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A demo of concurrent, generic, non-generic, & abstract collections, and includes examples of custom enumerators, and various comparer implementations

Developed with Visual Studio 2015 Community



####Concurrent Collections

Collection Features
ConcurrentDictionary Threads, TryAdd, TryUpdate, TryRemove, AddOrUpdate, TryGetValue, Clear
ConcurrentQueue Enqueue, TryDequeue, TryPeek, Action delegate, Parallel.Invoke, Interlocked.Add
ConcurrentStack PushRange, TryPopRange, Interlocked.Increment, Parallel.For
ConcurrentBag Add, TryTake, TryPeek
Blocking Collection Add, TryTake, TryAddToAny, TryTakeFromAny, CompleteAdding, Action delegate, Parallel.Invoke, Interlocked.Add, CancellationTokenSource

####Generic Collections

Collection Features
Dictionary(TKey , TValue) Add, Remove, ValueCollection, KeyValuePair, KeyCollection, TryGetValue, Enumerator, Exception Handling with 'ArgumentException' & 'KeyNotFoundException'
HashSet(T) Add, UnionWith and a second example implements IEqualityComparer(T)
SortedDictionary(TKey , TValue) Add, Remove, ValueCollection, KeyValuePair, KeyCollection, TryGetValue, Exception Handling with 'ArgumentException' & 'KeyNotFoundException'
LinkedList(T) AddFirst, AddLast, AddBefore, AddAfter, RemoveFirst, RemoveLast, Find, FindLast, clear, copying to array & exception handling with 'InvalidOperationException' when node already exists
List(T) Add, Remove, Sort, Reverse, Capacity, Count, Clear, Insert(n,T)
KeyedCollection(TKey,TItem) Add, Insert, Get, Remove, RemoveAt, IndexOf

####Observable Collections

Collection Features
ObservableCollection(T) Custom ObservableCollection(T) implementation with Add, Remove, Contains, CopyTo, Clear & Enumerator

####Immutable Collections

Collection Features
ImmutableList(T) Create and index access


Interface Features
ICollection(T) Demonstrates how to create a custom collection (BoxCollection) that also utilises a custom Enumerator(T). This collection overrides the Remove, Contains, Add, GetEnumerator, IEnumerable.GetEnumerator, Clear, IsReadOnly & Count members, as well as introducing an indexer method and a custom Contains method that allows you to pass in an EqualityComparer(T) object.
IEnumerable(T) Demonstrates how to create a custom file reader (EnumerableStreamReader) that utilises a custom Enumerator(T).


Class Features
IEnumerator(T) 2 examples demonstrating iteration over a list and a text file

####Comparer Classes

Class Features
Comparer(T) Demonstrates sorting collections by implementing IComparable(T) & deriving from Comparer(T)
EqualityComparer(T) Demonstrates equality comparison by deriving from EqualityComparer(T) class


Title Author Publisher / Website
Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework Andrew Troelsen APRESS
System.Collections.Generic Namespace MSDN
How to: Use Arrays of Blocking Collections in a Pipeline MSDN
ObservableCollection Class MSDN
Using the HashSet of T object in C# .NET to store unique elements Andras Nemes


A demo of concurrent, generic, non-generic, & abstract collections, and includes examples of custom enumerators, and various comparer implementations.






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