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Invite Sora

Major Changelogs (check frequent one with ´$changelog´)

Version 0.1.5

Date 4.7.2017 16:00 UTC +2


  • Reworked the enitre image processing
  • Updated new version
  • Reworked the Imdb and movie search
  • fixed some bugs 👀

Help => Can be found in Wiki as well (updated more frequently)

GENERAL If the Parameter has [ ] that means that it is optional. Leaving it will result in a different outcome. For further questions join my Discord:

ATTENTION Every @user Parameter can also be just his username or nick. No need to mention. If there are many users with the same name you need to @mention tho!

Dynamic Prefix

GENERAL What is a dynamic prefix? This basically means that you can choose the prefix that Sora shall use in your guild. The standart prefix is $! Sora can always be invoked with mentioning him. But using that function is probably only usefull when setting or asking the prefix

Command Parameter Example Permission Output
prefix prefix $prefix $$ / @Sora#7634 prefix $$ Administrator Changes the prefix of Sora in that guild to the specified prefix
prefix none $prefix / @Sora#7634 prefix none Displays the current prefix of Sora in this guild

Self-Assignable Roles

GENERAL Don't add any roles with high permissions in here or they will be abused by some angry member. Keep in mind that when you remove a role from the self-assignable roles list, someone that has the role cannot remove it from themselfs using the $iamnot command!

Command Parameter Example Permission Output
addRole Name of Role $addRole test Manage Roles Adds the specified role to the self assignable roles. Other users can then add them to themselfs using the bot
removeRole Name of Role $removeRole test Manage Roles Removes the specified role from the self assignable roles. Keep in mind that afterwards users that have that role cannot remove it from themselfs using the $iamnot command!
iam Name of Role $iam test none Adds the specified role to yourself
iamnot Name of Role $iamnot test none Removes the specified role from yourself
getRoles none $getRoles none Posts a list of all self-assignable roles in the Guild
getAllRoles none $getAllRoles none Posts a list of all roles in the Guild ordered by Position in the hirachy


GENERAL Finally Added reminders. The $reminders list only shows 10 most recent of your reminders. If you have more, they wont be shown in there. They are shown in the list when you do $rmremind with less detail tho.

Command Parameter Example Output
remind in weeks days hours minutes $remind to update sora in 2 minutes 30 s The time can be written in any order BUT has to be written correctly. Dont write 2 mins AND 30 seconds. That will fail. Just use the amount and what type after => <type(w,d,h,m,s)>
reminders none $reminders Shows a list of the 10 MOST RECENT reminders. It will show them in descending order with time and message
rmremind none $rmremind Posts a list of all your reminders, you then have to enter a valid index to remove the specified reminder!

Admin / Mod

GENERAL This whole module needs permissions. Its to moderate and log your entire guild. This feature is currently in Beta and still in development (8.4.2017)

