Ejemplo n.º 1
 public TextPatternRange FindAttribute(AutomationTextAttribute attribute, object value, bool backward)
     Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(attribute, "attribute");
     Utility.ValidateArgumentNonNull(value, "value");
     if ((attribute == TextPattern.CultureAttribute) && (value is CultureInfo))
         value = ((CultureInfo)value).LCID;
                    this._range.FindAttribute(attribute.Id, value, Utility.ConvertToInt(backward)), this._pattern));
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the endpoint of this range with the endpoint of another range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint of this range to compare.</param>
        /// <param name="targetRange">The range with the other endpoint to compare.
        /// The range must have come from the same text provider or an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.</param>
        /// <param name="targetEndpoint">The endpoint on the other range to compare.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns &lt;0 if this endpoint occurs earlier in the text than the target endpoint.
        /// Returns 0 if this endpoint is at the same location as the target endpoint.
        /// Returns &gt;0 if this endpoint occurs later in the text than the target endpoint.</returns>
        public int CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextPatternRange targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
            ValidateEndpointArgument(endpoint, "endpoint");
            ValidateRangeArgument(targetRange, "targetRange");
            ValidateEndpointArgument(targetEndpoint, "targetEndpoint");

            return(UiaCoreApi.TextRange_CompareEndpoints(_hTextRange, endpoint, targetRange._hTextRange, targetEndpoint));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves an endpoint of this range to coincide with the endpoint of another range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint to move.</param>
        /// <param name="targetRange">Another range from the same text provider.</param>
        /// <param name="targetEndpoint">An endpoint on the other range.</param>
        public void MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextPatternRange targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
            ValidateEndpointArgument(endpoint, "endpoint");
            ValidateRangeArgument(targetRange, "targetRange");
            ValidateEndpointArgument(targetEndpoint, "targetEndpoint");

            UiaCoreApi.TextRange_MoveEndpointByRange(_hTextRange, endpoint, targetRange._hTextRange, targetEndpoint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public int CompareEndpoints(
     TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
     TextPatternRange targetRange,
     TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameter: targetRange, parameterName: nameof(targetRange));
     return(IUIAutomationTextRange.CompareEndpoints(srcEndPoint: UiaConvert.Convert(textPatternRangeEndpoint: endpoint), range: targetRange.IUIAutomationTextRange, targetEndPoint: UiaConvert.Convert(textPatternRangeEndpoint: targetEndpoint)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void MoveEndpointByRange(
     TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
     TextPatternRange targetRange,
     TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameter: targetRange, parameterName: nameof(targetRange));
     IUIAutomationTextRange.MoveEndpointByRange(srcEndPoint: UiaConvert.Convert(textPatternRangeEndpoint: endpoint), range: targetRange.IUIAutomationTextRange, targetEndPoint: UiaConvert.Convert(textPatternRangeEndpoint: targetEndpoint));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool Compare(TextPatternRange range)
         return 0 != this._range.Compare(range.NativeRange);
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx)) { throw newEx; } else { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public TextPatternRange FindAttribute(
            AutomationTextAttribute attribute,
            object value,
            bool backward)
            Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameter: attribute, parameterName: nameof(attribute));
            var variant          = value.ToVariant();
            var textPatternRange = new TextPatternRange(textPatternRange: IUIAutomationTextRange.FindAttribute(attr: attribute.Id, val: variant, backward: Convert.ToInt32(value: backward)));

Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal static TextPatternRange[] Wrap(IUIAutomationTextRangeArray ranges, TextPattern pattern)
     if (ranges == null)
     TextPatternRange[] rangeArray = new TextPatternRange[ranges.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
         rangeArray[i] = new TextPatternRange(ranges.GetElement(i), pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public int CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextPatternRange targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
         return this._range.CompareEndpoints(
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx)) { throw newEx; } else { throw; }
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // check a range argument to see if it is valid.
        void ValidateRangeArgument(TextPatternRange range, string name)
            // check if the argument is null
            if (range == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(name);

            // check if the range comes from a different text pattern.
            if (!TextPattern.Compare(_pattern, range._pattern))
Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal static TextPatternRange [] Wrap(SafeTextRangeHandle [] hTextRanges, TextPattern pattern)
            if (hTextRanges == null)

