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Simple assembler and emulator

A implementation of the assembler and emulator for the simple processor design presented in the Gary explains videos on YouTube.

Specific videos:

Gary's original source is available on Github, this is in the python file at the top level. My project is written in C# and ever so slightly larger.

This page contains a descriptions of the Instruction Set Architecture and the tooling that the suite provides to assemble and execute that ISA. Specific pages exist that outline the implementation of the tools in the suite

Assembly language

Assembly language is written one instruction per line. Lines starting with the comment character # are ignored. Any lines with trailing comments :

    LD R1, 65535 # set all bits to 1

will have the training comment removed before parsing.

Instructions are parsed in a case insensitive manner. The following two lines are the same

LD R1, 0xFE03
ld r1, 0xfe03

Numeric constants can be decimal, hexadecimal, or octal.

Base Example Description
16 0x3421 Prefixed with 0x and containing the digits 0 -f (case insensitive)
10 32768 Decimal numbers have no prefix, first digit cannot be 0, digits are 0 - 9
8 03422 Octal numbers are prefixed with a 0, digits are 0 - 7


There are eight general purpose registers r0 ... r7, available to user code. Register r8 is the program counter and r9 the stack pointer, neither of which can be accessed by user code. So there.

Instruction set

Instruction definitions. All instructions are 32 bits long, unused bytes set to 0. Registers are 16 bit.

Load and store instructions

Instruction Opcode Register Data H Data L Description
LD R1, 0xDEBA 0x00 0..7 0xDE 0xBA Load register with constant value
LD R1, R2 0x01 0..7 0x00 0..7 Load register from another register
LD R1, (0xBEAD) 0x02 0..7 0xBE 0xAD 2 Load register direct from a memory address
ST R1, (0xDEBA) 0x10 0..7 0xDE 0xBA 2store register direct to address
STL R1, (0xDEBA) 0x11 0..7 0xDE 0xBA 2store low byte of register direct to address
STH R1, (0xDEBA) 0x12 0..7 0xDE 0xBA 2store high byte of register direct to address
ST R1, (R2) 0x13 0..7 0x00 0..7 2store register to indirect address held in second register
STL R1, (R2) 0x14 0..7 0x00 0..7 2store low byte of register to indirect address held in second register
STH R1, (R2) 0x15 0..7 0x00 0..7 s2tore high byte of register to indirect address held in second register

Compare and branch instructions

Instruction Opcode Register Data H Data L Description
CMP R1, R2 0x20 0..7 0x00 0..7 Compare R1 with R2
CMP R1, 0xDEBA 0x21 0..7 0xDE 0xBA compare register with constant value
BEQ 0xDEBA 0x30 0x00 0xDE 0xBA Branch if last comp was equal, to address (or label)
BGT .LOOP 0x31 0x00 0xDE 0xBA Branch if last comp was greater than, to address (or label)
BLT 0xDEBA 0x32 0x00 0xDE 0xBA Branch if last comp was less than, to address (or label)
BRA LABEL 0x33 0x00 0xDE 0xBA Branch always to address (or label)


Instruction Opcode Register Data H Data L Description
ADD R1, 0xabcd 0x40 0..7 0xAB 0xCD add constant value to register
SUB R1, 0xabcd 0x41 0..7 0xAB 0xCD subtract constant value from register
ADD R1, R2 0x42 0..7 0x00 0..7 add register 2 to register 1 (result in r1)
SUB R1, R2 0x43 0..7 0x00 0..7 subtract register 2 from register 1 (result in r1)
MUL R1, 0xabcd 0x44 0..7 0xAB 0xCD 1 multiply constant value with register
DIV R1, 0xabcd 0x45 0..7 0xAB 0xCD 1 divide register by constant value
MUL R1, R2 0x46 0..7 0x00 0..7 1 multiply register 1 with register 2 (result in r1)
DIV R1, R2 0x47 0..7 0x00 0..7 1 divide register 1 by register 2 (result in r1)

Stack-oriented instructions

Instruction Opcode Register Data H Data L Description
PUSH R2 0x50 0..7 0x00 0x00 1 Push register onto the stack
POP R2 0x51 0..7 0x00 0x00 1 pop register from the stack
CALL 0x3498 0x52 0x00 0x34 0x98 1 calls a subroutine, storing the return address on the stack
RET 0x53 0x00 0x00 0x00 1 pop the return address of a subroutine from the stack and jump there
SWI 0x0003 0x54 0x00 0x00 0x03 1 invokes a software interrupt (see section below) execution continues with the next instruction after this when the interrupt exits.

