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Mvc With Bower

This is an example of an existing ASP.NET MVC5 project that has been converted over to use Bower for web package management and Grunt for web build automation issues. This means that:

  • Bower, not NuGet looks after any web packages, e.g. JQuery, BootStrap.
  • Grunt, not BundleConfig.cs looks after the concatination and minification of CSS and JavaScript.
  • Grunt, not Web Essentials looks after any converting, compiling of JavaScript, template, images etc.
  • The application tries to follow the design approach that ASP.NET 5 is taking so that updating to ASP.NET5 should not change the way you handle front-end code that much.

I have written an article called Converting your ASP.NET MVC5 application to use Bower, Grunt and Gulp which goes into much more detail on the whole conversion process. Please read this for an overview.

The rest of this ReadMe file is about how to use this package if you wish to fork it or download it.

Now available on Nuget: Bundler4Bower.

It also includes a useful library which I call BundlerForBower, or B4B for short. This provides similar features to MVC's BundleConfig class, but are designed specifically to work with Bower. Full information on how to setup and use BundlerForBower is available in the ReadMe file in the B4BCore project.

Points to note about this application

If you are downloading or just looking at this application there are a few important things you need to know.

1. I have not included the web packages in source control

Leaving packages out of source control is best practice, but it does mean you won't see the directory 'lib'. If you download this sample application then you need to right-click the bower.json file and selected Restore Packages to load the web packages.

2. I have not included the Grunt modules in source control

Again, best practice to leave them out. If you download this sample application then you need to right-click the packages.json file and selected Restore Packages to load the web packages.

3. You need to turn on 'Show All Files' to see everything

The directory holding the web paackages and the Grunt modules should not be deployed to your web site, so I left them out of the project. Therefore you won't see them in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer unless you turn on the Explorers' Show All Files feature (top menu to the rigth)

If you want to change/run the application

You can run the MVC application as soon as you have downloaded it as I have run the Grunt commands to create the CSS and JavaScript files you need.

If you want to changes things then here are a few pointers:

1. App_Data/BowerBundles.json

the file holds lists of the CSS and JavaScript files you want to use in your application. It is used by gruntfile.js when concatenating files and by BowerBundlerHelper.cs when it is delivering individual files in Debug mode.

The current BowerBundles.json and gruntfile.js gruntfile.js are contain just has one CSS and four JavaScript groups of files:

  1. mainCss: which holds the two CSS files associated with the applciation.
  2. standardLibsJs: which holds the standard JavaScript libraries like JQuery that rarely change
  3. standardLibsCndJs: which has the same standard JavaScript libraries, but delivered via CDN with fallback handling if the CDN is offline.
  4. appLibsJs: which holds JavaScript files specifically written for this app that will change a lot.
  5. jqueryval: which you only include when it is needed, e.g. in views with forms in them.

WARNING: Its tempting to add comments to the BowerBundles.json, but grunt.file.readJSON does not handle comments in JSON and fails.

2. BundlerForBower (B4B)

In the article I explain that we cannot use some of the new ASP.NET5 tags so I had to come up with another way of delivering either single files in Development mode and concatenated/minified files in Release mode. BowerBundlerHelper.cs is the front-end that lives in the MVC app so that it can pick up MVC features and also the debug mode.

BowerBundlerHelper.cs is a static extension class on the MVC HtmlHelper class. There are two calls that can be used in a MVC view:

  1. @Html.HtmlCssCached("bundleName"), which is equivalent to @Styles.Render("~/Content/bundleName")
  2. @Html.HtmlScriptsCached("bundleName"), which is equivalent to @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/bundleName")

It makes a decision to delivers individual files or the single minfied file that Grunt produced is defined by whether the code was compiled in DEBUG mode or not. This feature can be overridden on each method by the optional 'forceState' parameter.

Note: If you don't like BowerBundlerHelper.cs then the article give you an alternative using MVC5's own BundleConfig.cs

Full information on how to setup and use BundlerForBower is available in the ReadMe file in the B4BCore project.