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Ain't nobody got time for data


The (current) objective of this project is to provide a reusable, composable, and performant implementation of System.Linq.IQueryProvider that targets relational database providers. The aim, then, is not to provide a complete ORM solution but rather a robust component that can be used to build data access layers and ORM solutions. Accordingly, there are no plans for a high-level modelling API, a change tracker, migrations, or other similar ORM features.


  • Be as 'close to the metal' and 'out of the box' as possible: use Expressions and ExpressionVisitors rather than a bespoke AST model

  • Be immutable: all Expressions must be immutable and ExpressionVisitors should possess as little state as possible.

  • Be as robust as possible: try to compile queries in such a way that queries can 'never fail'

Various notes regarding supported translations and future goals

  • LEFT JOIN and OUTER APPLY can be generated as expected:

    // LEFT JOIN
    from X x in xs
    join Y y in ys on x.z equals y.z into yg
    from Y y in yg.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new { x, y }
    from X x in xs
    join Y y in ys on x.z equals y.z into yg
    from Y y in yg.Take(3).DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new { x, y }
  • GROUP BY can be generated as expected:

    // Will produce a GROUP BY query at the server:
    from X x in xs
    group x by x.z into xg
    let maxA = xg.Max(x => x.a)
    let minB = xg.Max(x => x.b)
    let countDistinctC = xg.Select(x => x.c).Distinct().Count()
    select new { xg.Key, maxA, minB, countDistinctC } into x
    join Y y in ys on x.Key equals y.z
    select new { x, y }
    // Will produce a GROUP BY query at the server as well
    // as appropriate subqueries for when an aggregation 'escapes'
    // the GROUP BY context
    from X x in xs
    group x by x.z into xg
    join Y y in ys on xg.Key equals y.z
    let maxA = xg.Max(x => x.a)
    select new { maxA, y }
  • Object equality translation is supported via an API that allows consumers to define the key comparison expressions the equality expressions should be rewritten into.

  • Navigation property translation is supported via an API that allows consumers to define the corresponding key selectors and query expressions to use in order to rewrite navigations into joins and subqueries. One-to-one optional navigations are not yet supported.

  • Relational null semantics are partially addressed but still have some work to be done.

  • Enum types are not yet dealt with.

  • No async support is currently provided.

  • The project is currently structured around SQL Server; other providers should be supported (including but not limited to Oracle, Postgres, and Sqlite.)

  • Translation of some common .NET APIs/idioms are supported:

    • DateTime (DateTime.Now, date.AddDays(x), etc.)
    • Nullable<T> (nullable.Value, nullable.HasValue, nullable.GetValueOrDefault())
    • string (Trim, Concat, Length)
  • Some .NET APIs are not currently translated, like Math and Convert.

  • Support for nested (serialized) collections in projections (using FOR JSON, FOR XML, and similar) is a goal; the project currently includes some rough implementation using FOR JSON.

  • Currently unsupported Queryable operators:

    • Aggregate
    • Operators with IComparer and IEqualityComparer overloads

    It is unclear how exactly Aggregate could be translated considering that no relational database seems to offer a parallel (an aggregate function that can be expressed as a function expression with an optional seed value.) The operators with IComparer and IEqualityComparer overloads are also interesting as it is unclear how they were ever intended to be translatable to a remote data source of any kind.

Examples and explanations

Constructing a query

This example shows what goes into constructing a very basic query. The bulk of the code written here would tend to be either written once and hidden behind a property or method to provide easy access, or generated by another component that provides a high-level object-relational mapping interface.

// Define the base table we are querying with the schema name, table name, 
// default alias, and object type.
var table = new BaseTableExpression("dbo", "MyClass1", "m", typeof(MyClass1));

// Define the materialization expression. The SqlColumnExpression instances
// will be replaced with the appropriate calls to read values from a DataReader.
var materializer
    = Expression.MemberInit(
        from property in new[]
        let column = new SqlColumnExpression(table, property.Name, property.PropertyType)
        select Expression.Bind(property, column))

// Create a query expression, which itself receives a SelectExpression. The
// SelectExpression requires at minimum a ProjectionExpression; in this case
// we are querying a table so we supply a TableExpression as well.
var queryExpression
  = new EnumerableRelationalQueryExpression(
      new SelectExpression(
        new ServerProjectionExpression(materializer),

// Obtain an instance of the ImpatientQueryProvider from our service container.
var impatient = services.GetRequiredService<ImpatientQueryProvider>();

// Query away!
var results = (from m in impatient.CreateQuery<MyClass1>(queryExpression)
               where m.Prop1 == "This example is really contrived"
               select m).ToList();

Using different materialization patterns

In order to pass values into the constructor of an object rather than property setters, the materialization expression can be written this way:

var properties = new[]

var materializer
    = Expression.New(
        constructor: typeof(MyClass1).GetConstructors().Single(),
        arguments: from p in properties select new SqlColumnExpression(table, p.Name, p.PropertyType),
        members: properties);

A materialization expression should consist only of (possibly nested) MemberInitExpressions and NewExpressions. Any NewExpression that appears must include the Members, and any MemberInitExpression that appears must not include a MemberListBinding node.


Ain't nobody got time for data






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