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Rapido dynamic library for mvc

The Rapido dynamic library for mvc is a library that uses many of the dynamic features introduced in c# 3 and 4
To build a lightweight and flexible web development framework.These include the dynamic type, ExpandoObject type anonymous objects and RouteValueDictionaries. 

The library uses naming conventions and c# dynamic types to reduce amount of code and application layers and allow code to be
easily modified. It tries to build in constructs that allow the programmer to write much less code to accomplish tasks
such as data access with very few lines of code.

It is designed for removing most logic, including databinding and validation out of the mvc controller and view layers and into the model layer.

This library was inspired by the work done by Rob Connery's Tekpub series Real world mvc

This document serves as a resource for using the Rapido dynamic API 
Since the API is based on dynamic types, there is no intellisense support
Instead consistant naming conventions along with this guide can be used to effectively use the API

The surface area of the API is very limited so once the naming conventions
become familiar, lack of intellisense support should not be an issue.

-Major components of the Rapido library are:

-Section 1 - Routes

-Section 2 - DynamicWebViewPage 

-Section 3 - DynamicController 

-Section 4 - SessionController

-Section 5 - DynamicEntity

-Section 6 - EntityQuery

-Section 7 - Validation and Validation Errors 

-Section 8 - Database Migrations

-Section 9 - Utilities

any component can be used independantly and all components work with any standard or mvc component

You can still use all traditional parts of mvc along side this library.

Section 1

Note:The routing assumes the convention of one route with a unique route name per controller action (note: actions that respond to multiple http verbs can share the same route
or have independent routes based on the http verb)

		Routes class example
		public class Routes
       			 	private static HttpMethodConstraint get = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET");
        			private static HttpMethodConstraint post = new HttpMethodConstraint("PUT");
        			private static HttpMethodConstraint put = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST");
        			private static HttpMethodConstraint delete = new HttpMethodConstraint("DELETE");

        			private static UrlParameter opt { get { return UrlParameter.Optional; } }

			//This method is called from global.asax
			public static void Map(dynamic routeFor)

				routeFor.home_index(""); //route name = "home_index", get,post==> \
				routeFor.home_about("about"); //route name = "home_about", get,post ==> \about
				routeFor.account_create("account\create"); //route name = "account_create", get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = 1}); //get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = "one"}); //get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = opt}); //get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}\{name}",new{id= 1, name = "one"}); //get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}\{name}",new{id= 1, name = opt}); //get,post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.get_home_about("about"); //get ==> \about

				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create"); //post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = 1}); //post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = "one"}); //post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = opt}); //post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create\{id}\{name}",new{id= 1, name = "one"}); //post ==> \account\create
				routeFor.post_account_create("account\create\{id}\{name}",new{id= 1, name = opt}); //post ==> \account\create
				//Additions for Future API
				//routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = 1},new { customconstraint = new CustomConstraint() }); //==> \account\create				 
				//routeFor.account_create("account\create",null,new { customconstraint = new CustomConstraint() }); //==> \account\create
				//routeFor.account_create("account\create\{id}",new{id = 1},new { httpMethod = post, customconstraint = new CustomConstraint() }); //==> \account\create		 
				//routeFor.account_create("account\create",null,new {httpMethod = post, customconstraint = new CustomConstraint() }); //==> \account\create
  				RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("Error_NotFound", "notfound", new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound" });
            			RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("Error_NotFound_CatchAll", "{*url}", new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound" });
		//by convention the method called on the dynamic routeFor parameter passed to the Map() method has one of two forms:
		//1- a two part method with acontroller_action that specifies the route name that the route maps to
		//2- a three part method with httpverb_acontroller_action that specifies  the route name that the route maps to
		//The general API is listed below:
		routeFor.controller_action("url route maps to");
		routeFor.controller_action("url route maps to", params);
		routeFor.httpverb_controller_action("url route maps to");
		routeFor.httpverb_controller_action("url route maps to", params);
		//Additions for Future API
		//routeFor.controller_action("url route maps to", params, httpconstraints);	
		//routeFor.controller_action("url route maps to", null, httpconstraints);


    public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication

        protected void Application_Start()

            Routes.Map(new DynamicRouteMap(RouteTable.Routes));

            ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());

        protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)


        protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LoggingServiceProxy client = new LoggingServiceProxy();

            client.LogRequestAsync(baseEx.Message, baseEx.StackTrace);

        protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Exception lastEx = Server.GetLastError();

            Exception baseEx = lastEx.GetBaseException();

            SqlException sqlEx = baseEx as SqlException;

            //LoggingServiceProxy client = new LoggingServiceProxy();

            if (sqlEx != null)
                //client.LogDatabaseErrorAsync(sqlEx.ErrorCode, sqlEx.Number,sqlEx.State,sqlEx.Message,sqlEx.StackTrace);


Section 2

	DynamicWebViewPage<T> class
	The replacement view class that specifies dynamic properties that can be used by Razor 
	public abstract class DynamicWebViewPage<T> : WebViewPage

