Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected override bool DoClose(CefBrowser browser)
     Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "DoClose");
     // Returning false will send a top level browser close event? guess that is why the labview window closed?
     // Sure does, need to return true and figure out more about the workflow
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
            if (DumpProcessMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Client::OnProcessMessageReceived: SourceProcess={0}", sourceProcess);
                Console.WriteLine("Message Name={0} IsValid={1} IsReadOnly={2}", message.Name, message.IsValid, message.IsReadOnly);
                var arguments = message.Arguments;
                for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                    var type = arguments.GetValueType(i);
                    object value;
                    switch (type)
                        case CefValueType.Null: value = null; break;
                        case CefValueType.String: value = arguments.GetString(i); break;
                        case CefValueType.Int: value = arguments.GetInt(i); break;
                        case CefValueType.Double: value = arguments.GetDouble(i); break;
                        case CefValueType.Bool: value = arguments.GetBool(i); break;
                        default: value = null; break;

                    Console.WriteLine("  [{0}] ({1}) = {2}", i, type, value);

            var handled = DemoApp.BrowserMessageRouter.OnProcessMessageReceived(browser, sourceProcess, message);
            if (handled) return true;

            if (message.Name == "myMessage2" || message.Name == "myMessage3") return true;

            return false;
        private Task<IWebBrowserWindowProvider> InitTask(string fullpath, IWebSessionLogger logger)
            TaskCompletionSource<IWebBrowserWindowProvider> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<IWebBrowserWindowProvider>();
            Task.Run(async () =>
                var cefWindowInfo = CefWindowInfo.Create();
                cefWindowInfo.SetAsWindowless(IntPtr.Zero, true);

                //// Settings for the browser window itself (e.g. enable JavaScript?).
                var cefBrowserSettings = new CefBrowserSettings();

                // Initialize some the cust interactions with the browser process.
                var cefClient = new TestCefClient();

                // Start up the browser instance.
                CefBrowserHost.CreateBrowser(cefWindowInfo, cefClient, cefBrowserSettings, fullpath);

                _CefBrowser = await cefClient.GetLoadedBrowserAsync();

                _CefFrame = _CefBrowser.GetMainFrame();
                _TestCefGlueHTMLWindowProvider = new TestCefGlueHTMLWindowProvider(_CefFrame, cefClient);

            return tcs.Task;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
            if (!this.loggingService.IsDebugEnabled)
                return false;

            this.loggingService.Debug("Client::OnProcessMessageReceived: SourceProcess={0}", sourceProcess);
            this.loggingService.Debug("Message Name={0} IsValid={1} IsReadOnly={2}", message.Name, message.IsValid, message.IsReadOnly);
            var arguments = message.Arguments;
            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                var type = arguments.GetValueType(i);
                object value;
                switch (type)
                    case CefValueType.Null: value = null; break;
                    case CefValueType.String: value = arguments.GetString(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Int: value = arguments.GetInt(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Double: value = arguments.GetDouble(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Bool: value = arguments.GetBool(i); break;
                    default: value = null; break;

                this.loggingService.Debug("  [{0}] ({1}) = {2}", i, type, value);

            return false;
 public ConsoleMessageEventArgs(CefBrowser browser, string message, string source, int line)
     this.CefBrowser = browser;
     this.Message = message;
     this.Source = source;
     this.Line = line;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected override void OnAddressChange( CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, string url )
     if( frame.IsMain )
         owner.OnAddressChanged( url );
Ejemplo n.º 7
		protected override void OnBeforeClose(CefBrowser browser)
			if (_core.InvokeRequireOnUi())
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
            Console.WriteLine("Render::OnProcessMessageReceived: SourceProcess={0}", sourceProcess);
            Console.WriteLine("Message Name={0} IsValid={1} IsReadOnly={2}", message.Name, message.IsValid, message.IsReadOnly);
            var arguments = message.Arguments;
            for (var i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++)
                var type = arguments.GetValueType(i);
                object value;
                switch (type)
                    case CefValueType.Null: value = null; break;
                    case CefValueType.String: value = arguments.GetString(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Int: value = arguments.GetInt(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Double: value = arguments.GetDouble(i); break;
                    case CefValueType.Bool: value = arguments.GetBool(i); break;
                    default: value = null; break;

