Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. The graphics device must be sent along, as it is needed to create new vertex buffers.
 /// The particle cloud system is also required, since the leaves are represented as a particle cloud.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The graphics device.</param>
 /// <param name="cloudSystem">The particle cloud system. One system can be shared among many tree generators.</param>
 public TreeGenerator(GraphicsDevice device, ParticleCloudSystem cloudSystem, Effect trunk)
     graphicsDevice   = device;
     this.cloudSystem = cloudSystem;
     //trunkEffect = new BasicEffect(device, new EffectPool());
     // Load the tree effect.
     trunkEffect = trunk;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public XMain(GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice, IServiceProvider Services, string ContentRootDir, XCamera defaultCamera)
            Components = new List <XComponent>();

            this.Content = new ContentManager(Services);
            this.Content.RootDirectory = ContentRootDir;
            this.GraphicsDevice        = GraphicsDevice;
            this.Services = Services;

            Tools = new XTools(this);

            SystemFont  = new XFont(this, @"Content\XEngine\Fonts\System");
            Debug       = new XDebug(this);
            FrameRate   = new XFrameRate(this);
            Console     = new XConsole(this);
            DebugDrawer = new XDebugDrawer(this);
            DepthMap    = new XDepthMap(this);

            Environment = new XEnvironmentParameters(this);

            Physics = new PhysicsSystem();
            Physics.EnableFreezing  = true;
            Physics.SolverType      = PhysicsSystem.Solver.Normal;
            Physics.CollisionSystem = new CollisionSystemGrid(32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32);
            Physics.CollisionSystem.UseSweepTests = true;

            //New system
            //Physics.CollisionSystem = new CollisionSystemSAP();

            //Rendering should be the last thing! The constructor requires some componnets like debug, debugdrawer to allready exist!
            Renderer = new XRenderer(this);

            this.DefaultCamera = defaultCamera;
            // Initialize the particle cloud system for tree leaves!
            cloudSystem = new ParticleCloudSystem(GraphicsDevice, Content, "Content/XEngine/Effects/ParticleCloud");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        } //? sortedTechnique : unsortedTechnique

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an empty particle cloud.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">The particle cloud system used to draw the particles. You only need one system for all your clouds.</param>
        public ParticleCloud(ParticleCloudSystem system)
            Debug.Assert(system != null, "A null ParticleCloudSystem was passed to a ParticleCloud. It must be non-null.");
            this.system = system;