		Instructions for registering this DynamicWebViewPage class with razor:
		Inside the <system.web.webPages.razor> tag in the views\Web.config file
		Change the value of the pageBaseType attribute of the <pages> tag 
		from System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage
		to <yourmvcprojectname>.Application.Infrastructure.Mvc.DynamicWebViewPage
			<pages pageBaseType="Rapido.Application.Infrastructure.Mvc.DynamicWebViewPage">
		//By convention the api methods use the route name comprised of controllername underscore actionname. 
		//relative Url path
			public dynamic UrlFor { get; set; }
		//link with relative Url path
			public dynamic LinkTo { get; set; }
		//absolute Url path
			public dynamic HttpUrlFor { get; set; }
		//link with absolute Url path
			public dynamic HttpLinkTo { get; set; }
		//absolute secure Url path
			public dynamic HttpsUrlFor { get; set; }
		//link with absolute secure Url path
			public dynamic HttpsLinkTo { get; set; }
		//form post to relative Url path
			public dynamic FormPostTo { get; set; }
		//form with get action to relative Url path
			public dynamic FormGetTo { get; set; }
		//form post to absolute Url path
			public dynamic HttpFormPostTo { get; set; }
		//form with get action to absolute Url path
			public dynamic HttpFormGetTo { get; set; }
		//form post to absolute secure Url path
			public dynamic HttpsFormPostTo { get; set; }
		//form with get action to absolute secure Url path
			public dynamic HttpsFormGetTo { get; set; }
		//Text input for form key value
			public dynamic TextBoxFor { get; set; }
		//Text Area input for form key value
			public dynamic TextAreaFor { get; set; }
		//Password input for form key value
			public dynamic PasswordBoxFor { get; set; }
		//Checkbox input for form key value
			public dynamic CheckBoxFor { get; set; }
		//submit input for form key value
			public dynamic SubmitButtonFor { get; set; }
		//check authentication in view
			public bool IsAuthenticated { get; set; }
		//content tag helper
			public Content Content { get; set; }
		//copyright message helper
			public MvcHtmlString Copyright{ get;  }
	API usage for each property of DynamicWebViewPage<T>
	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.UrlFor Razor API
	-generates relative url paths

	//url with default parameter name "id"	
	//url with default parameter name "id"
	//url with explicit parameter name "id"	
	@UrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1})
	@UrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"})
	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpUrlFor Razor API
	-generates absolute url paths

	@HttpUrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1})
	@HttpUrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"})

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpsUrlFor Razor API
	-generates absolute secure url paths

	@HttpsUrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1})
	@HttpsUrlFor.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"})

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.LinkTo Razor API
	-generates anchor tags with relative url path

	//a link
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me")
	//a link with html attributes as named parameters (note the underscore for the special case of css class property)
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", "one")
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", "one", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", 1)
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", 1, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1})
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"})
	@LinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpLinkTo Razor API
	-generates anchor tags with absolute url path

	//a link
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me")
	//a link with html attributes as named parameters 
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", "one")
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", "one", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", 1)
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", 1, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1})
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"})
	@HttpLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpsLinkTo Razor API
	-generates anchor tags with absolute url path

	//a link
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me")
	//a link with html attributes as named parameters 
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", "one")
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", "one", _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", 1)
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", 1, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1})
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"})
	@HttpsLinkTo.home_index("click me", new {id = 1,num="one"}, _class: "cssClass", id: "cssId")

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.FormPostTo  Razor API
	-generates a html form with post action to a relative url

	@using(FormPostTo.account_create){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create()){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(1)){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create("one")){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(1,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create("one",new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	//FormPostTo with html attributes but no parameters uses null as the first argument
	@using(FormPostTo.account_create(null,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpFormPostTo  Razor API
	-generates a html form with post action to a absolute url


	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create()){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(1)){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create("one")){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(1,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create("one",new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(null,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpsFormPostTo  Razor API
	-generates a html form with post action to a absolute secure url

	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create()){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(1)){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create("one")){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(1,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create("one",new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = 1},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(new {id = "one"},new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"}) ){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}
	@using(HttpFormPostTo.account_create(null,new {@class = "cssClass", id: "cssId"})){ @Html.AntiForgeryToken() @SubmitButtonFor.account_create("Submit")}

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.FormGetTo  Razor API

	-same as DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.FormPostTo

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpFormGetTo  Razor API

	-same as DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpFormPostTo

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpsFormGetTo  Razor API

	-same as DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.HttpsFormPostTo

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.SubmitButtonFor   Razor API

	Example demonstrating complete API:

		//generate <input name="account_create" value="account_create" type="text" />
		@SubmitButton.account_create(new {@class = "cssClass"})
		@SubmitButton.account_create("Go",new {@class = "cssClass"})
	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.TextBoxFor   Razor API
	TextBoxFor property name maps to parameter of same name for the action that the form posts to

	Example demonstrating complete API:

		@TextBoxFor.username(new {@class = "cssClass"})
		@TextBoxFor.username("areg",new {@class = "cssClass"})

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.TextAreaFor   Razor API

	TextAreaFor property name maps to parameter of same name for the action that the form posts to

	Example demonstrating complete API:

		@TextAreaFor.usernames("areg, steve")
		@TextAreaFor.usernames(new { rows = 10, cols = 50 })
		@TextAreaFor.usernames("areg,steve", new { rows = 10, cols = 50 })

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.PasswordBoxFor   Razor API
	PasswordBoxFor property name maps to parameter of same name for the action that the form posts to

	Example demonstrating complete API:

		@PasswordBoxFor.password(new {@class = "cssClass"})
		@PasswordBoxFor.password("password",new {@class = "cssClass"})

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.CheckboxFor   Razor API
	CheckboxFor property name maps to parameter of same name for the action that the form posts to

	Example demonstrating complete API:

		@CheckboxFor.persist(new {id = "cssId"})
		@CheckboxFor.persist(true,new {id = "cssId"})

	DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>.Content Razor API

	in dev mode emits
	==> <script src="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Javascripts/appscript.js?timestamp" type="text/javascript"></script>
	combined mode emits empty HtmlString
	in dev mode emits
	==><link href="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Stylesheets/appstyle.css?timestamp" rel="stylesheet" type=""text/css" />
	in combined mode emits empty HtmlString
	in dev mode emits empty HtmlString
	in combined mode emits 
	==><script src="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Javascripts/application_combinedfilehash.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	in dev mode emits empty HtmlString
	in combined mode emits 
	==><link href="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Stylesheets/application_combinedfilehash.css" rel="stylesheet" type=""text/css" />
	//this is where View specific javascript goes
	in dev  mode emits
	==><script src="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Javascripts/home_index.js?timestamp" type="text/javascript"></script>
	in combined mode emits 
	==><script src="http://baseappurl/Application/Content/Javascripts/home_index_filehash.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Section 3


	public class DynamicController : Controller
		//redirection using route name
        public dynamic RedirectTo { get; set; }
        public dynamic HttpRedirectTo { get; set; }
        public dynamic HttpsRedirectTo { get; set; }

		//These are good for absolute url generation, for passing to mailers, in an action method
        public dynamic HttpUrlFor { get; set; }
        public dynamic HttpsUrlFor { get; set; }

		//This is good to replace use of primitive types as action method form post parameters 
		//when the number of parameters is large
		public dynamic ToDynamic(FormCollection coll)

	You can derive your controller classes from DynamicController as shown below:
	public class YourController : DynamicController{...}

	Upon initialization, DynamicController creates the following ViewBag property assigning an empty error message container:

	ViewBag.Errors = new ValidationErrors();

	The API for the HttpUrlFor and HttpsUrlFor  properties of  DynamicController is the same as 
	the API for those same properties on DynamicWebViewPage<dynamic>
	An example controller showing the method signatures of the DynamicController properties
	The Index action shows the Url generation API and the About action shows the redirection API
		public class HomeController : DynamicController
			public ActionResult Index()
				//Url generation within controller action
				string confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm;
				//The complete API
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm;
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm();
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm("one"));
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm(1));
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm(new {id = 1}));
				//confirmlink = HttpUrlFor.account_confirm(new {id = 1,num="one"}));
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm;
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm());
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm("one"));
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm(1));
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm(new {id = 1}));
				//confirmlink = HttpsUrlFor.account_confirm(new {id = 1,num="one"}));
				Mailer.Send_Confirmation(confirmlink: confirmlink);
				return View();
			public ActionResult About()
					//Redirection API
					return RedirectTo.home_index;
					//The complete API
					//return RedirectTo.home_index;
					//return RedirectTo.home_index("one");
					//return RedirectTo.home_index(1);
					//return RedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1});
					//return RedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"});	
					//return HttpRedirectTo.home_index;
					//return HttpRedirectTo.home_index("one");
					//return HttpRedirectTo.home_index(1);
					//return HttpRedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1});
					//return HttpRedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"});
					//return HttpsRedirectTo.home_index;
					//return HttpsRedirectTo.home_index("one");
					//return HttpsRedirectTo.home_index(1);
					//return HttpsRedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1});
					//return HttpsRedirectTo.home_index(new {id = 1,num="one"});
	A second example controller showing the use of the ToDynamic() method
	The first Create() action uses simple action parameter binding
	The second one uses the FormCollection in conjunction with ToDynamic()  

	//also available a an extension method on FormCollection
	public dynamic ToDynamic(FormCollection coll)
	public class AccountController : DynamicController
		public ActionResult Create(string name, string email)
			//uses simple data type binding to action method
			new User.Register(name,email);
			return RedirectTo.home_index;
		public ActionResult Create(FormCollection form)
			//uses the ToDynamic() method to bind the form collection
			dynamic user = ToDynamic(form);
			//alternate method using extension method on FormCollection
			//user = form.ToDynamic();
			//the name key in FormCollection is mapped to string property on the dynamic and the value for that key is set to the property
			new User.Register(,

			return RedirectTo.home_index;

Section 4


Sessioncontrolleradds some authentication, identity and cookie helpers:

    public class SessionController : DynamicController
        public dynamic CurrentUser { get; set; }
        public string CurrentUserId { get; set; }
        public bool IsAuthenticated { get; set; }

		protected ActionResult RedirectToRouteOrReturnUrl(string routename, string returnUrl)   
        protected ActionResult RedirectToRouteOrReturnUrl(string routename,object pars, string returnUrl) 
        public void SetAuthCookie(string key, bool keepsignedin = false)      
        public void RemoveAuthCookie()      
        public bool HasRequestCookie(string cookieName)      
        protected HttpCookie GetRequestCookie(string cookieName)
        protected string GetRequestCookieValue(string cookieName) 
        protected void SetResponseCookie(string name, string value)     
        protected void SetResponseCookie(HttpCookie cookie)     
        protected void RemoveBrowserCookie(string cookieName)      
        protected HttpCookie CreateNewCookie(string name, string value)
    Upon initialization,  SessionController  creates the following ViewBag properties:
    Special comsiderations when deriving from  SessionController instead of directly from DynamicController
    Note: feel free to remove or modify this logic to suit your needs.
	Sessioncontroller  assumes there exists a public class named User with the followimg public method:
	public class User
		public dynamic Get(string userId)
	It also assumes that the Get() method of the User class returns a dynamic object with a property named: first_name
	The  SessionControllers internal call uses the result of the Get() method as  shown below:
	CurrentUser = new User().Get(CurrentUserId);
	ViewBag.CurrentUserName = CurrentUser.first_name;
Section 5