                Console.WriteLine("  [{0}] ({1}) = {2}", i, type, value);

            if (message.Name == "myMessage2") return true;

            var message2 = CefProcessMessage.Create("myMessage2");
            var success = browser.SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId.Renderer, message2);
            Console.WriteLine("Sending myMessage2 to renderer process = {0}", success);

            var message3 = CefProcessMessage.Create("myMessage3");
            var success2 = browser.SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId.Browser, message3);
            Console.WriteLine("Sending myMessage3 to browser process = {0}", success);

            return false;
 protected override void OnLoadEnd(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, int httpStatusCode)
     if (OnLoadEndEvent != null)
         OnLoadEndEvent(browser, frame, httpStatusCode);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public OnGetResourceHandlerEventArgs(string _id, CefBrowser _browser, CefFrame _frame, CefRequest _request)
     id = _id;
     browser = _browser;
     frame = _frame;
     request = _request;
     DelegateRequest = false; //Default do not delegate, allow CEF to handle using network
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected override void OnCursorChange( CefBrowser browser, IntPtr cursorHandle )
     //_uiHelper.PerformInUiThread(() =>
     //    Cursor cursor = CursorInteropHelper.Create(new SafeFileHandle(cursorHandle, false));
     //    _owner.Cursor = cursor;
        public BrowserWrapper()
            Status = BrowserStatus.Initial;

            hasPendingClose = false;
            browserClient = null;
            browser = null;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override void OnLoadStart(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame)
            base.OnLoadStart(browser, frame);

            var message = CefProcessMessage.Create("SetOverlayAPI");
            message.Arguments.SetString(0, frame.Name);
            browser.SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId.Renderer, message);
        protected override bool GetRootScreenRect(CefBrowser browser, ref CefRectangle rect)
            rect.X = 0;
            rect.Y = 0;
            rect.Width = this.screenWidth;
            rect.Height = this.screenHeight;

            return true;
        protected override bool GetScreenInfo(CefBrowser browser, CefScreenInfo screenInfo)
            var rect = screenInfo.Rectangle;
            this.GetRootScreenRect(browser, ref rect);
            screenInfo.Depth = 32;
            screenInfo.IsMonochrome = false;

            return true;
 protected override void OnStatusMessage(CefBrowser browser, string value)
     if (browser == null)
         API.Instance.Log("Browser null: invalid OnStatusMessage.");
     API.Instance.Log("Browser {0}: Status message: {1}", browser.Identifier, value);
 protected override bool OnConsoleMessage(CefBrowser browser, string message, string source, int line)
     if (browser == null)
         API.Instance.Log("Browser null: invalid OnConsoleMessage.");
         return false;
     API.Instance.Log("Browser {0}: {1} @{2}{3}", browser.Identifier, message, source, line);
     return false;
        protected override void OnPaint(CefBrowser browser, CefPaintElementType type, CefRectangle[] dirtyRects, IntPtr buffer, int width, int height)
            if (type != CefPaintElementType.View)
                // Only want to paint the view

 protected override bool OnConsoleMessage(CefBrowser browser, string message, string source, int line)
     var consoleArgs = new ConsoleMessageArgs(message, source, line);
     if (ConsoleMessage==null)
     ConsoleMessage?.Invoke(this, consoleArgs);
     return false;
        protected override bool OnBeforeNavigation(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefRequest request, CefNavigationType navigationType, bool isRedirect)
            Console.WriteLine("OnBeforeNavigation: Request.Url={0} NavigationType={1} IsRedirect={2}",

