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Scripting Symbols

NLua works by interfacing with either KopiLua or KeraLua based on which preprocessor directive is defined:

USE_KOPILUA - KopiLua is a pure C# implementation of the Lua VM.

USE_KERALUA - KeraLua is an interop wrapper to the NLua fork of the original C VM (The DLL should be placed in a Plugins\ folder in your project). This option is only available to Unity Pro users, since loading native DLLs is disabled in the indie version.

If you know you are only ever going to use one option over the other, you can delete the unused folder (Assets/KopiLua/ or Assets/KeraLua/) to save a little space.

You also need to define UNITY_3D to suppress warnings about CLSC Attributes as well as LUA_CORE & CATCH_EXCEPTIONS which are required by the VM.

Your Scripting Define Symbols list should end up looking something like:


You may also notice other symbols used throughout NLua, none of these have yet been tested for compatibility.

注: 目前如果使用USE_KERALUA的童鞋 在IOS上有可能不通过。本项目用于研究,在不侵害第三方权益的条件下,可以商业使用,否则因侵害而造成的任何法律责任将由侵害人自己承担。UGUI童鞋可直接删除NGUI!使用NGUI的童鞋请删除后自行购买!

日志: 2015.11.15修复keralua加载lua文件bug

2015.11.17 更新keralua lua各个版本编译

2015.12.03 增加图文混合 UIRichText控件(未做优化)


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