Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List<CodePiece> GetInstructionStrings()
            var returning = new List<CodePiece>();

            var comments = FindCommmentIndexes();

            string[] texts = document.Split(InstructionEnds, StringSplitOptions.None);

            int startIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++)
                texts[i] += '.';

                CodePiece ins = new CodePiece(texts[i],
                    startIndex + texts[i].Length);


                startIndex += texts[i].Length + 2;

            return returning;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public CodePiece FindMatchingFramework(string instructionText, string expectedResult)
            CodePiece returning = new CodePiece(instructionText, 0, instructionText.Length);

            if (instructionText == null || instructionText == "" || instructionText == "\r" || instructionText == "/t") return null;
            //InstructionFramework match = null;

            //gather up all the text parts into a single list, including separators
            List<string> allTextParts = BreakDownLine(instructionText);

            for (int ic = 0; ic < Instructions.Count && returning.Framework == null; ic++)
                //if the result we are looking for matches the instruction result
                if (ResultCheck(expectedResult, Instructions[ic].Result))
                    //gather up all the instruction parts into a single list, including separators
                    List<string> allInstParts = BreakDownLine(Instructions[ic].Framework);

                    //collect any areas in the text that need to be saved as child code pieces
                    List<CodePiece> childCodePieces = new List<CodePiece>();
                    string childCodePieceResult = null;

                    //check to make sure all parts are accounted for
                    int curTextPart = 0;
                    bool txtMatch = true; //true until proven wrong
                    for (int curInstPart = 0; curInstPart < allInstParts.Count && txtMatch; curInstPart++)
                        string curInst = allInstParts[curInstPart];
                        string lastInst = (curInstPart > 0 ? allInstParts[curInstPart - 1] : "");
                        string nextInst = (curInstPart < allInstParts.Count - 1 ? allInstParts[curInstPart + 1] : "");

                        //if the instruction part is a variable, start a new code part
                        if (curInst[0] == '<' && curInst[curInst.Length - 1] == '>')
                            //find the start of the instruction in the text
                            int childStart = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < curTextPart; i++)
                                childStart += allTextParts[i].Length;
                            if (nextInst == " ") childStart++;

                            childCodePieces.Add(new CodePiece("", childStart, 0));
                            childCodePieceResult = allInstParts[curInstPart];

                        //if the instruction part is not blank or a space
                        else if (curInst != " " && curInst != "")
                            //find text part that coincides with the instruction part
                            bool instMatch = false;
                            while (curTextPart < allTextParts.Count && !instMatch)
                                //check if text matches instruction
                                string curText = allTextParts[curTextPart];
                                if (curInst.Equals(curText, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                                    //check if text before instuction part is correct
                                    bool lastMatch = false;
                                    if (curInstPart == 0) lastMatch = true; //if the instruction part is the first, match
                                        //if the last instruction part was a space, make sure the text is as well
                                        if (lastInst == " " && allTextParts[curTextPart - 1] == " ")
                                            lastMatch = true;
                                        //else if the last instruction was a variable
                                        else if (lastInst[0] == '<' && lastInst[lastInst.Length - 1] == '>')
                                            lastMatch = true;
                                        //else find the last text part that was not a space and check
                                            //find the last text part that was not a space
                                            string lastText = " ";
                                            for (int i = curTextPart - 1; i > 0 && lastText == " "; i--)
                                                lastText = allTextParts[i];
                                            //check if the last text part matches the last instruction part
                                            if (lastInst.Equals(lastText, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                                                lastMatch = true;

                                    //check if text after instruction part is correct
                                    bool nextMatch = false;
                                    if (curInstPart == allInstParts.Count - 1) nextMatch = true; //if the instruction part is the last, match
                                        //if the next instruction part is a space, make sure the text is as well
                                        if (nextInst == " " && allTextParts[curTextPart + 1] == " ")
                                            nextMatch = true;
                                        //else if the next instruction is a variable
                                        else if (nextInst[0] == '<' && nextInst[nextInst.Length - 1] == '>')
                                            nextMatch = true;
                                        //else find the next text part that is a space and check
                                            //find the next text part that is not a space
                                            string nextText = " ";
                                            for (int i = curTextPart + 1; i < allTextParts.Count && nextText == " "; i++)
                                                nextText = allTextParts[i];
                                            //check if the last text part matches the last instruction part
                                            if (nextInst.Equals(nextText, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                                                nextMatch = true;