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 internal OnQueryEventArgs(CefBrowser _browser, CefFrame _frame, long _queryId, string _request, bool _persistent, CefMessageRouterBrowserSide.Callback _callback)
     browser = _browser;
     frame = _frame;
     queryId = _queryId;
     request = _request;
     persistent = _persistent;
     callback = _callback;
     Handled = false; //default return value
Ejemplo n.º 22
            protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
                if (message.Name == "renderProcessIdRequest")
                    CefProcessMessage response = CefProcessMessage.Create("renderProcessIdResponse");
                    response.Arguments.SetInt(0, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id);
                    browser.SendProcessMessage(CefProcessId.Browser, response);

                return false;
 internal void Associate(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefV8Context context)
     var webView = new CefV8_WebView(context,context.GetTaskRunner());
     var taskCompletionSource =  _TaskCompletionSources.GetOrDefault(frame.Identifier);  
     if (taskCompletionSource!=null)
     _Associated.Add(frame.Identifier, webView);  
Ejemplo n.º 24
Archivo: Form1.cs Proyecto: qipa/ILBC
 private void Browser_ProcessMessageReceived(Xilium.CefGlue.CefBrowser browser, Xilium.CefGlue.CefProcessId sourceProcess, Xilium.CefGlue.CefProcessMessage message)
     if (message.Name == "OpenSaveFileDialog")
         BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); }));
         this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                                     { MessageBox.Show("未知的消息 from Render Process ,消息名字“" + message.Name + "”。"); }));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override bool OnBeforePopup( CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, string targetUrl, string targetFrameName, CefPopupFeatures popupFeatures, CefWindowInfo windowInfo, ref CefClient client, CefBrowserSettings settings, ref bool noJavascriptAccess )
            var e = new BeforePopupEventArgs( frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName, popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, settings,
                     noJavascriptAccess );

            this.owner.OnBeforePopup( e );

            client = e.Client;
            noJavascriptAccess = e.NoJavascriptAccess;

            return e.Handled;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public override bool OnQuery(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, long queryId, string request, bool persistent, CefMessageRouterBrowserSide.Callback callback)
            Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnQuery called, [" + queryId + " " + (persistent ? "" : "not" + " persistent]: ") + request);
	        var handler = OnQueryEvent;
	        if (handler != null)
                Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnQuery Delegate");
		        var e = new OnQueryEventArgs(browser, frame, queryId, request, persistent, callback);
		        handler(this, e);
                return e.Handled;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private CefFrame GetFrameByName(CefBrowser browser, string frameName)
            CefFrame frame = null;
            if (frameName == null)
                frame = browser.GetMainFrame();
                frame = browser.GetFrame(frameName);

            return frame;
        protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
            if (message.Name == "renderProcessIdResponse")
                int renderProcessId = message.Arguments.GetInt(0);
                BrowserWrapper browserWrapper;
                if (BrowserManager.Instance.TryGetBrowser(
                    browser.Identifier, out browserWrapper))

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected override bool OnProcessMessageReceived(CefBrowser browser, CefProcessId sourceProcess, CefProcessMessage message)
            Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnProcessMessageReceived: " + message.ToString());
            var isHandled = _messageRouter.OnProcessMessageReceived(browser, sourceProcess, message);
            if (isHandled)
                return true;

	        var handler = OnProcessMessageReceivedEvent;
            if (handler != null)
                Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnProcessMessageReceived Delegate");
                var e = new OnProcessMessageReceivedEventArgs(browser, sourceProcess, message);
                handler(this, e);
                return e.Handled;
            return false;
        protected override void OnPaint(CefBrowser browser, CefPaintElementType type, CefRectangle[] dirtyRects, IntPtr buffer, int width, int height)
            _logger.Debug("Type: {0} Buffer: {1:X8} Width: {2} Height: {3}", type, buffer, width, height);
            foreach (var rect in dirtyRects)
                _logger.Debug("   DirtyRect: X={0} Y={1} W={2} H={3}", rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