            TextPatternRange[] ranges = new TextPatternRange[hTextRanges.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < hTextRanges.Length; i++)
                // if invalid, leave as null
                if (!hTextRanges[i].IsInvalid)
                    ranges[i] = new TextPatternRange(hTextRanges[i], pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public bool Compare(TextPatternRange range)
         return(0 != this._range.Compare(range.NativeRange));
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public TextPatternRange Clone()
         return(TextPatternRange.Wrap(_range.Clone(), this._pattern));
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public TextPatternRange FindText(string text, bool backward, bool ignoreCase)
                    this._range.FindText(text, Utility.ConvertToInt(backward), Utility.ConvertToInt(ignoreCase)), this._pattern));
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextPatternRange targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public int CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextPatternRange targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException e)
         Exception newEx; if (Utility.ConvertException(e, out newEx))
             throw newEx;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public TextPatternRange FindText(string text, bool backward, bool ignoreCase)
            Validate.StringNeitherNullNorEmpty(parameter: text, parameterName: nameof(text));
            TextPatternRange textPatternRange = null;

            try {
                textPatternRange = new TextPatternRange(textPatternRange: IUIAutomationTextRange.FindText(text: text, backward: Convert.ToInt32(value: backward), ignoreCase: Convert.ToInt32(value: ignoreCase)));
            } catch (NotSupportedException ex) {
                var str            = GetText(maxLength: -1).Replace(oldValue: "\n", newValue: "");
                var comparisonType = ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
                var count          = backward ? str.LastIndexOf(value: text, comparisonType: comparisonType) : str.IndexOf(value: text, comparisonType: comparisonType);
                if (count != -1)
                    var num = count + text.Length;
                    textPatternRange = Clone();
                    textPatternRange.MoveEndpointByUnit(endpoint: TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, unit: TextUnit.Character, count: count);
                    textPatternRange.MoveEndpointByUnit(endpoint: TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, unit: TextUnit.Character, count: num - str.Length);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///     The delegate for the target text selection changed event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg">null argument</param>
        /// <returns>A null object.</returns>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void NotifySelectionChanged()
            // Get the array of disjoint selections.
            var selectionRanges =
            // Update the current search range.
            // For the purposes of this sample only the first selection
            // range will be echoed in the client.
            _searchRange = selectionRanges[0];
            // For performance and security reasons we'll limit 
            // the length of the string retrieved to 100 characters.
            // Alternatively, GetText(-1) will retrieve all selected text.
            var selectedText = _searchRange.GetText(100);
            _targetSelectionLabel.Content =
                "Currently selected (100 character maximum): " +
                selectedText.Length + " characters.";

            // Report target selection details.
Ejemplo n.º 19
        // Iterate through child automation elements
        internal void TS_RecurseChildAutomationElements(TextPatternRange callingRange, CheckType checkType)
            int recurseLevel = 1;

            Comment("Performing recursion through child elements (if any)");

            RecurseChildAutomationElements(recurseLevel, callingRange, checkType);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        // Create range of specific type (random ranges)
        internal void CreateRamdomRange(TextPatternRange sourceRange, out TextPatternRange targetRange, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, CheckType checkType)
            int startOffset = 0; 
            int endOffset   = 0;
            int length      = _actualText.Length;

            targetRange = null;
            // Determine offsets of existing range
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);
            Range_CompareEndpoints( sourceRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, documentRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, ref startOffset, null, checkType );
            Range_CompareEndpoints( sourceRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End,   documentRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End,   ref endOffset,   null, checkType );

            Comment("Calling range is from " + startOffset + " to " + (length + endOffset) + " (characters)" );

            // Adjust offsets
            switch (targetRangeType)
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEndsStart:               //range that ENDs at START of calling range
                    endOffset = startOffset - length;
                    startOffset = 0;
                case TargetRangeType.RandomStartStart:              //range that STARTs at START of calling range
                    endOffset   = 0;                                //start endPoint remains unchanged
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEndsEnd:                 //range that ENDs at END of calling range
                    startOffset = 0;                                //end endPoint remains unchanges
                case TargetRangeType.RandomStartsEnd:               //range that STARTs at END of calling range
                    startOffset = endOffset + length;
                    endOffset   = 0;
                    throw new ArgumentException("CreateRandomRange() has no support for " + ParseType(targetRangeType));

            // Set offsets of target range
            Range_Clone( documentRange, ref targetRange, null, checkType );
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit( targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, startOffset, ref startOffset, null, checkType );
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit( targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End,   TextUnit.Character, endOffset,   ref endOffset,   null, checkType );

            Comment("Target range is from " + startOffset + " to " + (length + endOffset) + " (characters)");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        // Add attribute to dictionary
        internal void AddAttributeToDictionary(TextPatternRange callingRange, ref IDictionary dict, AutomationTextAttribute attrib, CheckType checkType)
            object attribValue = null;

