datastructures made in C#






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