Command Parameter Example Permission Output
ban @user [reason] $ban @Serenity#0783 test / $ban @Serenity#0783 Ban Members This will perm ban the user and remove his messages for the past 48h. You are able to add the reason at a later date if you do not do it with the ban!
punishlogs [#channel] $punish #channel / $punish(punish is an alias) Administrator If no channel is specified it will take the current one. Sora will post all Kick and Ban cases in there.
rmpunishlogs none $rmpunish (using shorter alias) Administrator Removes the current punishlogs channel in the guild. This will completely stop logging of bans and kicks!
reason CasreNumber Reason $reason 1 Test Kick and/or Ban Permission Updated the reason of the specified case. Only the Moderator who did the kick/ban can use this.
kick @user [reason] $kick @Serenity#0783 test / $kick @Serenity#0783 Kick Permissions This will kick the user. You are able to add the reason at a later date if you do not do it with,the kick!
warn @user [reason] $warn @Serenity#0783 test / $warn @Serenity#0783 Kick and/or Ban Permissions Warns the user. Same as with kick or ban, the reason can be added at a later date. If the user has 3 or 4 warnings he will be kicked. At 5 and above he gets banned.
rmwarn @user [amount] $rmwarn @Serenity#0783 2 / $rmwarn @Serenity#0783 Kick and/or Ban Permissions Removes the specified amount of warnings from the user. If amount is higher then his actual amount all will be removed. If no amount is specified, all warnings will be removed aswell.
cases @user $cases @Serenity#0783 Kick and/or Ban Permissions Gives you a list of all cases involving the specified user.
modlog [#channel] $modlog #channel / `$modlog Administrator If no channel is specified it will take the current one. You can make Sora post updates on different things here. You can also specifiy what Sora should log!
rmmodlog none $rmmodlog Administrator Removes the ModLog channel
modconfig none $modconfig Administrator Shows the current ModLog Config with your settings.
modconfig role none $modconfig role Administrator Toggles the ModLog Role Update Log. -> Logs when Roles get created, deleted or edited
modconfig channel none $modconfig channel Administrator Toggles the ModLog Channel Update Log -> Logs when Channels get created, deleted or edited
modconfig server none $modconfig server Administrator Toggles the ModLog Server Update Log -> Logs when Server/Guild Settings get edited
modconfig msg none $modconfig msg Administrator Toggles the ModLog Role Msg Log -> Logs deleted messages


GENERAL With these you can make search queries for ub definitions, movies, series, animes and mangas!

Command Parameter Example Output
imdb Title of Movie / Series $imdb Inception Gives you data about the movie / series from IMDb like plot, rating, genres etc..
ub Term to search for in Urban Dictionary $ub ohayou Gives you the definition of the Term with examples and its ub ratings
anime Title of Anime Series / Movie $anime Overlord Gives you data about the Series / Movie from Anilist like plot, raiting, genres etc...
manga Title of Manga $manga Boku no hero academia Gives you data about the Manga from Anilist like plot, raiting, genres etc...
gif Name of Gif $gif funny cat Gives a random Gif from Giphy with specified Title
chucknorris none $chucknorris Gives random Chuck Norris Jokes from API
weather City Name $weather Zurich Gives the current weather in the location

League Of Legends

Command Parameter Example Output
summoner $summoner na Nightblue3 Gives very basic information about the summoner and his Summoner Icon
lolstats $lolstats na Nightblue3 Gives Detailed infromation about summoners Ranked 5v5, Aram and Normal game stats


GENERAL Sora can FINALLY play all sorts of sources. YT, Soundcloud, vimeo and even youporn 👀 Have fun :) ATTENTION Sora can now add yt videos by NAME. use $addyt <name> for this new feature.

Command Parameter Example Output
join none $join Joins the VoiceChannel of the calling user
add Video / Song URL OR YT video name $add / $add Stressed Out If supported, it adds the URL to the queue. If no link is added it will search the YT API for yt videos.
addyt deprecated YT Video Name $addyt Axel Boy & Maxx Baer - Try Loving (Ft. MOZA) Gives you a list of Videos with that name, where you can choose which one to add.
skip none $skip Skips the current song and go to the next in the queue
clear none $clear Clears the whole queue for the Guild. Requires Manage Channels permissions
list none $list Shows the entire current queue
np none $np Shows the current track that is playing
play none $play Starts the playback of the current queue
leave none $leave Leaves the channel of the user
stop none $stop Stops the audio playback

AFK / Away

GENERAL Keep in mind that your AFK status is GLOBAL. So if you want to say i suck dick in one guild but rather not in another then.. Do it at your own risk ;) I might add local / guild bound AFK in the future. The AFK message will only trigger every 30 seconds to prevent spam.

Command Parameter Example Output
afk [reason] $afk sleeping If you were NOT AFK. You can even add no reason and you will be set AFK. When you are AFK adding no reason will result in it being removed. See down below. If you are AFK and you add a reason your AFK reason will be updated
afk none $afk When you are AFK this will disable your AFK status. If you are not AFK yet this will also set your AFK without reason.

