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Platform for social lang therapy projects


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Platform for social lang therapy projects

Git Flow

We are using simpliest github flow to organize our work:
Github flow
We have only master and feature branches.
After each sprint we are creating tag with release version using semantic versioning (X.X.X):

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Microsoft SQL Server Angular CLI


  1. Clone it from git hub with $ git clone
  2. In project TheraLeng.Web create file appsetings.json. Default appsettings.json
  3. Run TheraLang.Web project

Note! Contribution rules:

  1. All Pull Requests should start from prefix LVIIICNET-xxx and have a short and clear description what was done. Where xxx - number of the ticket. In case of subtask - LVIIICNET-xxx-yyy, where yyy - number of the subtask.
    i.e. LVIIICNET-4510 Added tests for GetOffers method.
  2. Pull request should not contain any files that is not required by task.
    In case of any violations, pull request will be rejected.