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Library with helper methods to perform tasks related to AutoCAD IO V2

How to build :

  1. Open the solution file in Visual Studio 2012

  2. Add the following NuGet packages to the project:

"OData V4 Client" and "Newtonsoft.JSON"


  1. Build the library project.

Following methods are provided by this library :

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.SetupAutoCADIOContainer(System.String,System.String)">
	Does setup of AutoCAD IO. 
	This method will need to be invoked once before any other methods of this
	utility class can be invoked.
	<param name="autocadioclientid">AutoCAD IO Client ID - can be obtained from</param>
	<param name="autocadioclientsecret">AutoCAD IO Client Secret - can be obtained from</param>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.GetActivityDetails">
	Get the activity name and script associated with the activities
	<returns>Key Value pair of the activity names and script associated with each activity</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.GetAppPackageDetails">
	Get the appPackage name and resource associated with the appPackages
	<returns>Key Value pair of the appPackage name and resource url associated with each appPackage</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.CreateActivity(System.String,System.String)">
	Creates a new activity
	<param name="activityId">Unique name identifying the activity</param>
	<param name="script">AutoCAD Script that is associated with the activity</param>
	<param name="linkedPackages">Package Ids to link with the new activity being created</param>
	<returns>true if activity was created, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.DeleteActivity(System.String)">
	Removes an existing activity
	<param name="activityId">Unique name identifying the activity to be removed. Activity with this name must already exist.</param>
	<returns>true if activity was removed, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.UpdateActivity(System.String,System.String)">
	Updates an existing activity script
	<param name="activityId">Unique name identifying the activity to be updated. Activity with this name must already exist.</param>
	<param name="script">Script to replace the existing one associated with the activity</param>
	<returns>true if activity was updated, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.SubmitWorkItem(System.String,System.String)">
	Creates a new WorkItem
	<param name="activityId">ActivityId that is associated with the new workItem</param>
	<param name="hostDwgS3Url">Url of the drawing after it has been uploaded to Amazon S3</param>
	<returns>true if WorkItem was created, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.CreateAppPackageFromBundle(System.String,System.String)">
	Creates a new AppPackage 
	<param name="packageId">Unique name identifying the appPackage to be created. AppPackage must not already exist with the same name.</param>
	<param name="bundleFolderPath">Local folder path to the autoloader bundle. This path must contain the PackageContents.xml</param>
	<returns>true if appPackage was created, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.CreateAppPackageFromZip(System.String,System.String)">
	Creates a new AppPackage
	<param name="packageId">Unique name identifying the appPackage to be created. AppPackage must not already exist with the same name.</param>
	<param name="packageZipFilePath">Local path to the autoloader bundle after it has been zipped.</param>
	<returns>true if appPackage was created, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.AcadIOUtils.DeletePackage(System.String)">
	Removes an existing appPackage
	<param name="activityId">Unique name identifying the appPackage to be removed. appPackage with this name must already exist.</param>
	<returns>true if appPackage was removed, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.GeneralUtils.FindListedCommands(System.String,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection@,System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection@)">
	Identifies the commands exposed by a bundle represented by the "packageZipFilePath"
	<param name="packageZipFilePath">Path to the zip file of the bundle</param>
	<param name="localCommands">Returns the local commands identified from packagecontents.xml</param>
	<param name="globalCommands">Returns the global commands identified from packagecontents.xml</param>

<member name="Autodesk.GeneralUtils.UploadObject(System.String,System.String)">
	Uploads the contents from "filePath" to the url provided
	<param name="url">Upload url</param>
	<param name="filePath">Local file path</param>
	<returns>true if uploaded, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.GeneralUtils.Download(System.String,System.String@)">
	Downloads and saves the contents from the url in a local file
	<param name="url">Download url</param>
	<param name="localFilePath">Local file path to which the contents were saved</param>
	<returns>true if downloaded, false otherwise</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.GeneralUtils.UploadDrawingToS3(System.String)">
	Uploads the drawing to Amazon S3
	<param name="dwgFilePath"></param>
	<returns>Presigned Url of the uploaded drawing file in Amazon S3</returns>

<member name="Autodesk.GeneralUtils.S3BucketName">
	Bucket name in Amazon S3 to be used for uploading drawing

Examples on using this library can be found in the following samples :


Library with helper methods to perform tasks related to AutoCAD IO







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