	DynamicEntity class
	public class DynamicEntity
        public static string GenerateGuidString() { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();  }
        public string SqlScript { get; private set; }

		//EntityQuery object exposed through the current DynamicEntity
		//Note: This objects API will be presented below for a wide range of dynamic queries
		public EntityQuery Query{ get;}

		//Query inspection API
		//parametrized generated sql script - example: select email from dbo.Users where name=@0  
		string SqlScript;
		//list of parameters - note: the sequence of values match the sequence of @0 to @n parametrized parameters in the generated script
		List<object> SqlScriptParams;

		//script only for logging purposes. - : select email from dbo.Users where name="areg"   
		string SqlScriptMergedWithParams;

		//DynamicEntity object query by primary key API
		public dynamic Single(int key, string columns = "*")
		public List<dynamic> Multiple(params int[] keys)
        public List<dynamic> Multiple(string columns, params int[] keys)

		//insert api
		//example: Insert(new{age=40,name="areg"});
		public int Insert(object inputs)


		//update api

		public int UpdateProperties(object propertyNameValues, int id)
		public int UpdateProperties(object updateProperties, object filterProperties)
        public int UpdatePropertiesMultiple(object updateProperties, params int[] keys)
		public int UpdatePropertiesWhere(object updateProperties, string where, params object[] filterProperties)

		//delete api
		public int Delete(object filterProperties)
		public int Delete(int id)
		public int DeleteMultiple(params int[] keys)
		public int DeleteWhere(string where, params object[] filterProperties)

		//increment/decrement column value API
      	public int IncrementBy(string columnName, int id, int incrementAmount)
		public int Increment(string columnName, object filterProperties)
        public int Decrement(string columnName, object filterProperties)
        public int IncrementBy(string columnName, object filterProperties, int incrementAmount)
        public int Increment(string columnName, int id)
        public int Decrement(string columnName, int id)
        public int Increment(string columnName, string where, params object[] filterProperties)
        public int Decrement(string columnName, string where, params object[] filterProperties)

        public int IncrementByWhere(string columnName, int incrementAmount, string where, params object[] filterProperties)

		//count Query API
		public int Count()

        public long CountLong()
        public int Count(object filterProperties)      

        public int CountWhere(string where, params object[] filterProperties)
		//aggregate Max/Min/Sum API
		public int MaxId()
        public int Max(string column)
        public int Max(string column, object filterProperties)
        public int MaxWhere(string column, string where, params object[] filterProperties)
        public int MinId()
        public int Min(string column)
        public int Min(string column, object filterProperties)
        public int MinWhere(string column, string where, params object[] filterProperties)
        public int Sum(string column)
        public int Sum(string column, object filterProperties)
        public int SumWhere(string column, string where, params object[] filterProperties)

		//ad hoc sql api
		public int ExecuteScalar(string script, params object[] parameters)   

        public int ExecuteNonQuery(string script, params object[] parameters)
        public List<dynamic> ExecuteQuery(string script, params object[] parameters)
        public dynamic ExecuteQuerySingle(string script, params object[] parameters)
	Entity Setup
	//derive your entity and add required and optional constructor and initialization code
	public class YourEntity : DynamicEntity
		//required constructor
		public YourEntity()

			//standard framework Repository (opens connection before each access call and closes connection after each access call)
			_db = new Repository(ConnectionStrings.YourDb);

		//optional constructor for transactional operations
		public YourEntity(TransactionScope transaction)

			//transactional framework Repository(maintains an open transaction between access calls)
			_db = new TransactionalRepository(ConnectionStrings.YourDb, transaction);

		//optional constructor for operations that share a connection
		public YourEntity(DbConnection connection)

			//persistant connection framework Repository(maintains an open connection between access calls)
			_db = new ConnectedRepository(ConnectionStrings.YourDb, connection);

		//required and optional initializations go in here
		private void Init()
			//required table name
			_table = "dbo.entity";
			//required primary key name
			_pkid = "entity_id";
			//required enable/disable execution(allows disabling for inspecting queries)
			this.EnableSqlExecution = true;
			//optional timeout in seconds for database command execution
			this.CommandTimeout = 10;
			//optional white list for insert operation
			//optional white list for update operation
			//optional white list for select operation
			//optional: defaults for insert operation
			this.SetDefaultValues(new{col1 = somedefaultvalue, col2 = DefaultDate });
			//Note: The DefaultDate datetime is defined in base class as: protected static DateTime DefaultDate { get { return DateTime.Parse("1/1/2000"); } })
			//to set default datetime as current datetime it must be defined as a database default constraint, or alternatively you can make it non default 
			//and pass the Time.Current property, of the frameworks Time class, as the currnet datetime on insert. 
			//You could also use SetDefaultValues and Time.Current to set the default datetime value at object construction time or pre insert call but realize if the insert does not happen
			//immedietly after setting the default, the time will be stale when the insert occures.
	Example of a minimum entity setup:
	public class YourMinimumEntity : DynamicEntity
		public YourMinimumEntity()
			_db = new Repository(ConnectionStrings.YourDb);
		private void Init()
			_table = "dbo.entity";
			_pkid = "entity_id";
			this.EnableSqlExecution = true;
	DynamicEntity CRUD examples:
	//first create a new entity instance

	User u = new User();