            Range_GetAttributeValue(callingRange, attrib, ref attribValue, null, checkType);

            if (attribValue == null)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "Null incorrectly returned for value of text attribute " + Helpers.GetProgrammaticName(attrib));

            dict.Add(attrib, attribValue);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        // Create range of specific text unit size
        internal void CreateTextUnitRange(out TextPatternRange range, TextUnit unit, int expectedCount, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, RangeLocation rangeLocation, CheckType checkType)
            int actualCount = 0;
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);

            if (IsEmptyRange(documentRange, checkType))
                ThrowMe(checkType, ParseType(targetRangeType) + " requires non-empty range");

            // Create empty range    
            CreateEmptyRange(out range, rangeLocation, checkType);

            // Expand range to match 
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, unit, expectedCount, ref actualCount, null, checkType);

            // If we did a move endPoint, did expected count = actual count?
            if (expectedCount != actualCount)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "MoveEndpointByUnit(" + ParseType(unit) + "," + expectedCount + ") returned " +
                        actualCount + ", unable to create range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                Comment("Created range size " + expectedCount + " " + Parse(unit) + " units");
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handles the Search button click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        /// <remarks>Find the text specified in the text box.</remarks>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void SearchDirection_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var searchDirection = (Button) sender;

            // Are we searching backward through the text control?
            _searchBackward =
                ((TraversalDirection) searchDirection.Tag == TraversalDirection.Backward);

            // Check if search text entered
            if (_searchString.Text.Trim() == "")
                _targetResult.Content = "No search criteria.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;

            // Does target range support text selection?
            if (_targetTextPattern.SupportedTextSelection ==
                _targetResult.Content = "Unable to select text.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;
            // Does target range support multiple selections?
            if (_targetTextPattern.SupportedTextSelection ==
                _targetResult.Content = "Multiple selections present.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;

            // Clone the document range since we modify the endpoints 
            // as we search.
            var documentRangeClone = _documentRange.Clone();

            // Move the cloned document range endpoints to enable the 
            // selection of the next matching text range.
            var selectionRange =
            if (selectionRange[0] != null)
                if (_searchBackward)

            // Find the text specified in the Search textbox.
            // Clone the search range since we need to modify it.
            var searchRangeClone = _searchRange.Clone();
            // backward = false? -- search forward, otherwise backward.
            // ignoreCase = false? -- search is case sensitive.
            _searchRange =
                    _searchString.Text, _searchBackward, false);

            // Search unsuccessful.
            if (_searchRange == null)
                // Search string not found at all.
                if (documentRangeClone.CompareEndpoints(
                    TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start) == 0)
                    _targetResult.Content = "Text not found.";
                    _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Wheat;
                    _searchBackwardButton.IsEnabled = false;
                    _searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = false;
                // End of document (either the start or end of the document 
                // range depending on search direction) was reached before 
                // finding another occurence of the search string.
                    _targetResult.Content = "End of document reached.";
                    _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Wheat;
                    if (!_searchBackward)
                        _searchBackwardButton.IsEnabled = true;
                        _searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = false;
                        _searchBackwardButton.IsEnabled = false;
                        _searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = true;
                _searchRange = searchRangeClone;
            // The search string was found.
                _targetResult.Content = "Text found.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen;

            // Scroll the selection into view and align with top of viewport
            // The WPF target doesn't show selected text as highlighted unless
            // the window has focus.
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // Overload for CreateSubRange
        internal void CreateSubRange(out TextPatternRange subRange, RangeLocation rangeLocation, CheckType checkType)
            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset = 0;

            CreateSubRange(out subRange, rangeLocation, out startOffset, out endOffset, checkType);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // Create a TextPatternRange that is a subset of the existing TextPattern.DocumentRange
        internal void CreateSubRange(out TextPatternRange subRange, RangeLocation rangeLocation, out int startOffset, out int endOffset, CheckType checkType)
            TextPatternRange documentRange  = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);
            int              trailingCount  = TextLibrary.CountTrailingCRLF(m_le, Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType));
            int              stringLength   = Range_GetText(documentRange).Length - trailingCount;
            int              subRangeLength = (stringLength / 3) - (stringLength/12) + 1;  // should 1 less than 1/4. Note that +1 is very important, -1 causes overlaping sub-ranges!!!

            Comment("Creating sub-range at " + Parse(rangeLocation));

            // sanity check: we must have a string length >= 8
            if (stringLength < 8)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "CreateSubRange(" + ParseType(rangeLocation) + ") expected TextPattern.DocumentRange of length 8 or greater, actual length = " + stringLength);

            // Is it impossible to create sub-range???
            while( (subRangeLength > 0) && ((subRangeLength*4)>stringLength) )
                subRangeLength--;  // this is very small string lengths.

