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============ Update 2017-12-04 Marius: Facebook login will only work on a specific port and for authorized users only (all of you have been invited for authorization on facebook). You need to change the port of the web on your machine:

  1. In solution explorer right click on GREEDY
  2. Press Properties
  3. Go to Debug
  4. Change App url to: http://localhost:6969/
  5. Save

============ Update 2017-11-12 Valentinas: TestData moved to GOOGLE DRIVE:

============ Update 2017-11-12 Aidas: How to drop database:

  1. Delete GREEDY database in SQL Server Object Explorer > Databases > GREEDY
  2. Strat NUGER consol PM>
  3. Write this command: PM> entityframework\update-database

============ Update: 2017-10-11 Marius: most of you will need some files and extensions in order for the project to work on you machine. Here is the guide on how to get them:

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Press Tools in the top menu
  3. Press Get tools and features...
  4. These extensions need to be selected and installed: In Web & Cloud - ASP.NET web development, Node.js development In Other Toolsets - .NET Core cross-platform development
  5. In the summary menu make sure the fields are checked: In ASP.NET web devolpment - everything excluding F#
  6. Press install and wait for instalation process to finish.
  7. Download (For windows 10 64bits system*)
  8. In download the rocomended for most users version.
  9. Install both files.
  10. Hope that the project will work on your machine.