Custom Member Join / Leave Announcements

ATTENTION This system has changed and the Database has been wiped on 26.03.2017.

GENERAL With this you can set custom leave and welcoming messages. These can be projected to different channels or independently turned off!

IMPORTANT In the messages themselfs you can use {user} to @Mention the user, ``{user#} for Name#Discriminator (mostly used in leave messages since the member can't be @Mentioned anymore), {server} for the server name, `{count}` for member count! Example: `$a welcome Welcome {user} to {server} you are our {count}th member!`

PREFIX This command uses a module prefix. This means infront of all commands must be the prefix a or announcement !

Command Parameter Example Permission Output
a welcome [message] $a welcome Welcome {user} to {server} you are our {count}th member! Manage Channels Sets the Welcome channel to the current one and adds the Welcome message! => If left blank it will use the default one
a welcomemsg [message] $a welcomemsg Welcome {user} to {server} you are our {count}th member! Manage Channels Sets the custom Welcome message => If left blank it will use the default one
a welcomecha #channel $a welcomecha #general Manage Channels Sets the Welcome channel
a rmwelcome none $a rmwelcome Manage Channels Removes the whole Welcome announcement resetting the message aswell
a leave [message] $a leave {user} has sadly left us. RIP Manage Channels Sets the Leave channel to the current one and adds the Leave message! => If left blank it will use the default one
a leavemsg [message] $a leavemsg {user} has sadly left us. RIP Manage Channels Sets the custom Leave message => If left blank it will use the default one
a leavecha #channel $a welcomecha #general Manage Channels Sets the Leave Channel
a rmleave none $a rmleave Manage Channels Removes the whole Leave announcement resetting the message aswell


ATTENTION All of the following commands need a specified permission! If the t restrict command is not invoked no permissions are needed to create tags. Otherwise the set permissions are needed! The t restrict command needs Administrator permissions to be run.

GENERAL You cannot create a tag called taglist as it is a keyword. All tags will be created lowercase and called in lowercase no matter how you type them.

PREFIX This Command uses a module prefix. which means infront of all commands needs to be the prefix tag or t !

Command Parameter Example Output
t create [tagname] ¦ [tagvalue] $t create test ¦ this will be displyed Creates a tag (THE SYMBOL BETWEEN THE NAME AND VALUE IS A PIPE! CANT USE IT IN THIS MARKDOWN TABLE :()
t remove tagname $t remove test Removes the specified tag => You either need to be the creator or the specified permission group to do that. (If not specified it's manage hannels)
t taglist none $t taglist This will list all tags in the Guild
t tagname $t test This will post the value of the specified tag
t restrict [permission to restrict] $t restrict Administrator Restricts the Tag Command to the specified permissions (If no permission is entered the restriction will be removed!) => ManageChannels , Administrator, KickMembers, BanMembers, ManageGuild


GENERAL Marriages are global and limited to 10!

Command Parameter Example Output
marry @user $marry @Serenity#0783 The mentioned user has to answer with "yes" so that you can get married. Marriages are global and limited to 10 marriages
divorce @user $divorce @Serenity#0783 Divorce yourself from a user you are married to.
marriages [@user] $rmremind Check your or another users' marriages


GENERAL This allows you to blacklist users in your guild from further using Sora

ATTENTION For ALL commands you need Administrator permissions!

Command Parameter Example Output
blacklist @user $blacklist @Serenity#0783 Blacklists the specified user preventing him from using Sora any further in the guild
rmblacklist @user $rmblacklist @Serenity#0783 Removes the specified user from the blacklist allowing him to use Sora again in the guild
showblacklist none $rmremind Shows all the blacklisted users in the guild


GENERAL The starboard is a community based pin. What does that mean? When someone writes something funny you can react to it with ⭐ or 🌟 . This will post it in the specified Starboard channel (if not specified nothing will be posted)! I recommend creating a channel called Starboard and restricting everyone from writing in it but able to read it. That way no one can temper with the quotes but everyone can enjoy them! When activated, Sora MUST have the permission to read the message history, otherwise he wont be able to donwload messages that he did not see to upload them to the Starboard! You cannot star your own message. It will not be added to the starboard. Only different users can do that. When all reactions are deleted from the message the entry in the starboard will vanish aswell. The same message can only be added and removed twice, then it will be locked for the starboard and reactions to it will be blocked.