            // sanity check: If our sub range is too small, we're hosed. Technically, we shouldn't have gotten this far because of earlier checks
            if( subRangeLength == 0)
                ThrowMe( checkType, "Unable to create subRange, length of document is likely too small. Should be >= 6, actual length = " + stringLength  );

            Comment("String length          = " + stringLength);
            Comment("Maximum sub-range size = " + subRangeLength);

            // initialize vars
            startOffset = 0;
            endOffset = 0;

            // Find upper / lower bounds
            switch (rangeLocation)
                case RangeLocation.Start:  // Range 0...{1/8 to 1/4} of document
                    // range from 0 to {7/12...9/12}
                    startOffset = 0;
                    endOffset -= (subRangeLength * 3 ) + (int)Helpers.RandomValue(0, subRangeLength/2);     // e.g. -1 * (3/4 + Random(0...1/8))
                case RangeLocation.Middle:  // Range =  ~1/4...~3/4
                    startOffset = subRangeLength + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength));          // e.g. 1/4 + Random(0..1/4)
                    endOffset -= subRangeLength + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength));           // e.g. -1 * (1/4 + Random(0..1/4))
                case RangeLocation.End:     // Range = ~3/4...7/8 of document
                    // Range from {7/12...9/12} to stringLength
                    startOffset = (subRangeLength * 3) + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength/2));  // e.g. 3/4 + Random(0..1/8)
                    endOffset = 0;

            // Sanity check... can't be greater than length. 
            // Can't be equal to length (we'd have an empty range then--not what we wanted)
            if ((startOffset + (-1 * endOffset)) >= stringLength)
                Comment("StartOffset      = " + startOffset);
                Comment("EndOffset        = " + endOffset);
                ThrowMe(checkType, "startOffset + (-1*endOffset) cannot be greater than length of document");

            // Another sanity check, end can't be equal to greater than start (must before start
            if( startOffset >= (stringLength + endOffset))
                Comment("StartOffset      = " + startOffset);
                Comment("EndOffset        = " + endOffset);
                ThrowMe(checkType, "Test case problem:  startoffset (" + startOffset + ") cannot be <= [stringLength + endOffset(" + (stringLength + endOffset) + ")], must have at non-zero length range(!)");

            // create sub-range
            subRange = null;
            Range_Clone(documentRange, ref subRange, null, checkType);
            if( startOffset != 0 )
                Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(subRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, startOffset, ref startOffset, null, checkType);
            if( endOffset != 0 )
                Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(subRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, endOffset, ref endOffset, null, checkType);

            // Give results
            string s = Range_GetText(subRange);
            Comment("Created sub-range from " + startOffset + " to " + (_actualText.Length + endOffset) + " (characters)" );
            Comment("Sub-range length = " + s.Length);
            Comment("Sub-range        = '" + TrimText(s, 512) + "'");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        internal void CreateRange(out TextPatternRange targetRange, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, out int startOffset, out int endOffset, TextPatternRange sourceRange, CheckType checkType)
            TextPattern differentTextPattern = null;

            // Initialize ref params
            targetRange = null;
            startOffset = 0;
            endOffset = 0;

            Comment("ENTERING CreateRange(" + Parse(targetRangeType) + "," + startOffset + "," + endOffset + "," + (sourceRange == null ? null : "<sourceRange>") + ",...)");

