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Toggler is a WEB Service that allows a team to elect applications from their ecosystem to use feature toggles.

An admin can switch toggles ON or OFF, and no matter a toggle is ON or OFF, it is usable by all applications unless it has a white (WL) or black list (BL), and depending on the application being on WL or BL it gains access or its access to the toggle feature gets revoked respectively.

Every time a toggle is updated, a notification is sent to an external "notifier" system which in turn must be responsible to warn all apps that a toggle has changed. All apps are in turn responsible to updated themselves.

Run Toggler


Assuming you are on a *nix based OS.

Given the fact that we have not yet an external "notifier" system in place we will fake one by using

So visit to create a RequestBin and place it on .env file.

echo export TOGGLER_NOTIFIER= > .env

run it

dotnet restore
make run



  • Toggler must be up and running
  • newman (CLI test runner)

Please follow along newman installation instructions.

Install newman command line test runner

npm install newman --global


  • install postman (GUI test runner)

test it

make test-preset
make test

Under the hood

Evaluate what have been done

Visit that requestBin you've used above and inspect it appending ?inspect to it, for instance<:id>?inpect (edit <:id> accordingly).

There you will see all the messages that Toggler sent to it.

test preset

Running make test-preset will insert 3 toggles via Toggler service itself. It will also regist 2 applications/services to use those toggles as pictured bellow.

  • Toggle A
  • Toggle B
  • Toggle C
  • App 1 is on TA black list
  • App 2 is on TC white list

That being said means that:

  • A1 can view TA
  • A1 cannot view TB
  • A1 cannot view TC
  • A2 can view all toggles

preset ilustration

Test against HTTP API interface

All tests against Toggler service assume that Toggler service is running and those test presets above, so once again, please run make run and make test-preset before make test.

To take a GUI taste of running tests against Toggler service please load Toggler.Tests/acceptance/toggler.postman_collection.json file into postman and also load toggler_dev.postman_environment.json file and configure the runner to use it before running the tests.

After running make test a simple echo $? should return 0, that's a sign that all tests went good.

Restrictions and limitations

By design

  • only admin profiles can create and update toggles
  • when requesting a toggle a client app must be authorized to use Toggler service
  • when requesting a toggle a client app must provide its ID and version
  • toggles cannot have a BlackList and WhiteList of Apps at the same time, black or white lists are mutually exclusive.

Not implemented yet

  • external "notifier" system
  • a toggle repository implementation other than "in memory"


  • endpoint: GET /toggles/:feature_id/wl
  • endpoint: DELETE /toggles/:feature_id/wl
  • endpoint: DELETE toggles/:feature_id/wl/:app_id
  • endpoint: GET /toggles/:feature_id/bl
  • endpoint: DELETE /toggles/:feature_id/bl
  • endpoint: DELETE toggles/:feature_id/bl/:app_id
  • usecase: retrieve all toggles for a given app (ON, OFF)


  • usecase: when toggle updates, togglerService alerts its client apps.
  • usecase: retrieve specific toggle for app (id, version)
  • usecase: create a toggle which black list so that all app can use it except those on BL.
  • usecase: create a toggle with a white list that only apps on that WL can use.
  • usecase: validate if user is authorized (kind off)
  • usecase: create a toggle to be used by all apps.
  • usecase: add app on a toggle's black list
  • usecase: switch ON/OFF a toggle (must be authorized)
  • usecase: only admin can create toggles


Toggler Service






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