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Umbraco Examine Lucene indexer and searcher with support for text match highlighting and geospacial queries


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Umbraco Look

Umbraco Examine Lucene indexer and searcher with support for text match highlighting and geospatial queries.

The NuGet Package installs a single assembly Our.Umbraco.Look.dll with dependencies on Examine 0.1.70 and Lucene.Net.Contrib


For each Umbraco node, Look will index the following data:

A text field - used to store all text associated with a node, and as the source for a text highlight.
A tags field - used to store a collection of string tags assocated with a node.
A date field - used to associate a date with a node (defaults to the node.UpdatedDate).
A name field - used to associate a name with a node (defaults to the node.Name).
A location field - used to store a latitude & longitude associated with a node (defaults to null).

No configuration files need to be changed, as Look will hook into the default Umbraco External index and searcher (if it exists), although if you prefer to use a different indexers and/or searchers then the following appSetting keys can be set in the web.config:

	<add key="Our.Umbraco.Look.IndexerName" value="MyIndexer" />
	<add key="Our.Umbraco.Look.SearcherName" value="MySearcher" />

To configure the indexing behaviour there are static methods on the LookIndexService class which accept functions returning the typed value to be indexed (all are optional).


using Our.Umbraco.Look.Services;
using Umbraco.Core;

public class ConfigureIndexing : ApplicationEventHandler
	protected override void ApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
		LookIndexService.SetNameIndexer(publishedContent => {

			if (publishedContent.DocumentTypeAlias == "myDocTypeAlias")
				return "my custom name for myDocTypeAlias to be indexed";

			// fallback to default indexing (or can return null)
			return LookIndexService.DefaultNameIndexer(publishedContent);

		LookIndexService.SetTextIndexer(publishedContent => {

			if (publishedContent.DocumentTypeAlias == "myDocTypeAlias")
				return "my text for myDocTypeAlias to be indexed";

			// fallback to default indexing (or can return null)
			return LookIndexService.DefaultTextIndexer(publishedContent);

		LookIndexService.SetTagIndexer(publishedContent => {

			if (publishedContent.DocumentTypeAlias == "myDocTypeAlias")
				return new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" };
			// fallback to default indexing (or can return null)
			return LookIndexService.DefaultTagIndexer(publishedContent);

		LookIndexService.SetDateIndexer(publishedContent => {

			if (publishedContent.DocumentTypeAlias == "myDocTypeAlias")
				return new DateTime(2005, 02, 16);

			// fallback to default indexing (or can return null)
			return LookIndexService.DefaultDateIndexer(publishedContent);

		LookIndexService.SetLocationIndexer(publishedContent => {

			if (publishedContent.DocumentTypeAlias == "myDocTypeAlias")
				// return an Our.Umbraco.Look.Models.Location obj
				return new Lcoation(55.406330, 10.388500);		

			// currently there is no default fallback
			return null;


A Look search consists of any combinations of the following (optional) query types: TextQuery, TagQuery, NodeQuery & LocationQuery (most values are also optional).


using Our.Umbraco.Look.Models;  
using Our.Umbraco.Look.Services;  

var lookQuery = new LookQuery()
	TextQuery = new TextQuery() {
		SearchText = "some text to search for",
		HighlightFragments = 2 // highlight text containing the search term twice should be returned
		HighlightSeparator = " ... ",
		GetText = true // indicate that the raw text field should also be returned

	TagQuery = new TagQuery() {
		AllTags = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" }, // both tag1 and tag2 are required
		AnyTags = new string[] { "tag3", "tag4" }, // at least one of these tags is required
		GetTags = true // indicate that the tags for each result should also be returned

	NodeQuery = new NodeQuery() {
		TypeAliases = new string[] { "myDocTypeAlias" },
		ExcludeIds = new int[] { 123 } // useful for excluding the current page

	LocationQuery = new LocationQuery() {
		Location = new Location(55.406330, 10.388500), // a location means distance results can be set
		MaxDistance = new Distance(500, DistanceUnit.Miles)  // limits the results to within this distance

	SortOn = SortOn.Distance // other sorts include: Score, Name, Date

// perform the search
var lookResults = LookSearchService.Query(lookQuery);

var totalResults = lookResults.Total; // total number of item expected in the lookResults enumerable
var results = lookResults.ToArray(); // the lookResults enumerated into an array

Search Results

A enumeration of the following LookMatch objects are returned:

public class LookMatch
	/// <summary>
	/// The Umbraco node Id of the matched item
	/// </summary>
	public int Id { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Highlight text (containing search text) extracted from from the full text
	/// </summary>
	public IHtmlString Highlight { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The full text (only returned if specified)
	/// </summary>
	public string Text { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// Tag collection (only returned if specified)
	/// </summary>
	public string[] Tags { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom date field
	/// </summary>
	public DateTime? Date { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom name field
	/// </summary>
	public string Name { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The custom location (lat|lng) field
	/// </summary>
	public Location Location { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The calculated distance (only returned if a location supplied in query)
	/// </summary>
	public double? Distance { get; internal set; }

	/// <summary>
	/// The Lucene score for this match
	/// </summary>
	public float Score { get; internal set; }


Umbraco Examine Lucene indexer and searcher with support for text match highlighting and geospacial queries







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