	//object access api examples
	//return user id = 2 with all selectable columns as properties (or all columns if no selectable white list specified) 
	dynamic user = u.Single(2, string columns = "*")
	//return columns email and name for user with id=2 (if selectable white list is specified, they will be in result onlt if in the list)
	dynamic user = u.Single(2, "email,name")
	//return 3 users with ids 2,3,7 with all selectable columns as properties
	List<dynamic> users = u.Multiple(2,3,7)
	//return 3 users with ids 2,3,7 with "email,name" properties if selectable
	List<dynamic> users = u.Multiple("email,name", 2,3,7)
	//Insert api examples
	int insertedId = u.Insert(new{email="",name="areg"});
	//update api examples
	//Note: first parameter is always the properties to be updated, additional parameters are where filters
	//update the name and email properties of user where user id = 2
	int effectedRows = u.UpdateProperties(new{email="",name="areg"}, 2);
	int effectedRows = u.UpdatePropertiesMultiple(new{email="",name="areg"}, 2,3,7)
	int effectedRows = u.UpdateProperties(new{email="",name="areg"}, new{userid = 2})
	int effectedRows = u.UpdateProperties(new{email=""}, new{name="areg"})
	int effectedRows = u.UpdateProperties(new{email=""}, new{name="areg",verified = true})
	int effectedRows = u.UpdatePropertiesWhere(new{email=""}, "name=@0", "areg")
	int effectedRows = u.UpdatePropertiesWhere(new{email=""}, "name=@0 and verified=@1", "areg",true)	 
	//Update All rows example
	//note: update all needs a null parameter to make it a bit harder to forget the filter parameter and update the entire table
	int effectedRows = u.UpdateProperties(new{email="",name="areg"}, null)
	//delete api examples
	//delete user id = 2
	int effectedRows = u.Delete(2)
	int effectedRows = u.DeleteMultiple(2,3,7)
	int effectedRows = u.Delete(new{name="areg",verified = true});
	int effectedRows = u.DeleteWhere("name=@0", "areg");
	//delete all needs a null parameter to make it a bit harder to forget a parameter and delete the entire table
	int effectedRows = u.Delete(null)
	//accumulate/increment/decrement column value API examples
	//all three versions below execute the same query increment login_count column for user id = 2 by five
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", 2, 5)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", new{userid = 2}, 5)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count",  5, "userid = @0",2)   
	//increment ammount of one
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", 2, 1)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", new{userid = 2}, 1)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count",  1, "userid = @0",2)   
	//implicit increment amount of one 
	int effectedRows = u.Increment("login_count", 2)   
	int effectedRows = u.Increment("login_count", new{userid = 2})
	int effectedRows = u.Increment("login_count", "userid = @0",2)
	//increment ammount of minus one
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", 2, -1)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count", new{userid = 2}, -1)
	int effectedRows = u.IncrementBy("login_count",  -1, "userid = @0",2)        
	//implicit increment ammount of minus one
	int effectedRows = u.Decrement("login_count", 2)   
	int effectedRows = u.Decrement("login_count", new{userid = 2})
	int effectedRows = u.Decrement("login_count", "userid = @0",2)

	//count Query API examples
	//count all
	int count = u.Count()      
	//filtered count 
	int count = u.Count(new{name = "areg"})      
	int count = u.CountWhere("name=@0" ,"areg")      

	//count all distinct rows
	int count = u.CountDistinct()   
	//count distinct filtered   
	int count = u.CountDistinct(new{name = "areg"})      
	int count = u.CountWhereDistinct("name=@0" ,"areg")
	//aggregate Max/Min/Sum API examples
	int maxid = u.MaxId()
	int maxval = u.Max("login_count")
	int maxval = u.Max("login_count", new{name="areg"})		  
	int maxval = u.MaxWhere("login_count", "name=@0","areg")
	int minid = u.MinId()
	int minval = u.Min("login_count")
	int minval = u.Min("login_count",  new{name="areg"})		
	int minval = u.MinWhere("login_count", "name=@0","areg")
	int sumval = u.Sum("order_item_count")
	int sumval = u.Sum("order_item_count",  new{name="areg"})
	int sumval = u.SumWhere("order_item_count", "name=@0","areg")
	//ad hoc sql api examples
	int scalarvalue = u.ExecuteScalar(string parametrizedSqlScript, params object[] parameterValues)
	long scalarvalue = u.ExecuteScalarLong(string parametrizedSqlScript, params object[] parameterValues)
	int effectedRows = u.ExecuteNonQuery(string parametrizedSqlScript, params object[] parameterValues)
	List<dynamic> results = u.ExecuteQuery(string parametrizedSqlScript, params object[] parameterValues)
	dynamic singleresult = u.ExecuteQuerySingle(string parametrizedSqlScript, params object[] parameterValues)
	DynamicEntity Transactions and shared connections API examples:
	Note: examples only show a few API methods, however all api methods work with transactions and shared connections

