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PATCH api/decision/state

Updates a devices state with the given device JSON data. The new device state should be reflected in the data. Returns true if the devices state has been updated.

POST api/decision/device/state

Get the state of the device from the JSON data provided, which is either true or false. Returns the state of the device. True if enabled, false if not.


---Device--- GET api/storage/device/{houseid}/{spaceid}/{deviceid} Gets the device information with the specified house ID, space ID, and device ID.

GET api/storage/device/{houseid}/{spaceid} Gets all of the devices information with the specified house ID and space ID.

GET api/storage/device/{houseid}/{spaceid}/{type} Gets all of the devices in the space of the type specified, with the provided house ID and space ID.

GET api/storage/device/{houseid} Gets all of the devices in the house with the specified house ID.

GET api/storage/device/{houseid}/{type} Gets all of the devices in the house of the specified type, with the provided house ID.

POST api/storage/device Posts a device with the JSON object data given. Data should be in the following format: { "houseID" : "roomID" : "Type": : } ROOMID 0 indicates that the device is stored directly in the house. Returns a unique ID for this device as a description while giving the status(in the given house/room)

POST api/house/device/state Posts the updated device info (blob) to persistent storage and updates the state change cache*

  • The app won't receive the update until it makes a GET request

DELETE api/storage/device/{houseid}/{spaceid}/{deviceid} Deletes a device with the specified house ID, space ID, and device ID provided.


GET api/storage/space/{houseid}/{spaceid} Gets the space information with the houseid and spaceid provided.

POST api/storage/space Posts the space with the JSON object data information provided.

DELETE api/storage/space/{houseid}/{spaceid} Deletes the space specified by the houseid and spaceid


GET api/storage/house/{houseid} Gets the houses information with the specified houseid.

POST api/storage/house Posts the house with the JSON object information provided.

DELETE api/storage/house/{houseid} Deletes the house with the specified houseid.


GET api/storage/user/{username} Gets the users information by the username provided via JSON object data.

POST api/storage/user Posts the users information provided by JSON object data.

DELETE api/storage/api/stroage/user/{username} Deletes the user specified by the username.



POST api/app/user/updateposition/{username} Updates the user position and location time stamp to the user, requires JSON object data and the username for the user.

POST api/app/user/devicetoken/{username} Posts the devicetoken for a given user.

POST api/app/user/brighten A request from the App system to make something brighter near their location. Information provided in a JSON. Returns a bool that is true if the information was posted, false if not.

GET api/user/userid/{username}/{pass} Gets the userid of the user provided username and password.


GET api/app/device/{fullid} Get pending JSON device data with the FullID object provided.

GET api/app/device Get all the pending JSON device data as an array of JSON data.

GET api/app/device/count Get the count of the pending JSON device data.

GET api/app/device/enumeratedevices/{houseid} A request from the App to get list of all the devices that are not registered to the house. Requires a houseID as an input in the uri. Returns all the elements which don’t match any devices registered to a given house.

POST api/app/device/viaSimulation/{houseid}/{roomid}/{deviceid} A request from app to update the Device state. This call assumes that the device state is being changed as an action of the user (ex. physically switching the ligh on/off). Information regarding state, device-ID and all other things are provided as a JSON blob which will be stored in Persistent Storage, and sent to the House. This will not be sent to Decision Systems. Returns true if successful

POST api/app/device/viaActual/{houseid}/{roomid}/{deviceid} A request from app to update the Device state. This call assumes that the device state is being changed from the application itself. Information regarding state, device-ID and all other things are provided as a JSON blob which will be stored in Persistent Storage, sent to the House and to the Decision Systems. Returns true if successful

---Notification--- POST api/app/user/devicetoken/{username}/{pass} Posts a device token related to the user. Need to call this to sign up users for notifications. JSon blob should be

{ "deviceToken" : }

POST api/app/user/notify/{username}/{pass} Posts a notification to the desired user. JSon blob should be { "message" : }

---Commands--- POST api/app/user/command Posts a command to the decision making team. JSon blob specified by decision making team.


POST api/sim/timeframe Post the information via JSON data regarding the SimHarneses time frame configurations to the Decision Making System.


POST api/house/device/state Post and updated device blob to the system (persistent storage and app cache/queue)


GET api/logfile Get the logfile information via a string

GET api/logfile/count Get the count of logs in the logfile

DELETE api/logfile Delete the logs in the logfile


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