Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            if (property.name == "data" && property.depth > 0)
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label);
            var fieldType = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType().GetField(property.name).FieldType;
            var source    = UTUtils.GetValueThroughAttribute(property, methodName, out var sourceValType);

            if (sourceType == PopupSource.Method && fieldType != sourceValType || property.type != "string")
                EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label);

            if (sourceType == PopupSource.Animator)
                options = UTUtils.GetAnimatorTriggers(source as Animator).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.UdonBehaviour)
                options = UTUtils.GetUdonEvents(source as UdonSharpBehaviour).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.Shader)
                options = UTUtils.GetShaderPropertiesByType(source, shaderPropType).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
                options = ((string[])source).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();

            selectedIndex = options.ToList().FindIndex(i => i.text == property.stringValue);
            if (selectedIndex >= options.Length || selectedIndex < 0)
                selectedIndex = 0;

            var finalLabel = hideLabel ? new GUIContent() : label;

            selectedIndex        = EditorGUI.Popup(position, finalLabel, selectedIndex, options);
            property.stringValue = options[selectedIndex].text;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnGUI(SerializedProperty property)
            var source = UTUtils.GetValueThroughAttribute(property, methodName, out var sourceValType);

            if (property.name == "data" && sourceType == PopupSource.Method && property.type != "string" && property.type != "int")
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, new GUIContent(property.displayName));

            if (property.name != "data")
                var fieldType = property.serializedObject.targetObject.GetType().GetField(property.name).FieldType;
                if (sourceType == PopupSource.Method && fieldType != sourceValType && property.type != "string" && property.type != "int")
                    EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, new GUIContent(property.displayName));

            var numericPopup = property.type == "int" && sourceValType == typeof(int) ||
                               property.type == "float" && sourceValType == typeof(float);

            if (sourceType == PopupSource.AnimatorTrigger)
                options = UTUtils.GetAnimatorTriggers(source as Animator).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.AnimatorBool)
                options = UTUtils.GetAnimatorBools(source as Animator).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.AnimatorFloat)
                options = UTUtils.GetAnimatorFloats(source as Animator).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.AnimatorInt)
                options = UTUtils.GetAnimatorInts(source as Animator).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.UdonBehaviour)
                options = UTUtils.GetUdonEvents(source as UdonSharpBehaviour).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.UdonProgramVariable)
                options = UTUtils.GetUdonVariables(source as UdonSharpBehaviour).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
            else if (sourceType == PopupSource.Shader)
                if (shaderPropType == ShaderPropType.All)
                    options = UTUtils.GetAllShaderProperties(source).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
                    options = UTUtils.GetShaderPropertiesByType(source, shaderPropType).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();
                if (sourceValType == typeof(int))
                    options = ((int[])source).Select(i => new GUIContent(i.ToString())).ToArray();
                else if (sourceValType == typeof(float))
                    options = ((float[])source).Select(i => new GUIContent(i.ToString())).ToArray();
                    options = ((string[])source).Select(o => new GUIContent(o)).ToArray();

            // we want to still support int[] -> int[] and float[] -> float[] mapping
            if (property.type == "int" && !numericPopup)
                selectedIndex = property.intValue;
            else if (numericPopup)
                if (property.type == "int")
                    selectedIndex = options.ToList().FindIndex(i => i.text == property.intValue.ToString());
                    selectedIndex = options.ToList().FindIndex(i => i.text == property.floatValue.ToString());
                if (selectedIndex >= options.Length || selectedIndex < 0)
                    selectedIndex = 0;
                selectedIndex = options.ToList().FindIndex(i => i.text == property.stringValue);
                if (selectedIndex >= options.Length || selectedIndex < 0)
                    selectedIndex = 0;

            var finalLabel = hideLabel || property.name == "data" ? new GUIContent() : new GUIContent(property.displayName);

            selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(finalLabel, selectedIndex, options);
            if (property.type == "int" && !numericPopup)
                property.intValue = selectedIndex;
            else if (numericPopup)
                if (property.type == "int")
                    property.intValue = Convert.ToInt32(options[selectedIndex].text);
                    property.floatValue = Convert.ToSingle(options[selectedIndex].text);
                property.stringValue = options[selectedIndex].text;