	//perform two inserts and one update all within the same transaction
	using(TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
		User u = new User(transaction)
		int id = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		id = u.insert(new{name="john"});
	//open a connection, perform two inserts and one update all using the same connection then close the connection
	using(DbConnection connection = new DbConnection())
		User u = new User(connection)
		int id = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		id = u.insert(new{name="john"});
	//perform inserts and  updates into multiple entities all within the same transaction
	using(TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
		User u = new User(transaction)
		Order o = new Order(transaction)
		int id = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		id = o.insert(new{desc="blue ball",userid=id});
		id = u.insert(new{name="john"});
		id = o.insert(new{desc="red ball",userid=id});
		o.update(new{desc="green ball"},id);
	//open a connection, perform two inserts and one update all using the same connection then close the connection
	using(DbConnection connection = new DbConnection())
		User u = new User(connection)
		Order o = new Order(connection)
		int id = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		id = o.insert(new{desc="blue ball",userid=id});
		id = u.insert(new{name="john"});
		id = o.insert(new{desc="red ball",userid=id});
		o.update(new{desc="green ball"},id);	
	//add an order for a user and increment the users order count
	using(TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
		User u = new User(connection)
		Order o = new Order(connection)
		int uid = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		int oid = o.insert(new{desc="blue ball",userid=uid});
	//add an order for a user and increment the users order count then delete the order and decrement the users order count
	using(TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
		User u = new User(connection)
		Order o = new Order(connection)
		int uid = u.insert(new{name="areg"});
		int oid = o.insert(new{desc="blue ball",userid=uid});

Section 6


	//this class (exposed through a DynamicEntity instance) provides a dynamic object query API 
	//properties of the dynamic object result(s) are the select fields which unless explicitly specified are select *
	//or if a white list is specified then: select selectable_table_column
	public class EntityQuery
		//Chainable Query builder api
		//note: returns EntityQuery to allow chanining

		public EntityQuery SelectPrimarykey()

        public EntityQuery Select(string columns)     

        public EntityQuery Join(string join)
        public EntityQuery OrderBy(string orderBy)
        public EntityQuery GroupBy(string groupBy)
        public EntityQuery Where(string where, params object[] filterProperties)
        public EntityQuery Where(object filterProperties)

		//Query execution api 
		//note: must be called  as the last link on the query builder chain to execute the query and return results
		//calling these methods without using the query builder methods will just do a select query without any other conditions
        //regular queries
        public List<dynamic> GetAll()    

        public List<dynamic> GetAllDistinct()
        public List<dynamic> GetTop(int limit)    

        public List<dynamic> GetTopDistinct(int limit)
        //Paged and Range queries
        public List<dynamic> GetPage(int page, int size = 10)     

        public List<dynamic> GetPageDistinct(int page, int size = 10)
        public List<dynamic> GetRange(int offset, int limit = 10)
        public List<dynamic> GetRangeDistinct(int offset, int limit = 10)
        //count queries
        public int Count()
        public int CountDistinct()
        public int CountDistinct(string column)
        //aggregate queries
        public int Max(string column)
        public int Min(string column)
        public int Sum(string column)

	EntityQuery query examples:
	//Query object Access
	User u = new User();
	EntityQuery query = u.Query;
	//Query inspection API
	//eg: select email from dbo.Users where name=@0  
	string generatedParametizedScript = query.SqlScript;
	//note: the sequence of values match the sequence of @0 to @n parametrized parameters in the generated script
	List<object> parameterValues = query.SqlScriptParams;
	//eg: select email from dbo.Users where name="areg"   
	string generatedScriptWithParameterValuesMergedintoParameters = query.SqlScriptMergedWithParams;
	//Query execution API
	//executes a select query
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetAll();
	//executes a select distinct query
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetAllDistinct();
	//executes a select top 100 query
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetTop(100);
	//executes a select distinct top 100 query
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetTopDistinct(100);
	//executes a select query returning rows 50 to 100 
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetRange(50,100);
	//executes a select distinct query returning rows 50 to 100 
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//executes a select query returning rows 50 to 100 
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetPage(2,50);
	//executes a select distinct query returning rows 50 to 100 
	List<dynamic> users = query.GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	//executes a select count(*) query
	int count = query.Count();
	//executes a select distinct count(*) query
	int count = query.CountDistinct();
	//executes a select distinct count("col1") query
	int count = query.CountDistinct("col1");
	//executes a select distinct max("col1") query
	int count = query.Max("col1");
	//executes a select distinct min("col1") query
	int count = query.Min("col1");
	//executes a select distinct sum("col1") query
	int count = query.Sum("col1");
	//Query Builder API 
	//Note: the query builder methods select(), where(),OrderBy(),GroupBy() and Join() methods are independent
	//and can go in any order before the Query execution method which must be the last method in the chain.
	//If no query builder method is specified the default query is the pseuedo query: "select <query execution option> * from <tablename>"
	//queries with a "Where" filter
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).Count();
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).CountDistinct();
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).CountDistinct("col1");
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).Max("col1");
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).Min("col1");
	int count = query.Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).Sum("col1");
	//queries with an adhoc "Where" filter
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").Count();
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").CountDistinct();
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").CountDistinct("col1");
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").Max("col1");
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").Min("col1");
	int count = query.Where("col1 > @0 and col2 = @1",10,"a").Sum("col1");
	//queries with specific columns specified for the select statement
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//queries with order by columns specified
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//queries with order by columns and where filter specified (adhoc where filter could be specified instead)
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//queries with specific selected columns and where filter specified (adhoc where filter could be specified instead)
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//queries with specific selected columns, order by columns and where filter specified (adhoc where filter could be specified instead)
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetAllDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTop(100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetTopDistinct();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPage(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetPageDistinct(2,50);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRange(50,100);
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").OrderBy("col1, col2 desc").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GetRangeDistinct(50,100);
	//GroupBy examples
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("count(1) as uc,col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GroupBy("col1,col2").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("count(1) as uc,col1,col2").Where(new{col1 = 10,col2="a"}).GroupBy("col1,col2 having count(1) > 1").GetAll();
	//JOIN examples
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("u inner join dbo.accounts a on u.userid = a.userid").OrderBy("u.col1, u.col2 desc").Where(new {col1 = 10 and col2 = "a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("u inner join dbo.accounts a on u.userid = a.userid").OrderBy("u.col1, u.col2 desc").Where("u.col1 > @0 and u.col2 = @1",10,"a").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("u left join dbo.accounts a on u.userid = a.userid").OrderBy("u.col1, u.col2 desc").Where("u.col1 > @0 and a.col3 is not null",10).GetAll();
	//JOIN examples using the fully qualified table names
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("inner join dbo.accounts a on dbo.Users.userid = dbo.accounts.userid").OrderBy("dbo.Users.col1, dbo.Users.col2 desc").Where(new {col1 = 10 and col2 = "a"}).GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("inner join dbo.accounts a on dbo.Users.userid = dbo.accounts.userid").OrderBy("dbo.Users.col1, dbo.Users.col2 desc").Where("dbo.Users.col1 > @0 and dbo.Users.col2 = @1",10,"a").GetAll();
	List<dynamic> users = query.Select("col1,col2").Join("left join dbo.accounts on dbo.Users.userid = dbo.accounts.userid").OrderBy("dbo.Users.col1, dbo.Users.col2 desc").Where("dbo.Users.col1 > @0 and dbo.accounts.col3 is not null",10).GetAll();

