This struct supports the Yaowi Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

This struct records relevant object information.

Strings in a struct? Strings are reference types and structs should not contain types like this. TODO!
		/// <summary>
		///     Sets the property attributes of a Property to an XmlNode.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="propertyName"></param>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <param name="node"></param>
		private void SetObjectInfoAttributes(String propertyName, Type type, XmlNode node)
			var objinfo = new ObjectInfo();

			GetObjectInfo(propertyName, type);

			if (type != null)
				objinfo = GetObjectInfo(propertyName, type);

			// Use of a TypeDictionary?
			if (usetypedictionary)
				// TypeDictionary
				String typekey = GetTypeKey(type);

				XmlAttribute att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.NAME_TAG);
				att.Value = objinfo.Name;

				att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.TYPE_TAG);
				att.Value = typekey;

				// The assembly will be set, also, but it's always empty.
				att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.ASSEMBLY_TAG);
				att.Value = "";
				// No TypeDictionary
				XmlAttribute att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.NAME_TAG);
				att.Value = objinfo.Name;

				att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.TYPE_TAG);
				att.Value = objinfo.Type;

				att = node.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(taglib.ASSEMBLY_TAG);
				att.Value = objinfo.Assembly;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance by the specified ObjectInfo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object CreateInstance(ObjectInfo info)
            // Enough information to create an instance?
            if (!info.IsSufficient)
              return null;

            object obj;

            // Get the Type
            Type type = CreateType(info.Assembly, info.Type);

            if (type == null)
              throw new Exception("Assembly or Type not found.");

            // Ok, we've got the Type, now try to create an instance.

            // Is there a binary constructor?
              Object ctorparam = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value))
            byte[] barr = Convert.FromBase64String(info.Value);

            Type ctorparamtype = CreateType(info.ConstructorParamAssembly, info.ConstructorParamType);

            // What type of parameter is needed?
              // Stream
              ctorparam = new MemoryStream(barr);
            else if (typeof(byte[]).IsAssignableFrom(ctorparamtype))
              // byte[]
              ctorparam = barr;

              obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, new object[] { ctorparam });

              return obj;

            // Until now only properties with binary data support constructors with parameters

            // Problem: only parameterless constructors or constructors with one parameter
            // which can be converted from String are supported.
            // Failure Example:
            // string s = new string();
            // string s = new string("");
            // This cannot be compiled, but the follwing works;
            // string s = new string("".ToCharArray());
            // The TypeConverter provides a way to instantite objects by non-parameterless
            // constructors if they can be converted fro String
              TypeConverter tc = GetConverter(type);
              if (tc.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))
            obj = tc.ConvertFromInvariantString(info.Value);
            return obj;
            catch { ; }

            return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
              catch (Exception e)
            string msg = "Creation of an instance failed. Type: " + info.Type + " Assembly: " + info.Assembly + " Cause: " + e.Message;
            if (IgnoreCreationErrors)
              return null;
              	throw new Exception(msg, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an ObjectInfo instance by the attributes of the specified XmlNode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ObjectInfo GetObjectInfo(XmlNode node)
            var oi = new ObjectInfo();

              String typekey = GetAttributeValue(node, taglib.TYPE_TAG);
              TypeInfo ti = TranslateTypeByKey(typekey);

              if (ti != null)
            oi.Type = ti.TypeName;
            oi.Assembly = ti.AssemblyName;

              // If a TypeDictionary is given, did we find the necessary information to create an instance?
              // If not, try to get information by the Node itself
              if (!oi.IsSufficient)
            oi.Type = GetAttributeValue(node, taglib.TYPE_TAG);
            oi.Assembly = GetAttributeValue(node, taglib.ASSEMBLY_TAG);

              // Name and Value
              oi.Name = GetAttributeValue(node, taglib.NAME_TAG);
              oi.Value = node.InnerText;

              // Binary Constructor
              ti = GetBinaryConstructorType(node);

              if (ti != null)
            // Binary constructor info given
            oi.ConstructorParamType = ti.TypeName;
            oi.ConstructorParamAssembly = ti.AssemblyName;

            // Make sure to read the value from the binary data Node (setting oi.Value = node.InnerText as above is a bit dirty)
            XmlNode datanode = node.SelectSingleNode(taglib.BINARY_DATA_TAG);
            if (datanode != null)
              oi.Value = datanode.InnerText;
              datanode = node.SelectSingleNode(taglib.CONSTRUCTOR_TAG);
              if (datanode != null)
            datanode = datanode.SelectSingleNode(taglib.BINARY_DATA_TAG);
            if (datanode != null)
              oi.Value = datanode.InnerText;

              return oi;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of an Array by the specified ObjectInfo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Array CreateArrayInstance(ObjectInfo info, int length)
            // The Type name of an array ends with "[]"
              // Exclude this to get the real Type
              string typename = info.Type.Substring(0, info.Type.Length - 2);

              Type t = CreateType(info.Assembly, typename);

              Array arr = Array.CreateInstance(t, length);

              return arr;