Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Card MakeTurn(GameContext gameContext)
            var curRound       = gameContext.CurRound;
            var curTrick       = curRound.CurTrick;
            var curRoundTricks = curRound.Tricks;

            var playableCards = CardUtils.GetPlayableCards(_hand, curTrick.LeadingSuite);

            List <Card> allKnownCards = _hand.Concat(curRoundTricks.Aggregate(new List <Card>(), (acc, trick) =>

            List <Card> remainingCards = new List <Card>(new Deck().Cards);

            foreach (var card in allKnownCards)

            Dictionary <Card, int> winsByCard = playableCards.Aggregate(new Dictionary <Card, int>(), (acc, next) => { acc[next] = 0; return(acc); });

            for (int i = 0; i < SIMULATION_COUNT; i++)
                foreach (var card in playableCards)
                    var curSimRemainingCards = new List <Card>(remainingCards);
                    var cardsPlayed          = new List <Card>(curTrick.CardsPlayed);

                    // each remaining player plays a random card from a randomly generated hand
                    for (int j = cardsPlayed.Count(); j < gameContext.PlayerCount; j++)
                        // rand hand selected from the remaining cards specific to this simulation
                        var randHand = takeRandomCardsFromList(curSimRemainingCards, _hand.Count());
                        var playableCardsFromRandHand = CardUtils.GetPlayableCards(randHand, curTrick.LeadingSuite);
                        cardsPlayed.Add(playableCardsFromRandHand[_rand.Next() % playableCardsFromRandHand.Count()]);
                    var winningCard = CardUtils.CalcWinningCard(cardsPlayed, curRound.TrumpSuite, curTrick.LeadingSuite);

                    if (card.Equals(winningCard))

            List <KeyValuePair <Card, double> > cardsSortedByWinPctg = winsByCard.Aggregate(new List <KeyValuePair <Card, double> >(), (acc, nextPair) =>
                double winPercentage = nextPair.Value * 1.0 / SIMULATION_COUNT;
                acc.Add(new KeyValuePair <Card, double>(nextPair.Key, winPercentage));

            // sort it so that weakest cards are at lower indices and stronger card at higher indices
            cardsSortedByWinPctg.Sort((a, b) => a.Value < b.Value ? -1 : 1);

            var curBid     = curRound.Bids[this];
            var curWins    = curRound.Results[this];
            var roundsLeft = curRound.RoundNum - curRound.Tricks.Count + 1;

             *  requieredStrengthOfPlay is a value determining strength of card to play based on game context
             *  given that requiredStrengthOfPlay = k:
             *  k>1  => impossible to win, play strongest card
             *  k=1 => play strongest cards from here on out to win
             *  0<k<1 => sort cards by strength and select closest index to k val
             *          i.e. k = .6 and 5 cards => choose card 3 /5 ranked by strength
             *  k=0 => play weakest cards from here on out to win
             *  k<0 => won too many, impossible to win, play weakest card
            double requiredStrengthOfPlay = (curBid - curWins) * 1.0 / roundsLeft;

            Card cardToPlay = null;

            if (requiredStrengthOfPlay >= 1)
                cardToPlay = cardsSortedByWinPctg.Last().Key;
            else if (requiredStrengthOfPlay <= 0)
                cardToPlay = cardsSortedByWinPctg.First().Key;
                // requiredStrengthOfPlay between 0 and 1
                int indexToPlay = (int)(requiredStrengthOfPlay * cardsSortedByWinPctg.Count());
                cardToPlay = cardsSortedByWinPctg[indexToPlay].Key;