Miscellaneous instructions

Instruction Opcode Register Data H Data L Description
HALT 0xFE 0x00 0x00 0x00 Stops the processor from executing
NOOP 0xFF 0x00 0x00 0xoo Does nothing, with no side effects

Assembler pseudo-instructions

Instruction Description
.label Defines a label that holds the current address. placed on a line by itself
defs 0x20 1reserves 0x20 bytes of storage at the current address
defm "hello world\n\0" 1Defines a message. This is a MASCII string that can contain any valid MASCII characters, plus \0 (0 byte terminator) \n (start new line) \t (tab)

Software interrupts

Software interrupts allow the program to invoke methods in the pseudo-kernel or ROM (What ever takes your fancy). These software interrupts allow the user to read and write strings and integers etc. the following software interrupts are defined, and the associated symbols are pre-defined in the assembler symbol table.

Interrupt name interrupt number DEscription
sys-write-string 1Write the MASCII string whose address is contained in R0 to the console
sys-write-word 1Write the 32 bit word whose value is contained in R0 to the console
sys-read-string 1Read a string from the console and store it at the address in R0 with a max length stored in R1. The max length includes a zero terminator that is always added
sys-read-word 1read an integer value from the console and return it in R0

Example: sys-write-string

    ld r0, hello-world      # load r0 with the address of the string
    swi sys-write-string    # invoke the software interrupt
    halt                    # hal the processor we are done

    defm "\nHello world!\n\n\0"

this will produce the following output

Hello world!


Instructions for use (Windows or Linux)

  • Make sure you have the DotNet Core 5 SDK installed.
  • Clone the git repository

cd into the folder repo\DesignYourOwnCpu (where repo is the folder you cloned the source into)

To assemble the hello-world.asm file on windows:

dotnet run -p .\Assembler\Assembler.csproj --input .\Asm\hello-world.asm

and on Linux, use:

dotnet run -p ./Assembler/Assembler.csproj --input ./Asm/hello-world.asm


Source file: .\Asm\hello-world.asm
Output file: .\Asm\hello-world.bin
Symbol file: .\Asm\hello-world.sym

0x0000  00 00 00 0C  # ld  r0, 0x000C
0x0004  54 00 00 01  # swi 0x0001 => sys-write-string
0x0008  FE 00 00 00  # halt
0x000C  .. .. .. ..  # defm "\nHello world!\n\n\0" (20 chars


0x000C hello-world
0x0003 sys-read-string
0x0004 sys-read-word
0x0001 sys-write-string
0x0002 sys-write-word

The assembler will assemble the code in hello-world.asm and will produce two files: hello-world.bin and hello-world.sym. The assembler also shows the opcodes associated with the assembly code and a dump of the symbol table including built in symbols like sys-write-string.

To execute the assembled code use the emulator via dotnet run. In windows use

dotnet run -p .\Emulator\Emulator.csproj --input .\Asm\hello-world.bin

and on Linux, it's

dotnet run -p ./Emulator/Emulator.csproj --input ./Asm/hello-world.bin

This produces the following output

Hello world!


PC: 0X000C: SP: 0XFFFF:
R0: 0X000C: R1: 0X0000: R2: 0X0000: R3: 0X0000: R4: 0X0000: R5: 0X0000: R6: 0X0000: R7: 0X0000:

0000 00 00 00 0C 54 00 00 01 FE 00 00 00 0A 48 65 6C ....T...■....Hel
0010 6C 6F 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 0A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 lo world!.......
0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

The output consists of the text output from the emulation and then a dump of the final state of the registers and low memory addresses.

Example apps

The following example applications available

Name Description
hello-world.asm The most basic and necessary program in existence. Prints Hello World! to the console.
sum-two-ints-register-based.asm Prompts the user to enter two numbers and writes the sum of the two numbers to the console.

Gratuitous screenshots

Here is the assembler and emulator running on windows

Assembler on Windows

and here they are gamboling on Linux

Assembler on Linux

1 A new instruction not in the original Gary explains Instruction Set Architecture

2 Altered instruction syntax for addressing which replaces the $constant format with the form (constant), which is closer to real world syntax used in assemblers. The original syntax of $constant made the parser easier to implement. At the cost of a more complex assembler implementation, the bracketed format is easier to understand, particularly for those of use who are dyslexic.


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