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  1. Dorm
  2. Recursive List
  3. Mined Out
  4. Console User Interface - CUI



Create array with information about dormitory: room number, floor number, Students in room, surname of students. In one room can be 5 student maximum.

  1. Read surname or name of student and write all rooms with students with this surname.
  2. Write list of all rooms with free beds, sorted in descending order.
  3. For every floor write number of free rooms and occupancy percent.


I create Class Dormitory and Room. In Dormitory I create array of rooms and write there RoomNumber, FloorNumber, StudentsCount and array of Students names and surnames. In Room I get all this numbers, create constructor and method print.

Dorm parameters and methods with description

Access level Return value Name Description
private const int TOTAL_ROOMS Constant value of total rooms in one dormitory. For this data it is equals 9.
private const int TOTAL_FLOORS Constant value of total floors in this dormitory. Equals 3.
private Room[] rooms Array of total Rooms in one dormitory. Length equals TOTAL_ROOMS
public void printAllRooms() Print whole information about rooms in array rooms.
public void printFreeRooms () Print number of rooms and free beds there in increasing order.
public void findStudent (String name) Finds student in all rooms. If there are two student with same surname, print both.
public void GetRoomOccupancy () Print room occupancy on floor int percent
public void addStudent () Add student to the most free rooms
private Room[] getSortedRooms (Room[] r) Sorts r by number of free rooms there and returns a copy of room array. Realized with bubble sort.

Here simple Tree of classes:

  1. Dormitory

    • Parameters
      • private const int TOTAL_ROOMS = 9;
      • private const int TOTAL_FLOORS = 3;
      • Room[] rooms = new Room [TOTAL_ROOMS];
    • Methods
      • public void printAllRooms();
      • public void printFreeRooms ();
      • public void findStudent (String name);
      • public void GetRoomOccupancy ();
      • public void addStudent ();
      • private Room[] getSortedRooms (Room[] r);
  2. Room

    • Parameters
      • private int roomNum;
      • private int floorNum;
      • private int studentCount;
      • private String[] students;
      • public const int MAX_STUDENTS_IN_ROOM = 5;
    • Methods
      • public Room (Room r);
      • public Room (int roomNum, int floorNum, int studentCount, String[] students);
      • public bool isThereStudent (String name);
      • public void addStudent (String name);
      • public void print ();



Create class, that realized one-way linked recursive list. Example:

class RList{
   private int info;
   private RList next;

   public RList(int i, RList n) {
       info = i;
       next = n;

Class should realize all methods below.

  1. Constructor with one parameter: value.
  2. Constructor with two parameters: value, next element.
  3. Method, that adds new element to start of list.
  4. Method, that adds new element before another one.
  5. Method, that deletes element(first one from many).
  6. Method, that deletes all even elements.
  7. Non-recursive Method, that print all odd elements.
  8. Method, that print average of numbers under zero.
  9. Get and Set methods for elements in list.


I created two classes Node and RList. Node is a simple class, that contains value and link to next element. RList is more complicated class, that do almost everything. Also I created ElementNotFoundException, that throws, when you try to access node in list, which doesn't exist, usually in Get and Set methods.

Here simple Tree of classes:

  1. Node
    • Parameters
      • public int value;
      • public Node next;
    • Methods
      • public Node ();
      • public Node (Node n);
      • public Node (int v);
      • public Node (int v, Node n);
  2. RList
    • Parameters
      • private Node root;
      • private bool isNodeDefined = false;
    • Methods
      • // General methods
      • public RList ();
      • public void print ();
      • public void signedAverage ();
      • public void printOdd ();
      • public void get (int[] num);
      • public void set (int[] args);
      • private int get (Node n, int count, int num);
      • private void set (Node n, int count, int num, int value);
      • private float signedAverage (Node n, int sum, int count);
      • private void printRecursion (Node n);
      • public void swap(int a, int b);
      • private int get(int n);
      • private void set(int index, int value);
      • public void sort();
      • // Add elements
      • public void create (int[] ValuePack);
      • public void toEnd (int[] ValuePack);
      • public void toStart (int[] ValuePack);
      • public void addBefore (int[] args);
      • private void addBefore (Node n, int before, int value);
      • private void plusList (Node n, Node list);
      • private void toEndRecursion (Node n,int[] ValuePack);
      • private void addRecursion (Node n, int[] ValuePack, int index);
      • // Delete elements
      • public void clear ();
      • public void deleteOne(int value);
      • public void deleteAll(int value);
      • public void deleteEven();
      • private void deleteEven(Node n);
      • private void deleteElement(Node n,int value, bool isOne);


Install JSON library.

To continue using this game you need to install JSON library. To do so follow instruction bellow.

"Project" -> "Manage NuGet packages" -> "Search for "newtonsoft json"  -> click "install"

alt text

Project tree


Class simply pick up bool and call appropriate constructor: ConsoleUI, GraphicalUI.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private Map map New Map exemplar from CustomMaps
private ConsoleUI cui New ConsoleUI from CustomMaps
public GamePlay(bool isConsole) Constructor


Cell or Field of every dot on the map, Mainly contains symbol to draw and it key equivalent.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private char symbol Symbol that contains in this cell
private int key Key of that symbol
public Cell(int k) Constructor for key
public Cell(char s) Constructor for symbol
public Cell(Field f) Get Symbol as Field enum above
public char getSymbol() Return this.symbol
public int getKey() Return this.key
public bool isThisPlayer() Return true if this cell contain player
public char GetPrintAbleSymbol() Return symbol for printing. For example if it is bomb, this method return " "
public void print() Print this cell
private char getSymbol(int key) Convert key to symbol
private int getKey(char ch) Convert symbol to key"


