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Torch Alert

Rust's "Raid Alert" but in Space Engineers (and Discord).

Discord bot will send DM to offline players whenever their grids are in danger.

user alerts

Setup (Discord bot)

  1. Make an application & a bot on Discord Developer Portal
  2. Get the bot token (used later)
  3. Enable the bot's presence intent & server members intent
  4. Invite the bot to your Discord server
  5. Give it a role & show it on the right pane

Bot Icon

bot icon

woo woo

Setup (Admin)

  1. Grab the binary in Torch plugin repository
  2. Install the plugin like usual
  3. Assign the bot token (from earlier) to the plugin config; no restart required
  4. Do some config tweaking if you want to

Setup (User)

user setup

  1. In game, type !alert link, or as an admin !alert link <your steam id>
  2. Remember the link ID (1-5 digits number) that the plugin will spit out in response to the command
  3. Mention or DM the bot with the link ID

Troubleshooting (Admin):

  • !alert configs to view and/or edit all configs
  • !alert commands to view all commands

Troubleshooting (User)

  • To validate your Discord/Steam link, type !alert check in game or say check to the bot on Discord.
  • To link again (for whatever reason) you can simply !alert link again.
  • To turn on/off the alert for a player, say "mute" or "unmute" to the bot on Discord, or !mute or !unmute in game.

Bug Fix & Feature Requests

Ping @ryo in #plugins on Torch Discord


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