                                    if (lastMatch && nextMatch)
                                        instMatch = true;


                            //if the instruction matches and there is a child code piece open, complete it
                            if (txtMatch && childCodePieceResult != null)
                                int childEnd = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < curTextPart - 1; i++)
                                    childEnd += allTextParts[i].Length;
                                if (lastInst == " ") childEnd--;

                                CodePiece cp = childCodePieces.Last<CodePiece>();

                                cp.EndLocation = childEnd;
                                if (cp.EndLocation - cp.StartLocation >= 0)
                                    cp.Text = instructionText.Substring(cp.StartLocation, cp.EndLocation - cp.StartLocation);

                                if (cp.Text != instructionText)
                                    CodePiece tempCp = FindMatchingFramework(cp.Text, childCodePieceResult);
                                    if (tempCp != null)
                                        cp.Framework = tempCp.Framework;
                                        cp.ChildPieces = tempCp.ChildPieces;

                                childCodePieceResult = null;

                            txtMatch = instMatch;

                        /*txtMatch = false;
                        while (curTextPart < allTextParts.Count && !txtMatch)
                            string curText = allTextParts[curTextPart];
                            string lastText = allTextParts[curTextPart - 1];
                            string curInst = allInstParts[curInstPart];
                            string lastInst = allInstParts[curInstPart - 1];
                            if (allTextParts[curTextPart].Equals(allInstParts[curInstPart], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                (allTextParts[curTextPart - 1].Equals(allInstParts[curInstPart - 1], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                                (allInstParts[curInstPart - 1][0] == '<' && allInstParts[curInstPart - 1][allInstParts[curInstPart - 1].Length - 1] == '>')))
                                txtMatch = true;
                                //close the open code piece
                                if (childCodePieceResult != null && allTextParts[curTextPart] != " ")
                                    int childEnd = -1;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < curTextPart; i++)
                                        childEnd += allTextParts[i].Length;

                                    CodePiece cp = childCodePieces.Last<CodePiece>();

                                    cp.EndLocation = childEnd;
                                    if (childEnd >= 0)
                                        cp.Text = instructionText.Substring(cp.StartLocation, cp.EndLocation - cp.StartLocation);

                                    CodePiece tempCp = FindMatchingFramework(cp.Text, childCodePieceResult);
                                    if (tempCp != null)
                                        cp.Framework = tempCp.Framework;

                                    childCodePieceResult = null;
                            //else if the current instruction part starts with '<' and ends with '>'
                            else if (allInstParts[curInstPart][0] == '<' && allInstParts[curInstPart][allInstParts[curInstPart].Length - 1] == '>')
                                txtMatch = true;

                                int childStart = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < curTextPart; i++)
                                    childStart += allTextParts[i].Length;

                                childCodePieces.Add(new CodePiece("", childStart, 0));
                                childCodePieceResult = allInstParts[curInstPart];

                            //else if the last instruction part starts with '<' and ends with '>'
                            else if (allInstParts[curInstPart - 1][0] == '<' && allInstParts[curInstPart - 1][allInstParts[curInstPart - 1].Length - 1] == '>')
                                txtMatch = true;
                            else if (allTextParts[curTextPart] == " " || allTextParts[curTextPart] == "")


                    if (txtMatch) //found a match!!!1!11!!
                        //finish if there is an open child
                        if (childCodePieceResult != null)
                            int childEnd = instructionText.Length;

                            CodePiece cp = childCodePieces.Last<CodePiece>();

                            cp.EndLocation = childEnd;
                            if (cp.EndLocation - cp.StartLocation >= 0)
                                cp.Text = instructionText.Substring(cp.StartLocation, cp.EndLocation - cp.StartLocation);

                            CodePiece tempCp = FindMatchingFramework(cp.Text, childCodePieceResult);
                            if (tempCp != null)
                                cp.Framework = tempCp.Framework;
                                cp.ChildPieces = tempCp.ChildPieces;

                            childCodePieceResult = null;

                        //set in matching instruction to return
                        returning.Framework = Instructions[ic];
                        returning.ChildPieces = childCodePieces;

            return returning;