            if (type == CefPaintElementType.View)
                _owner.HandleViewPaint(browser, type, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height);
            else if (type == CefPaintElementType.Popup)
                _owner.HandlePopupPaint(width, height, dirtyRects, buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected override void OnAfterCreated(CefBrowser browser)
            Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnAfterCreated");
            //Need to be called on ui thread?
            _lvCefControl.InvokeIfRequired(() =>
                _lvCefControl.Browser = browser;

	        var handler = OnAfterCreatedEvent;
	        if (handler != null)
                Debug.WriteLine(DBGPREFIX + "OnAfterCreated Delegate");
		        var e = new OnAfterCreatedEventArgs(browser);
		        handler(this, e);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread before OnBeforeBrowse in certain limited cases
 /// where navigating a new or different browser might be desirable. This
 /// includes user-initiated navigation that might open in a special way (e.g.
 /// links clicked via middle-click or ctrl + left-click) and certain types of
 /// cross-origin navigation initiated from the renderer process (e.g.
 /// navigating the top-level frame to/from a file URL). The |browser| and
 /// |frame| values represent the source of the navigation. The
 /// |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to navigate
 /// the browser based on standard Chromium behaviors (e.g. current tab,
 /// new tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will be true if the browser
 /// navigated via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a link) or false if it
 /// navigated automatically (e.g. via the DomContentLoaded event). Return true
 /// to cancel the navigation or false to allow the navigation to proceed in the
 /// source browser's top-level frame.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnOpenUrlFromTab(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, string targetUrl, CefWindowOpenDisposition targetDisposition, bool userGesture)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the hosted browser object.
 /// </summary>
 public CefBrowser GetBrowser()
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the IO thread when receiving a network request with a
 /// "Set-Cookie" response header value represented by |cookie|. Return true to
 /// allow the cookie to be stored or false to block the cookie. The |request|
 /// object should not be modified in this callback.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool CanSetCookie(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefRequest request, CefCookie cookie)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to retrieve the translation from view coordinates to actual screen
 /// coordinates. Return true if the screen coordinates were provided.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool GetScreenPoint(CefBrowser browser, int viewX, int viewY, ref int screenX, ref int screenY)
Ejemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the browser wants to move or resize the popup widget. |rect|
 /// contains the new location and size.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void OnPopupSize(CefBrowser browser, CefRectangle rect);
Ejemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the browser wants to show or hide the popup widget. The popup
 /// should be shown if |show| is true and hidden if |show| is false.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnPopupShow(CefBrowser browser, bool show)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a browser has recieved a request to close. This may result
 /// directly from a call to CefBrowserHost::*CloseBrowser() or indirectly if
 /// the browser is parented to a top-level window created by CEF and the user
 /// attempts to close that window (by clicking the 'X', for example). The
 /// DoClose() method will be called after the JavaScript 'onunload' event has
 /// been fired.
 /// An application should handle top-level owner window close notifications by
 /// calling CefBrowserHost::TryCloseBrowser() or
 /// CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false) instead of allowing the window to close
 /// immediately (see the examples below). This gives CEF an opportunity to
 /// process the 'onbeforeunload' event and optionally cancel the close before
 /// DoClose() is called.
 /// When windowed rendering is enabled CEF will internally create a window or
 /// view to host the browser. In that case returning false from DoClose() will
 /// send the standard close notification to the browser's top-level owner
 /// window (e.g. WM_CLOSE on Windows, performClose: on OS X, "delete_event" on
 /// Linux or CefWindowDelegate::CanClose() callback from Views). If the
 /// browser's host window/view has already been destroyed (via view hierarchy
 /// tear-down, for example) then DoClose() will not be called for that browser
 /// since is no longer possible to cancel the close.
 /// When windowed rendering is disabled returning false from DoClose() will
 /// cause the browser object to be destroyed immediately.
 /// If the browser's top-level owner window requires a non-standard close
 /// notification then send that notification from DoClose() and return true.