Section 7

Validation and Validation Errors 

	//ValidationErrors API

	///This class is a error container utility that can be used to hold property validation and busniess rule validation 
	//error messages. It has a number of methods that can be usefull when displaying error information in Views

	//note:each key can have multiple error messages associated with it
	public class ValidationErrors
        public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Errors;

        public void Add(string key, string error);
        public List<string> Keys;
        public bool Exist;
        public bool ExistFor(string key);
        public bool MoreThanOneExists;     

        public bool MoreThanOneExistsFor(string key);      

        public int Count;
        public int CountFor(string key);
        public List<string> ErrorMessages;    
        List<string> ErrorMessagesFor(string key);
        public List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> ErrorMessagePairs;     

	//Every DynamicViewPage.ViewBag has an empty ValidationErrors container:
	//ViewBag.Errors = new ValidationErrors();
	//so that the view could contain code  without null checks to display errors if they exists like so:

    @if (ViewBag.Errors.Exist)
        <p>There were errors. Please correct and submit again.</p>
        @foreach (string message in ViewBag.Errors.ErrorMessages)

	//Validation API

	//Validator abstract base class
	//single value validators implement the Validate() method of this class 
	//and define their own constructor to set the message and key
	public abstract class Validator
		//this utility method can be used to check if checkbox is checked
      	public static bool IsChecked(bool? check)

        public string Key { get; set; }
        public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

        public abstract void Validate(string value,ValidationErrors errors);

	//Example: derived validator
	public class RequiredValidator : Validator
		//this utility method can be used by all other validators to check the presense of a value and skipping validation if not present
		public static bool IsPresent(string value);
        //use this constructor when creating a validator for inclusion ValidatorGroup 
		public RequiredValidator(string errorMessage)
		//use this constructor for creating an indepenent validatort
		public RequiredValidator(string key, string errorMessage)
		public override void Validate(string value, ValidationErrors errors)     

	//Validators that implement the Validator class:
	class IsInRange: Validator{}
	class IsInteger: Validator{}
	class IsIntegerInRange:  Validator{}
	class MaximumStringLengthValidator: Validator{}
	class MinimumStringLengthValidator: Validator{}
	class StringLengthRangeValidator: Validator{}
	class RequiredValidator: Validator{}
	class RegexValidator: Validator{}
	class GuidStringValidator: Validator{}

	//validators that do not derive from validator 
	//The are individual validators that do not conform to the Validator.Validate() uniform validation interface
	class CompareValidator{}
	class HashedValueValidator{}


	//multiple validators that derive from the Validator class can be combined in a group using the same key

	//here is the class definition for ValidatorGroup
	public class ValidatorGroup
		//add validators to the group setting the key for each validator as it is added to the group
        public ValidatorGroup(string key, params Validator[] validators)
		//add validators that have their keys already set to the group 
        public ValidatorGroup(params Validator[] validators)
        //calls Validate on each of the validators in the group validators to the group passing the errors container to each validator
        public void Validate(string value, ValidationErrors errors)

	Here is an example of a factory method that gets a ValidatorGroup for email:

	public class Validations
	   public static ValidatorGroup Email = new ValidatorGroup("email"
												,new RequiredValidator("email is required")
												, new StringLengthRangeValidator(Ranges.MIN_EMAIL, Ranges.MAX_EMAIL, String.Format("email must be between {0} and {1} characters", Ranges.MIN_EMAIL, Ranges.MAX_EMAIL))
												, new RegexValidator(RegexPatterns.EMAIL,"invalid email format")

	//examples of validator and validation errors usage inside DynamicEntity model classes

	public class User: DynamicEntity
		public void Register(string name,string email)
			dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();		
			ValidationErrors errors = new ValidationErrors();
			new MaximumStringLengthValidator(50,"name must be 50 characters or less").Validate(name,errors);
			result.Errors = errors;
			return result;

	//Below is a controller action that uses this models Register method 

	public ActionResult Register(string name,string email)
		dynamic result = new User.Register(name,email);
			//override the defult empty error collection
			ViewBag.Errors = result.Errors;
			//re-display the user registration form 
			return View();
		return RedirectTo.home_index;

