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Toolkit to easy exporting data to excel via C#

Install TopSoft.ExcelExport via NuGet

To install TopSoft.ExcelExport, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package TopSoft.ExcelExport

External Dependencies

OpenXML SDK 2.5

You can install it by running Install-Package DocumentFormat.OpenXml in the Nu-Get Package Manager.


Topsoft.ExcelExport works only for simple data types in models.

Let's Start

Let's suppose we have the Product class that we want to export to Microsoft Excel document.

class Product
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }

Step 1. Inherit Product class from the ExcelRow base class.

class Product : ExcelRow

Step 2. Add CellData attribute to theProduct class's properties in-order to specify the document's column where the data should be placed.

(Later we will show how to change the column names on the fly.)

  class Product : ExcelRow
      public string Name { get; set; }

      public string Description { get; set; }

      public decimal Price { get; set; }

Step 3. Create or open an Excel document using the OpenXML SDK.

SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(fileName, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook);

Step 4. Initialize ExcelExportContext object by passing the instance of the target SpreadsheetDocument. Then by calling the RenderEntity for each of the entities, they'll be exported to the Excel file.

      var excelExportContext = new ExportContext(spreadsheetDocument)
      uint rowNo = 0;
      foreach(var product in products)
          excelExportContext.RenderEntity(product, rowNo);

Step 5. Adding excel column mappings on the fly.

You can add excel column mapping on the fly before calling RenderEntity function for model entities. Column Mappings are instance-level and will affect only the particular object for which MapColumn function has been called.

   if(product.Price > 44)
        product.MapColumn<Product>(x => x.Description, "F");

In this example, the description will be placed at column "F" only for this particular instance of product. Other entities will continue to use column name specified by the CellData attribute.

Step 6. Gettig excel column names on the fly.

    var columnName = product.GetColumnIndex<Product>(x => x.Name);

Step 7. What about styles ?

Here's example of usage CellBorder, CellText and CellFill attributes:

    class Product : ExcelRow
        [CellData("A"), CellBorder(left: true, right: true, top: true, bottom: true)]
        public string Name { get; set; }

        [CellData("B"), CellText(bold: true, italic: true)]
        public string Description { get; set; }

        [CellData("C"), CellFill(hexColor: "FFFF0000")]
        public double Price { get; set; }

Step 8. Adding excel column styles on the fly.

You can add excel column styles on the fly. Like In Column Mappings, except you need to call MapStyle.

    if(product.Price > 44)
        product.MapStyle<Product>(x => x.Name, new CellFill(hexColor: "FFFF0000"));
    if(product.Price < 33)
        product.MapStyle<Product>(x => x.Name, new CellBorder(left: true, right: true));

Step 9. Using Formulas

You can define forumla fields in your models, data putted in this fields will be represented as formulas in excel.

    class Product : ExcelRow
        [CellData("A"), CellFormula]
        public string TotalFormula { get; set; }

Then you can just put your formula in TotalFormula like this:

    product.TotalFormula = "SUM(A1:B1)";

That's All!

View Samples Project for more examples.

Read wiki page for more info about exporting data to excel.


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