Contains everything map does. Array of cell and method to rule it.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private Player player
private Cell[,] map
private int lengthX, lengthY Width and height of the map
public bool getPlayersAlive() Return true if player alive
private void movePlayer(int whereTo) Moves player to direction, that depends on pressed key
public void movePlayerLeft()
public void movePlayerRight()
public void movePlayerUp()
public void movePlayerDown()
private void MapInit(String[] MapStart) Initialization of Map from String
public Map(String[] map) Calls MapInit and then fill it randomly with elements
private void fillRandom() Fill whole map in random position with bombs, money and lives
public enum GameEnd { Continue, Dead, Finish }
public int isGameFinish() Return true if GameOver
public int GetLengthX()
public int GetLengthY()
public Cell GetCell(int line, int row) Return map[line, row]
public Player GetPlayer() Return player
public char getSymbolFor(int i,int j) Return symbol for y,x
public class DataPack Class with public parameters: _id, lifes, money, saveMap, for saving it to JSON
private const String SAVE_FILE File where we save and load our game: "saves.json"
public void save() Save game
public void load() Load game


Player, his coord, money, lifes, and methods to rule it.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private int lifes Countof lifes. From start =3
private int bombsAround Getting bombs counting around player. Max - 4, Min 0.
private int money
private Coordinates privCord Saving previous coordinates
private int x, y Position of player "
public enum Move { Right, Left, Up, Down }
public int getX() Return x
public int getY() Return y
public Player(int x_, int y_) Constructor
public Player() Create Player with coord(0,0)
public int getLifes() Return lifes count
public int giveMeYourMoney() Return money
public void setLifes(int l) return lifes = l
public void setMoney(int m) Put new copybook: money = m
public void movePlayer(ref Cell[,] map,int whereTo) Move player to another place. Thinking about servers.
private const int ZERO_CODE = 48 Zero in ASCII
public char getBombsAroundPlayer(Cell[,] map) get bombs around house
private bool isInBound(int nX, int nY, Cell[,] map) Return true if this coordinates is in bound of map


Drawing map and running game in the loop, while it is not over.

Modifier and Type Name Description
long TimeStart Time in seconds, when you start game
private Map map Exemplar of Map class
public ConsoleUI(String[] mapStart) Constructor, that create map from String
public void Run() Simple GamePlay method that run in console, until game is over
private void drawMap() Drawing map in console


Same, as Console as

Modifier and Type Name Description
long TimeStart Time in seconds, when you start game
public long getTimeStart() Return TimeStart
private Map map New map
public GraphicalUI() Constructor
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) Obtain click on key and call apropriate method. Check for game ending.
public static class Prompt Class that creates dialog message for showing message, that saves your name.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) Drawing map on screen.
private void createBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) Left mouse click on CreateBtn
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) Left click on save button
private void loadBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) Click on load button
private void ratingBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) Click on rating button
private void GraphicalUI_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) Calls, when window is loading


Class to save coordinates and get vX and vY to needed side.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private int x, y Coordinates of point
public Coordinates() Create point with coordinates (0,0)
public int getX() Return x
public int getY() Return y
public static Coordinates getCoordinatesTo(int whereTo) Return Coordinates of vX and vY of direction from whereTo


Class for saving and loading rating from file.

Modifier and Type Name Description
private const String SAVE_FILE File where we are going to save file: "rating.txt"
public void save(String u,int s) Save rating to file
public String[][] load() Load rating
public void print() Load and print to Console rating

Console User Interface - CUI

In this CUI exists simple constructor to build every program:

%ProgramName%  --%command% %arguments%

You can anytime get help. If you want to know what ProgramName exits there just print help, if you want to get help for special program, just print %ProgramName% --help. Also you can save a bunch of commands in file, just use program file. For first lab use dorm and for second list.

General help

file  - create, run or delete files with cmds, to get more info print: file --help
list  - operated with recurion list, to get more info print: list --help
dorm  - operated with dormitory, to get more info print: dorm --help
game  - run MinedOut game, to get more info print: game --help
#     - comment, put space after it
echo  - print everything that contains after this coommand
clear - clear console
help  - get this help
exit  - exit from console

File help

-c    --create    create new file enter name of the file plus .txt as parametr
      --delete    delete file with this name
"-r   --run       run this file or you can just simply type name of this file without .txt
-h    --help      get help

List help

-c    --create         create new list, add items as parametrs after
-e    --toEnd          add new items to the end
-s    --toStart        add new items to the start
-l    --length         print length of list, and set new length send as parametr
      --swap           swap to elements, args is two indexes of elements
      --sort           sorting elements in list
      --clear          delete all elements
-p    --print          print all elements
-b    --addBefore      add one element before another
      --deleteOne      delete first element in list with this value
      --deleteAll      delete all elements in list with this value
      --deleteEvent    delete even elemens in list
      --signedAverage  print average of all elements under zerro
      --printOdd       print all odd elements
      --get            get and print elements
-h    --help           get help

Dorm help

-f    --find       print room number, where lives this student
      --free       print all free rooms
-o    --occupancy  print occupancy of all rooms in percent
-p    --print      print all rooms
-h    --help       get help

Game help

-n    --new       create and load new game
-r    --rating    print rating
-g    --graphic   run windows form application with graphi UI
-h    --help      get help

author @dmitryblackwell


OOP Concepts of different tasks, such as Dormitory and RecursiveList, on C#.






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