 /// The CefLifeSpanHandler::OnBeforeClose() method will be called after
 /// DoClose() (if DoClose() is called) and immediately before the browser
 /// object is destroyed. The application should only exit after OnBeforeClose()
 /// has been called for all existing browsers.
 /// The below examples describe what should happen during window close when the
 /// browser is parented to an application-provided top-level window.
 /// Example 1: Using CefBrowserHost::TryCloseBrowser(). This is recommended for
 /// clients using standard close handling and windows created on the browser
 /// process UI thread.
 /// 1.  User clicks the window close button which sends a close notification to
 /// the application's top-level window.
 /// 2.  Application's top-level window receives the close notification and
 /// calls TryCloseBrowser() (which internally calls CloseBrowser(false)).
 /// TryCloseBrowser() returns false so the client cancels the window close.
 /// 3.  JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close
 /// confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via
 /// CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()).
 /// 4.  User approves the close.
 /// 5.  JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes.
 /// 6.  CEF sends a close notification to the application's top-level window
 /// (because DoClose() returned false by default).
 /// 7.  Application's top-level window receives the close notification and
 /// calls TryCloseBrowser(). TryCloseBrowser() returns true so the client
 /// allows the window close.
 /// 8.  Application's top-level window is destroyed.
 /// 9.  Application's OnBeforeClose() handler is called and the browser object
 /// is destroyed.
 /// 10. Application exits by calling CefQuitMessageLoop() if no other browsers
 /// exist.
 /// Example 2: Using CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false) and implementing the
 /// DoClose() callback. This is recommended for clients using non-standard
 /// close handling or windows that were not created on the browser process UI
 /// thread.
 /// 1.  User clicks the window close button which sends a close notification to
 /// the application's top-level window.
 /// 2.  Application's top-level window receives the close notification and:
 /// A. Calls CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false).
 /// B. Cancels the window close.
 /// 3.  JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close
 /// confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via
 /// CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()).
 /// 4.  User approves the close.
 /// 5.  JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes.
 /// 6.  Application's DoClose() handler is called. Application will:
 /// A. Set a flag to indicate that the next close attempt will be allowed.
 /// B. Return false.
 /// 7.  CEF sends an close notification to the application's top-level window.
 /// 8.  Application's top-level window receives the close notification and
 /// allows the window to close based on the flag from #6B.
 /// 9.  Application's top-level window is destroyed.
 /// 10. Application's OnBeforeClose() handler is called and the browser object
 /// is destroyed.
 /// 11. Application exits by calling CefQuitMessageLoop() if no other browsers
 /// exist.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool DoClose(CefBrowser browser)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the browser window's cursor has changed.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void OnCursorChange(CefBrowser browser, IntPtr cursorHandle);
Ejemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread before a new popup browser is created. The
 /// |browser| and |frame| values represent the source of the popup request. The
 /// |target_url| and |target_frame_name| values indicate where the popup
 /// browser should navigate and may be empty if not specified with the request.
 /// The |target_disposition| value indicates where the user intended to open
 /// the popup (e.g. current tab, new tab, etc). The |user_gesture| value will
 /// be true if the popup was opened via explicit user gesture (e.g. clicking a
 /// link) or false if the popup opened automatically (e.g. via the
 /// DomContentLoaded event). The |popupFeatures| structure contains additional
 /// information about the requested popup window. To allow creation of the
 /// popup browser optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client|, |settings| and
 /// |no_javascript_access| and return false. To cancel creation of the popup
 /// browser return true. The |client| and |settings| values will default to the
 /// source browser's values. If the |no_javascript_access| value is set to
 /// false the new browser will not be scriptable and may not be hosted in the
 /// same renderer process as the source browser. Any modifications to
 /// |windowInfo| will be ignored if the parent browser is wrapped in a
 /// CefBrowserView. Popup browser creation will be canceled if the parent
 /// browser is destroyed before the popup browser creation completes (indicated
 /// by a call to OnAfterCreated for the popup browser). The |extra_info|
 /// parameter provides an opportunity to specify extra information specific