Command Parameter Example Permission Output
star none $star Manage Channels Sets the Channel in wich the command was invoked as Starboard
starremove none $starremove Manage Channels Removes the starboard form the guild

Profile and EP

PREFIX This Command uses a module prefix. which means infront of all commands needs to be the prefix p! GENERAL You will gain EP by writing messages... duh.

Command Parameter Example Output
p [@Mention user] $p / $p @Serenity#0783 Creates a profile image showing the EP and Level of the User (If specified the mentioned user otherwise the invoking user)
p subscribe none $p subscribe Toggles your lvl up notifies (If Sora will Message you when you level up. Standard : false)
p top10 none $p top10 Posts the top 10 list of users sorted by EP => The EP is globaly aquired on all Guilds that Sora is on!
p setbg [URL to Image] $p setbg / $p setbg Not specifing the URL will remove your set BG and reset to the default profile card. This feature requires you to have atleast lvl 20!


Command Parameter Example Output
help none $help Posts a link to this help page.. duh.
help command name $help t restrict Posts the indepth help of the specified command. Also shows all the possible aliases => usefull since i use alot of shortened names that way


PREFIX This Command uses a module prefix. which means infront of all commands needs to be the prefix info!

Command Parameter Example Output
info none $info Displays all the infos about Sora. (Current Guilds, Architecture, uptime, ping etc..)
info user [@mention user] $info user / $info user @Serenity#0783 If no user is entered as Parameter, you yourself will be the user displayed. This will post infos about the user like a link to his avatar, when he created the acc etc..
info guild none $info guild Posts info about the guild similar to the user command
info perms @user $info user @Serenity#0783 Posts info about users guild permissions! You REQUIRE any kind of mod perms to invoke this command

Miscellaneous and Fun

Command Parameter Example Output
say message to echo $say i love this bot Will echo the parameter
git none $git Will post a link to my gitlab page
feedback none $feedback / $bug Posts a link to my discord in where you can report bugs or issue Feature requests
door @mention $door @Serenity#0783 Shows the specified user the door. Mostly used after bad jokes
lenny none $lenny Posts a nice lenny face ( ?° ?? ?°)
google What to google $google what is c#? Googles something for you. Mostly used to google for others...
swag none $swag Swags the chat
about none $about Gives infos about Sora and where he came from :)
ping none $ping Shows the current ping of Sora
invite none $invite Posts a link to invite Sora to your guild :> plz ?

Pats, Hugs and Pokes

Command Parameter Example Output
pat @mention of user to pat $pat @Serenity#0783 Will pat the specified user and add it to his global patcount. Spread love ? or pats :>
hug @mention of user to hug $hug @Serenity#0783 Hugs the specified user with a randomly chosen hug gif
poke @mention of user to poke $poke @Serenity#0783 Pokes the specified user with a randomly chosen poke gif
kiss @mention of user to kiss $kiss @Serenity#0783 Kisses the specified user with a randomly chosen kiss gif
slap @mention of user to slap $slap @Serenity#0783 Slaps the specified user with a randomly chosen slap gif
affinity [@mention] $affinity / $affinity @Serenity#0783 Checks the stats and affinity of the specified person (if none is mentioned it will show yours). Pats, hugs and kisses give positive affinity, but not the same amount. Kiss gives more then pat and so on. Pokes are neutral and slaps give negative affinity. spread some love :3
reset none $reset Resets all your affinity stats, all pats, slaps etc. So you can start fresh again.


Command Parameter Example Output
changelog none $changelog See what the last update changed!


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