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SDK for iDoklad API

SDK targets .NET Standard 2.0

Documentation for latest version of API can be found here


iDoklad is online accounting from Seyfor. Ideal for self employed and small businesses. The easiest way to conveniently create, print and manage your invoices online from anywhere. Get started now!


You can install SDK for iDoklad API using the NuGet

> dotnet add package IdokladSdk

Quick start (examples)


1. Authenticate and initialize API

When using HttpClient, dont't forget to follow the guidelines for using HttpClient

// Create HttpClient instance
var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("IdokladApi");

// Use DokladApiBuilder to create DokladApi.
var api = new DokladApiBuilder("your application name", "your application version")
        .AddClientCredentialsAuthentication("ClientId", "ClientSecret")

2. Use it!

// Getting Issued Invoice Detail.
var issuedInvoiceResult = await api.IssuedInvoiceClient.Detail(123456).GetAsync();

// All of our methods return ApiResult or ApiBatchResult containing information about response and the data you requested.
// You can access them using property or call method CheckResult()
// These next two lines return the same data
var issuedInvoice1 = issuedInvoiceResult.Data;
var issuedInvoice2 = issuedInvoiceResult.CheckResult();

// Using the same DokladApi instance, you can access all available endpoints, no need to create separate instances.
var contact = (await api.ContactClient.List().GetAsync()).Data;


3. Error handling

Classes ApiResult and ApiBatchResult contain method CheckResult() which will throw exception if the response is unsuccessful, otherwise it will return your data.

var models = new List<UpdateExportedModel>() { ... }; // non empty list
var batchResult = await _api.BatchClient.UpdateAsync(models); // returns ApiBatchResult
var batchData = batchResult.CheckResult();

var issuedInvoiceResult = await api.IssuedInvoiceClient.DefaultAsync(); // returns ApiResult
var issuedInvoice = issuedInvoiceResult.CheckResult();

ApiContext contains handlers, which are called right after the response is received. We run our basic check to validate the response and these handlers are called right after that.
You can define your own handlers. These can be useful, if you want to handle each kind of error differently and in one place.

Action<ApiResult> handleApiResult = (ApiResult apiResult) =>
    switch (apiResult.StatusCode)
        case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
            throw new InvalidOperationException(apiResult.Message);
        case HttpStatusCode.Forbidden:
            // A manual downgrade using the web interface is needed.
        case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
            // Unspecified error - in this case, contact us. We will be able to help you more quickly if you sent the whole request which is causing the error.
        case HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
            // An entity was not found
            throw new InvalidOperationException("An entity was not found");
        case HttpStatusCode.OK:
            // Everything is awesome!
        case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
            // iDoklad API is down due to maintenance
        case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests:
            throw new InvalidOperationException("slow down");

context.ApiResultHandler = handleApiResult;

// The handler will be called and if issued invoice with given Id doesn't exist, it will throw InvalidOperationException
// and you can catch it conveniently somewhere else in your code
var issuedInvoiceResult = await api.IssuedInvoiceClient.Detail(123456789).GetAsync();

// Separate handler is for ApiBatchResult, but works the same
Action<ApiBatchResult> handleBatchResult = (ApiBatchResult batchResult) => { ... };
context.ApiBatchResultHandler = handleBatchResult;

4. Filtering and paging

// When retrieving list of entities, we can specify filter which applies inside iDoklad and reduces amount of data transferred.
// Expression used in Filter method allows usage only of those properties which can be filtered on server-side, it depends on
// entity type. The same applies to properties used in Sort method.
var list = api.ContactClient
    .Filter(c => c.CompanyName.Contains("company"))
    .Filter(c => c.DateLastChange.IsGreaterThan(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-10)))
    .Sort(c => c.Id.Asc())

// Get with selector function calls that function to data returned from API.
// Less data is transferred between client and server - only properties used in expression.
// Following selector expression uses properties of nested objects - these objects have to be included by using Include method.
var detail = api.ContactClient
    .Include(c => c.Bank, c => c.Country.Currency)
    .Get(c => new
        CompanyName = c.CompanyName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
        Currency = c.Country != null && c.Country.Currency != null ? c.Country.Currency.Name : string.Empty,
        Bank = c.Bank != null ? c.Bank.Name : string.Empty,
        Name = c.Firstname + " " + c.Surname,
        Address = $"{c.Street} {c.City} {c.PostalCode}",
        Discount = c.CompanyName.Length > 10 ? 10.0m : c.DiscountPercentage

5. Logging handler

You can create your own Logging Handling logic via Service Collection configuration methods. See the example of HttpLogger in IdokladSdk.NetCore.TestApp in HttpLogger.cs class. See example in Program.cs file. For more information, read the oficial Microsoft documentation.

    .AddLogger<YourLogger>(wrapHandlersPipeline: true);

6. Additional examples

More examples can be found in test application IdokladSdk.NetCore.TestApp.