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Roslyn.Utilities Build status NuGet Status


Roslyn internal utilities as Nuget package.

List of features

  • OneOrMany - Represents a single item or many items. Used when a collection usually contains a single item but sometimes might contain multiple.
  • ConcurrentLruCache - Thread-safe cache with a fixed size that evicts the least recently used members.
  • ConsList+Extensions - Lisp-like immutable list. Good to use when lists are always accessed from the head.
  • WeakList - Represents an ordered sequence of weak references.
  • SpecializedCollections - Contains methods to returns an empty collection without additional allocations.
  • ArrayExtensions - Contains useful extension set for Arrays (manipulation, binary search, etc.).
  • BitArithmeticUtilities - Contains align and count bits methods.
  • ArrayBuilder - Contains optimized methods to create Arrays.
  • EnumerableExtensions - Contains a set of useful methods, see details on repository.