 /// to the created popup browser that will be passed to
 /// CefRenderProcessHandler::OnBrowserCreated() in the render process.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnBeforePopup(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, string targetUrl, string targetFrameName, CefWindowOpenDisposition targetDisposition, bool userGesture, CefPopupFeatures popupFeatures, CefWindowInfo windowInfo, ref CefClient client, CefBrowserSettings settings, ref CefDictionaryValue extraInfo, ref bool noJavascriptAccess)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Called just before a browser is destroyed. Release all references to the
 /// browser object and do not attempt to execute any methods on the browser
 /// object (other than GetIdentifier or IsSame) after this callback returns.
 /// This callback will be the last notification that references |browser| on
 /// the UI thread. Any in-progress network requests associated with |browser|
 /// will be aborted when the browser is destroyed, and
 /// CefResourceRequestHandler callbacks related to those requests may still
 /// arrive on the IO thread after this method is called. See DoClose()
 /// documentation for additional usage information.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnBeforeClose(CefBrowser browser)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the browser process UI thread when the render process
 /// terminates unexpectedly. |status| indicates how the process
 /// terminated.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnRenderProcessTerminated(CefBrowser browser, CefTerminationStatus status)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread when a client certificate is being requested for
 /// authentication. Return false to use the default behavior and automatically
 /// select the first certificate available. Return true and call
 /// CefSelectClientCertificateCallback::Select either in this method or at a
 /// later time to select a certificate. Do not call Select or call it with NULL
 /// to continue without using any certificate. |isProxy| indicates whether the
 /// host is an HTTPS proxy or the origin server. |host| and |port| contains the
 /// hostname and port of the SSL server. |certificates| is the list of
 /// certificates to choose from; this list has already been pruned by Chromium
 /// so that it only contains certificates from issuers that the server trusts.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnSelectClientCertificate(CefBrowser browser, bool isProxy, string host, int port, CefX509Certificate[] certificates, CefSelectClientCertificateCallback callback)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Called after a new browser is created. This callback will be the first
 /// notification that references |browser|.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnAfterCreated(CefBrowser browser)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the user starts dragging content in the web view. Contextual
 /// information about the dragged content is supplied by |drag_data|.
 /// OS APIs that run a system message loop may be used within the
 /// StartDragging call.
 /// Return false to abort the drag operation. Don't call any of
 /// CefBrowserHost::DragSource*Ended* methods after returning false.
 /// Return true to handle the drag operation. Call
 /// CefBrowserHost::DragSourceEndedAt and DragSourceSystemDragEnded either
 /// synchronously or asynchronously to inform the web view that the drag
 /// operation has ended.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool StartDragging(CefBrowser browser, CefDragData dragData, CefDragOperationsMask allowedOps, int x, int y)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the browser process UI thread when a plugin has crashed.
 /// |plugin_path| is the path of the plugin that crashed.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnPluginCrashed(CefBrowser browser, string pluginPath)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown
 /// protocol component. Set |allow_os_execution| to true to attempt execution
 /// via the registered OS protocol handler, if any.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnProtocolExecution(CefBrowser browser, string url, out bool allowOSExecution)
     allowOSExecution = true;
Ejemplo n.º 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to retrieve the view rectangle which is relative to screen
 /// coordinates. Return true if the rectangle was provided.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool GetViewRect(CefBrowser browser, ref CefRectangle rect)
     // TODO: return CefRectangle? (Nullable<CefRectangle>) instead of returning bool?
Ejemplo n.º 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when an element should be painted. |type| indicates whether the
 /// element is the view or the popup widget. |buffer| contains the pixel data
 /// for the whole image. |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles that need
 /// to be repainted. On Windows |buffer| will be |width|*|height|*4 bytes
 /// in size and represents a BGRA image with an upper-left origin.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void OnPaint(CefBrowser browser, CefPaintElementType type, CefRectangle[] dirtyRects, IntPtr buffer, int width, int height);
Ejemplo n.º 50
