    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
    * converter object.
    * @return the ConversionProperties object describing the default properties
    * for this converter.
 public new ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
     ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);
     return ret;
        bool matchesProperties(ConversionProperties props)
            bool ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("matchesProperties", swigMethodTypes5) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_matchesPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_matchesProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)));

            if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 3
    * Converts this document using the converter that best matches
    * the given conversion properties.
    * @param props the conversion properties to use
    * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
    * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
    * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
    * returned by this function are:
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED  @endlink
 /* libsbml-internal */
 public int convert(ConversionProperties props)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLDocument_convert(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props));
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
    * Returns @c true if this converter object's properties match the given
    * properties.
    * A typical use of this method involves creating a ConversionProperties
    * object, setting the options desired, and then calling this method on
    * an SBMLLevel1Version1Converter object to find out if the object's
    * property values match the given ones.  This method is also used by
    * SBMLConverterRegistry::getConverterFor(@if java ConversionProperties@endif)
    * to search across all registered converters for one matching particular
    * properties.
    * @param props the properties to match.
    * @return @c true if this converter's properties match, @c false
    * otherwise.
 public new bool matchesProperties(ConversionProperties props)
     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLLevel1Version1Converter_matchesProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props));
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    * Predicate returning @c true if this converter's properties matches a
    * given set of configuration properties.
    * @param props the configuration properties to match.
    * @return @c true if this converter's properties match, @c false
    * otherwise.
 public bool matchesProperties(ConversionProperties props)
     bool ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("matchesProperties", swigMethodTypes5) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_matchesPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_matchesProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)));
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
        internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(ConversionProperties obj)
            HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (obj != null)
            ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
            obj.swigCMemOwn = false;

            return ptr;
    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
    * converter object.
    * @return the ConversionProperties object describing the default properties
    * for this converter.
 public new ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
     ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);
     return ret;
 ConversionProperties(ConversionProperties orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_ConversionProperties__SWIG_2(ConversionProperties.getCPtr(orig)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        SBMLConverter getConverterFor(ConversionProperties props)
            SBMLConverter ret
                = (SBMLConverter)libsbml.DowncastSBMLConverter(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverterRegistry_getConverterFor(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)), false);

            if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
            ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLStripPackageConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);

 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ConversionProperties obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
        SBMLConverter getConverterFor(ConversionProperties props)
            IntPtr        cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverterRegistry_getConverterFor(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props));
            SBMLConverter ret  = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SBMLConverter(cPtr, false);

            if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 private global::System.IntPtr SwigDirectorgetProperties()
        int setProperties(ConversionProperties props)
            int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("setProperties", swigMethodTypes7) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_setPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_setProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)));

    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
    * converter object.
    * @return the ConversionProperties object describing the default properties
    * for this converter.
 public ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
     ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLStripPackageConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);
     return ret;
        ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
            ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLLevelVersionConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);

Ejemplo n.º 17
 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ConversionProperties obj)
     return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
        ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
            ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);

Ejemplo n.º 19
    * Copy constructor.
    * @param orig the object to copy.
    * @throws @if python ValueError @else SBMLConstructorException @endif
    * Thrown if the argument @p orig is @c null.
 public ConversionProperties(ConversionProperties orig)
     : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_ConversionProperties__SWIG_2(ConversionProperties.getCPtr(orig)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        bool matchesProperties(ConversionProperties props)
            bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter_matchesProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props));

            if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
    * converter object.
    * @return the ConversionProperties object describing the default properties
    * for this converter.
 public new ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
     ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLLevel1Version1Converter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr), true);
     return ret;
    * Returns the converter that best matches the given configuration
    * properties.
    * Many converters provide the ability to configure their behavior.  This
    * is realized through the use of @em properties that offer different @em
    * options.  The present method allows callers to search for converters
    * that have specific property values.  Callers can do this by creating a
    * ConversionProperties object, adding the desired option(s) to the
    * object, then passing the object to this method.
    * @param props a ConversionProperties object defining the properties
    * to match against.
    * @return the converter matching the properties, or @c null if no
    * suitable converter is found.
    * @see getConverterByIndex(@if java int@endif)
 public SBMLConverter getConverterFor(ConversionProperties props)
     SBMLConverter ret
     = (SBMLConverter) libsbml.DowncastSBMLConverter(libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverterRegistry_getConverterFor(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)), false);
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 23
    * Returns the default properties of this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method
    * returns the @em default property settings for this converter.  It is
    * meant to be called in order to discover all the settings for the
    * converter object.  The run-time properties of the converter object can
    * be adjusted by using the method
    * SBMLConverter::setProperties(ConversionProperties props).
    * @return the default properties for the converter.
    * @see setProperties(@if java ConversionProperties props@endif)
    * @see matchesProperties(@if java ConversionProperties props@endif)
 public ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
     ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties((SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("getDefaultProperties", swigMethodTypes3) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_getDefaultPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr)), true);
     return ret;
    * Returns the converter that best matches the given configuration
    * properties.
    * Many converters provide the ability to configure their behavior.  This
    * is realized through the use of @em properties that offer different @em
    * options.  The present method allows callers to search for converters
    * that have specific property values.  Callers can do this by creating a
    * ConversionProperties object, adding the desired option(s) to the
    * object, then passing the object to this method.
    * @param props a ConversionProperties object defining the properties
    * to match against.
    * @return the converter matching the properties, or @c null if no
    * suitable converter is found.
    * @see getConverterByIndex(@if java int index@endif)
 public SBMLConverter getConverterFor(ConversionProperties props)
     IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverterRegistry_getConverterFor(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props));
     SBMLConverter ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SBMLConverter(cPtr, false);
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
     return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 25
    * Sets the configuration properties to be used by this converter.
    * A given converter exposes one or more properties that can be adjusted
    * in order to influence the behavior of the converter.  This method sets
    * the current properties for this converter.
    * @param props the ConversionProperties object defining the properties
    * to set.
    * @return integer value indicating the success/failure of the operation.
    * @if clike The value is drawn from the enumeration
    * #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The set of possible values that may
    * be returned ultimately depends on the specific subclass of
    * SBMLConverter being used, but the default method can return the
    * following values:
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED @endlink
    * @see getProperties()
    * @see matchesProperties(@if java ConversionProperties props@endif)
 public int setProperties(ConversionProperties props)
     int ret = (SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("setProperties", swigMethodTypes8) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_setPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_setProperties(swigCPtr, ConversionProperties.getCPtr(props)));
     return ret;
        ConversionProperties getDefaultProperties()
            ConversionProperties ret = new ConversionProperties((SwigDerivedClassHasMethod("getDefaultProperties", swigMethodTypes3) ? libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_getDefaultPropertiesSwigExplicitSBMLConverter(swigCPtr) : libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLConverter_getDefaultProperties(swigCPtr)), true);
