Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static StoredProcedure StoredProcedure(string Name, string Schema = null)

            SqlBuilder builder = new SqlBuilder()
                StatementType = StatementTypes.Procedure
            builder.Procedure = new StoredProcedure()
                Builder = builder,
                Name = Name,
                Schema = Schema
            return builder.Procedure;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void InsertAccountFromObject()
            Guid g = StopWatch.Start();
            Account acc = new Account()
                AccountID = 88888888,
                Name = "Test Account",
                AccountTypeID = 1,
                DatasourceID = 1,
                StateID = 1,
                CreatedBy = 1,
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                ModifiedBy = 1,
                ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now,
                OwningUserID = 1,
                OwningBusinessUnitID = 1

            SqlBuilder builder = TypeBuilder.Insert<Account>(acc);
            ResultTable result = builder.Execute();
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 1);
            decimal i = result.First().Column<decimal>("AccountID");
            Console.WriteLine("Inserted Account {0}", i);

            SqlBuilder b1 = SqlBuilder.Delete()
                .From("account", null)
                .Where<decimal>("account", "AccountID", SqlOperators.Equal, i)

            i = new SqlBuilder[] { b1 }.ExecuteNonQuery();
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Accounts deleted", i);
            Assert.IsTrue(i == 1); 

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DeleteInsertedAccounts()
            SqlBuilder b1 = SqlBuilder.Delete()
                .From("account", null)
                .Where<decimal>("account", "AccountID", SqlOperators.GreaterThanEqual, FirstInsertedId)
            Guid g = StopWatch.Start();

            int i = new SqlBuilder[] { b1 }.ExecuteNonQuery();
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Accounts deleted", i);
            Assert.IsTrue(i >= 1000);
            FirstInsertedId = 99999999;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void InsertOneAccountAsStoredProcedure()
            Guid g = StopWatch.Start();
            SqlBuilder builder = GetInsertUpdateBuilder();

            int i = new SqlBuilder[] { builder }.ExecuteNonQuery();
            Assert.IsTrue(i == 1, "The insert procedure did not return 1 row");
            decimal ID = Convert.ToDecimal(builder.Procedure.Parameters.First(x => x.Name.Equals("retval")).Value);
            Assert.IsTrue(ID > 0, "The Account was not inserted");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("An account with the ID {0} was inserted in {1}ms", ID, StopWatch.Stop(g, StopWatch.WatchTypes.Milliseconds)));

            g = StopWatch.Start();
            SqlBuilder select = SqlBuilder.Select()
                .Where<decimal>("Account", "AccountID", SqlOperators.Equal, ID)
            ResultTable result = select.Execute();
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 1, "The Account could not be retrieved after insert");
            dynamic row = result.First();
            Console.WriteLine("Account ID {0}: {1} {2} retrieved in {3}ms", row.AccountID, row.Name, row.Address1, StopWatch.Stop(g, StopWatch.WatchTypes.Milliseconds));

            g = StopWatch.Start();
            builder = GetInsertUpdateBuilder(ID, "Nørregade 28D");
            i = new SqlBuilder[] { builder }.ExecuteNonQuery();
            Assert.IsTrue(i == 1, "The update procedure did not return 1 row");
            decimal ID2 = Convert.ToDecimal(builder.Procedure.Parameters.First(x => x.Name.Equals("retval")).Value);
            Assert.AreEqual<decimal>(ID, ID2);
            Console.WriteLine(StopWatch.Stop(g, StopWatch.WatchTypes.Milliseconds, "The Account was updated in {0}ms"));
            g = StopWatch.Start();
            result = select.Execute();
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 1, "The Account could not be retrieved after update");
            row = result.First();
            Console.WriteLine("Account ID {0}: {1} {2} retrieved in {3}ms", row.AccountID, row.Name, row.Address1, StopWatch.Stop(g, StopWatch.WatchTypes.Milliseconds));

            builder = SqlBuilder.Delete()
                .Where<decimal>("Account", "AccountID", SqlOperators.Equal, ID2)


            i = new SqlBuilder[] { builder }.ExecuteNonQuery();
            Assert.IsTrue(i == 1, "The Account could not be deleted");

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static bool CacheSqlBuilder(string Key, SqlBuilder Builder, CacheItemPolicy Policy = null)
     CacheItem item = MemoryCache.Default.AddOrGetExisting(new CacheItem(Key, Builder), (Policy ?? CachePolicy));
     return item.Value == null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public SqlBuilder AddSubQuery(string Name, SqlBuilder Builder)
            if (Builder.StatementType != StatementTypes.Insert && Builder.StatementType != StatementTypes.Update)
                // Only set the parent builder for statements that share parameter declarations
                Builder.ParentBuilder = this;
            return _SubQueries.AddOrUpdate(Name, Builder, (k, v) => { return Builder; });