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the scroll offset has changed.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void OnScrollOffsetChanged(CefBrowser browser);
Ejemplo n.º 51
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the IO thread when JavaScript requests a specific storage quota
 /// size via the webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota function. |origin_url| is the
 /// origin of the page making the request. |new_size| is the requested quota
 /// size in bytes. Return true to continue the request and call
 /// CefRequestCallback::Continue() either in this method or at a later time to
 /// grant or deny the request. Return false to cancel the request immediately.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnQuotaRequest(CefBrowser browser, string originUrl, long newSize, CefRequestCallback callback)
Ejemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the web view wants to update the mouse cursor during a
 /// drag & drop operation. |operation| describes the allowed operation
 /// (none, move, copy, link).
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void UpdateDragCursor(CefBrowser browser, CefDragOperationsMask operation)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Called to allow the client to fill in the CefScreenInfo object with
 /// appropriate values. Return true if the |screen_info| structure has been
 /// modified.
 /// If the screen info rectangle is left empty the rectangle from GetViewRect
 /// will be used. If the rectangle is still empty or invalid popups may not be
 /// drawn correctly.
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract bool GetScreenInfo(CefBrowser browser, CefScreenInfo screenInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 54
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an invalid
 /// SSL certificate. Return true and call CefRequestCallback::Continue() either
 /// in this method or at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return
 /// false to cancel the request immediately. If
 /// CefSettings.ignore_certificate_errors is set all invalid certificates will
 /// be accepted without calling this method.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnCertificateError(CefBrowser browser, CefErrorCode certError, string requestUrl, CefSslInfo sslInfo, CefRequestCallback callback)
Ejemplo n.º 55
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the IO thread before sending a network request with a "Cookie"
 /// request header. Return true to allow cookies to be included in the network
 /// request or false to block cookies. The |request| object should not be
 /// modified in this callback.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool CanGetCookies(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefRequest request)
Ejemplo n.º 56
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the UI thread before browser navigation. Return true to cancel
 /// the navigation or false to allow the navigation to proceed. The |request|
 /// object cannot be modified in this callback.
 /// CefLoadHandler::OnLoadingStateChange will be called twice in all cases.
 /// If the navigation is allowed CefLoadHandler::OnLoadStart and
 /// CefLoadHandler::OnLoadEnd will be called. If the navigation is canceled
 /// CefLoadHandler::OnLoadError will be called with an |errorCode| value of
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool OnBeforeBrowse(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefRequest request, bool isRedirect)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
 /// |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the
 /// hostname and |port| contains the port number. |realm| is the realm of the
 /// challenge and may be empty. |scheme| is the authentication scheme used,
 /// such as "basic" or "digest", and will be empty if the source of the request
 /// is an FTP server. Return true to continue the request and call
 /// CefAuthCallback::Continue() either in this method or at a later time when
 /// the authentication information is available. Return false to cancel the
 /// request immediately.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual bool GetAuthCredentials(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, bool isProxy, string host, int port, string realm, string scheme, CefAuthCallback callback)
Ejemplo n.º 58
 protected override void OnAfterCreated(Xilium.CefGlue.CefBrowser browser)
Ejemplo n.º 59
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the browser process UI thread when the render view associated
 /// with |browser| is ready to receive/handle IPC messages in the render
 /// process.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnRenderViewReady(CefBrowser browser)
Ejemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Called on the IO thread when a resource load has completed. |request| and
 /// |response| represent the request and response respectively and cannot be
 /// modified in this callback. |status| indicates the load completion status.
 /// |received_content_length| is the number of response bytes actually read.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnResourceLoadComplete(CefBrowser browser, CefFrame frame, CefRequest request, CefResponse response, CefUrlRequestStatus status, long receivedContentLength)