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Domain-driven design and Draughts

This is a little webapplication where people can come and play a game of Draughts (or Checkers if you like). The goals of this project are:

  • To experiment and play with the DDD architecture
  • To serve as an example of how to apply DDD in a real application
  • To teach others what DDD is
  • To play a fun game of Draughts


The documentation is a part of the application. You can find the link to the documentation in the footer after you run it, or you can look at the source files of the docs.

Setup development environment


  • Dotnet 7 SDK
  • Node.js 18 and npm 9
  • Docker and docker-compose

Setup development environment

Optional: Create appsettings.env.json files to override existing settings. The json files exist in the Draughts, Draughts.IntegrationTest and Draughts.Command projects.

Start and initialise the develop dependencies with ./ start. To build the frontend run npm install && npm run build:dev.

You can then run the application with something like cd Draughts && dotnet run -v n. It should open at http://localhost:52588.

If you need to, you can access the databases with adminer at http://localhost:52580. As credentials use MySQL, draughts-db, root, root. You can leave the database empty.

Build a release

To build a release, run ./

You can deploy with something like

sudo docker container rm -f draughts \
  ; sudo docker image rm draughts \
  ; sudo docker load -i ./Draughts/publish/docker-image-draughts.tar.gz \
  ; sudo docker run --name draughts -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}/Draughts/logs:/app/logs:z draughts


  • Make sure the user 'dkr-user' with uid '1042' has write access to the logs dir.
  • You should probably add something like --restart always, -v some-dir/appsettings.env.json:/app/appsettings.env.json:ro and -v some-dir/my-cert.pfx:/app/cert.pfx:ro to the docker run command.