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MusicFileCop is a tool that aids the management of music collections. It searches a directory for music files and applies a set of rules on them.

All violations of rules are written to a report (currently that's just a text file)

For example, a rule makes sure that a release year has been specified for every album.


Apply rules to all music files in PATH (recursively) and writes the violations to the file OUT

MusicFileCop.exe check --path PATH --out OUT

Write the full default configuration to the specified path

MusicFileCop.exe export-default-config --out OUT

List all rules with a description

MusicFileCop.exe list-rules


The configuration allows to influence the behavior of certain rules and enable/disable rules altogether. MusicFileCop uses a hierarchical configuration model, different configuration files are "overlayed".

Configuration files are JSON files that can be added at both directory or file level. Directory configuration files change the configuration for all subdirectories and all files within that directory.

If a more specific configuration is found, all settings specified in it override inherited values, all other values are taken from the higher-level configuration.

The "root" configuration is the default configuration specified by each rule in its implementation

Directory configuration files need to be named MusicFileCop.json, configuration for a single file needs to be named FILENAME.MusicFileCop.json and placed next to the file itself.

###Example directory |-directory1 |-file1.mp3 |-file1.mp3.MusicFileCop.json |-directory2 |-directory3 |-file2.mp3 |-MusicFileCop.json
|-directory4 |-file3.mp3

In the example above, there are two configuration files placed within the directory structure. There is no configuration file in either the root directory or directory4, so the default configuration will be used for all files within these directories (and all files except file1.mp3 in directory1)

For file1.mp3 all settings specified in file1.mp3.MusicFileCop.json will override values from the default configuration.

Analogous, values from MusicFileCop.json will overlay the default configuration and the combined configuration will be applied to all files within directory2 or any of its sub-directories

To aid the creation of configuration files, the default configuration can be written to a file using the export-default-config command

Example: Disabling a rule

To disable a rule for a certain directory, add the following to a configuration file (the names of the rules can be listed using the list-rules command

	"ConsistencyChecker": {
		"AlbumMustHaveArtist": {
		"Enabled": "True"


MusicFileCop uses a number of third-party libraries

For testing


MusicFileCop is a tool that aids the management of music collections







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