	//Alternatively if the form has many inputs you can use a form collection:
	public ActionResult Register(FormCollection form)
		//use the DynamicController.ToDynamic(FormCollection) method to convert the form collection to a dynamic object
		dynamic result = new User.Register(ToDynamic(form));
			//override the defult empty error collection
			ViewBag.Errors = result.Errors;
			//re-display the user registration form 
			return View();
		return RedirectTo.home_index;

	//And the model interface change slightly to:
	public void Register(dynamic registrationForm)
		dynamic result = new ExpandoObject();
		ValidationErrors errors = new ValidationErrors();
		new MaximumStringLengthValidator(50,"name must be 50 characters or less").Validate(name,errors);
		result.Errors = errors;
		return result;

	//Finally here is the Registtration view that submits the to the Register() action:
	@if (!IsAuthenticated)
		if (ViewBag.Errors.Exist)
			<p>There were errors. Please correct and submit again.</p>
			@foreach (string message in ViewBag.Errors.ErrorMessages)
		using (FormPostTo.account_register)
					<label for="name">name:</label><br />
					<label for="email">E-mail address:</label><br />
		<h1>Welcome @ViewBag.CurrentUserName </h1>

Section 8

Database Migrations

	public abstract class Migration 
        protected abstract Migration Up();

        protected abstract Migration Down();  

        public ITable CreateTable(string name)
        public IExistingTable AlterTable(string name)     

        public void DropTable(string name)
        public void TruncateTable(string name)       

	public interface ITable
        IExistingTable WithPrimaryKey(string name, bool clustered = false);

        IExistingTable WithPrimaryKeyDescending(string name, bool clustered = false);

        IExistingTable WithoutPrimaryKey();

        ITable WithInt32IdentityColumn(string name);

        ITable WithInt32IdentityColumn(string name, int seed, int increment);

        ITable WithInt64IdentityColumn(string name);

        ITable WithInt64IdentityColumn(string name, int seed, int increment);

        ITable WithInt16IdentityColumn(string name);

        ITable WithInt16IdentityColumn(string name, int seed, int increment);

        ITable WithGuidIdentityColumn(string name);

        ITable WithInt32Column(string name);

        ITable WithInt32ColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithInt64Column(string name);

        ITable WithInt64ColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithInt16Column(string name);

        ITable WithInt16ColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithDateTimeColumn(string name);

        ITable WithDateTimeColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithBooleanColumn(string name);

        ITable WithBooleanColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithStringColumn(string name);

        ITable WithStringColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithStringColumn(string name, int maxLength);

        ITable WithStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);

        ITable WithUnicodeStringColumn(string name);

        ITable WithUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name);

        ITable WithUnicodeStringColumn(string name, int maxLength);

        ITable WithUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);

	public interface IExistingTable
        IExistingTable RenameColumn(string name, string newName);
        IExistingTable DropColumn(string name);
        IExistingTable DropPrimaryKey(string name);
        IExistingTable DropIndexOn(string name);
        IExistingTable DropCompositeIndex(string namea, string nameb);
        IExistingTable DropForeignKey(string name, string foreignTableColumn);
        IExistingTable DropConstraint(string constraintName);
        IExistingTable AddInt32ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt32Column(string name, int defaultValue = 0);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt32ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddInt64ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt64Column(string name, int defaultValue = 0);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt64ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddInt16ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt16Column(string name, int defaultValue = 0);
        IExistingTable AlterToInt16ColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddDateTimeColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToDateTimeColumn(string name, string defaultValue = "getdate()");
        IExistingTable AlterToDateTimeColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddBooleanColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToBooleanColumn(string name, int defaultValue = 0);
        IExistingTable AlterToBooleanColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddStringColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToStringColumn(string name, string defaultValue = "''");
        IExistingTable AlterToStringColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);
        IExistingTable AlterToStringColumn(string name, int maxLength, string defaultValue = "''");
        IExistingTable AlterToStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);
        IExistingTable AddUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AlterToUnicodeStringColumn(string name, string defaultValue = "''");
        IExistingTable AlterToUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name);
        IExistingTable AddUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);
        IExistingTable AlterToUnicodeStringColumn(string name, int maxLength, string defaultValue = "''");
        IExistingTable AlterToUnicodeStringColumnNullable(string name, int maxLength);
        IExistingTable AddIndexOn(string name, bool clustered = false);
        IExistingTable AddIndexOnDescending(string name, bool clustered = false);
        IExistingTable AddUniqueIndexOn(string name, bool clustered = false);
        IExistingTable AddUniqueIndexOnDescending(string name, bool clustered = false);
        IExistingTable AddCompositeUniqueIndex(string namea_optionaldesc, string nameb_optionaldesc, bool clustered = false);
        IExistingTable AddPrimaryKey(string name, bool clustered = true);
        IExistingTable AddPrimaryKeyDescending(string name, bool clustered = true);
        IExistingTable AddForeignKey(string name, string foreignTableColumn, bool cascadeDelete = true);

Migration Example:

	class _20111023191558_create_users_table : Migration
        protected override Migration Up()

								.WithStringColumn("email", 50)          
								.WithStringColumn("name", 20)                             


								.AddForeignKey("user_id", "users");

            return this;

        protected override Migration Down()

            return this;
Section 9


Rapido library also includes various other utilities such as password hashing and cookie helpers


.net web platform






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