            switch (targetRangeType)
                case TargetRangeType.DocumentRange:         // entire document
                    targetRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);
                    Comment("Created range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                case TargetRangeType.Clone:
                    Range_Clone(sourceRange, ref targetRange, null, checkType);
                    Comment("Created range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                case TargetRangeType.SameAsCaller:                  //same as calling range
                    if (sourceRange == null)
                        ThrowMe(checkType, "CreateRange(" + ParseType(targetRangeType) + ") cannot succeed, calling range was not passed into method");
                    targetRange = sourceRange;
                    Comment("Created range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                case TargetRangeType.Null: //null value
                    targetRange = null;
                    Comment("Created range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                case TargetRangeType.EmptyStart:            // EMPTY range at START of document
                    CreateEmptyRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.EmptyMiddle:           // EMPTY range in MIDDLE of document
                    CreateEmptyRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Middle, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.EmptyEnd:              // EMPTY range at END of document
                    CreateEmptyRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.End, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.RandomStart:           //RANDOM range at START of document
                    CreateSubRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Start, out startOffset, out endOffset, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.RandomMiddle:          //RANDOM range in MIDDLE of document
                    CreateSubRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Middle, out startOffset, out endOffset, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEnd:             //RANDOM range at END of document
                    CreateSubRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.End,
                                      out startOffset, out endOffset, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEmptyStart:      //EMPTY range at random location near START of document
                    CreateEmptyRandomRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Start, targetRangeType, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEmptyEnd:        //EMPTY range at random location near END of document
                    CreateEmptyRandomRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.End, targetRangeType, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstCharacter:        //first character in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Character, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.MiddleCharacter:       //MIDDLE chracter in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Character, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Middle, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.LastCharacter:         //last character in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Character, -1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.End, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstFormat:           //First format range in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Format, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstWord:             //First word range in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Word, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstLine:             //First line range in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Line, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstParagraph:        //First paragraph range in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Paragraph, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.FirstPage:             //First page range in document
                    CreateTextUnitRange(out targetRange, TextUnit.Page, 1, targetRangeType, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.DifferentTextPattern:          //range from a different TextPattern
                    differentTextPattern = GetDifferentTextPattern(m_le, checkType);
                    targetRange = differentTextPattern.DocumentRange;
                case TargetRangeType.TwoCharsAdjacent:              //two adjacent characters
                case TargetRangeType.TwoCharsSplitAcrossLine:       //two chracters split across a line break
                    CreateMiscRange(targetRangeType, out targetRange, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.VisibleRange:                  // Equal to visible range of control
                    CreateVisibleRange(ref targetRange, checkType );
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEndsStart:               //range that ENDs at START of calling range
                case TargetRangeType.RandomStartStart:              //range that STARTs at START of calling range
                case TargetRangeType.RandomEndsEnd:                 //range that ENDs at END of calling range
                case TargetRangeType.RandomStartsEnd:               //range that STARTs at END of calling range
                    CreateRamdomRange(sourceRange, out targetRange, targetRangeType, checkType);
                case TargetRangeType.MiddleSpaces:                  //In middle of spaces between 1st and 2nd word
                case TargetRangeType.MiddlePunctuation:             //In middle of punctuation between 1st and 2nd word
                case TargetRangeType.HiddenLast:                    //Last instance of hidden text within document
                case TargetRangeType.HiddenFirst:                   //1st instance of hidden text within document
                    throw new ArgumentException("CreateRange() has no support for " + ParseType(targetRangeType));

            Comment("     EXITING CreateRange(" + ParseType(targetRangeType) + "," + startOffset + "," + endOffset + "," + (sourceRange == null ? null : "<sourceRange>") + ",...)");
Ejemplo n.º 27
 internal void CreateRange(out TextPatternRange targetRange, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, TextPatternRange sourceRange, CheckType checkType)
     int startOffset = 0;
     int endOffset   = 0;
     CreateRange( out targetRange, targetRangeType, out startOffset, out endOffset, sourceRange, checkType ); 
Ejemplo n.º 28
        internal void CreateMiscRange(TargetRangeType targetRangeType, out TextPatternRange targetRange, CheckType checkType)
            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset = 0;
            int actualStartOffset = 0;
            int actualEndOffset = 0;
            string text = "";
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);

            Range_GetText(documentRange, ref text, -1, null, checkType);

            // Sanity check            
            TrimTrailingCRLF(m_le, ref text);
            if (text.Length == 0)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "Require non-empty document to create range " + Parse(targetRangeType));

            // calculate where range begins/ends
            switch (targetRangeType)
                case TargetRangeType.TwoCharsAdjacent:              //two adjacent characters
                    // Bug 1134054: TextPatternRange.ScrollIntoView fails to scroll horizontally on edit control
                    // So... we'll pick something that will always be in view
                    startOffset = 1;
                    endOffset = 3;
                case TargetRangeType.TwoCharsSplitAcrossLine:       //two chracters split across a line break
                    // Bug 1059601: TextPatternRange.GetText(-1) retrieves a string that eliminates \n's in RichEdit 2.0
                    // So... we search for \r instead of \n
                    startOffset = text.IndexOf("\r") - 1;
                    endOffset = startOffset + 3;
                    throw new ArgumentException("CreateMiscRange() has no support for " + ParseType(targetRangeType));

            // sanity check
            if ((startOffset < 0) || (endOffset > text.Length))
                ThrowMe(checkType, "CreateMiscRange is unable to calculate correct start/end (" + startOffset + "," + endOffset + ") for range");

            // Create range
            CreateEmptyRange(out targetRange, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, endOffset, ref actualEndOffset, null, checkType);
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, startOffset, ref actualStartOffset, null, checkType);

            // sanity check
            if ((startOffset != actualStartOffset) || (endOffset != actualEndOffset))
                ThrowMe(checkType, "CreateMisMatchRange could not move end points as expected. Expected offsets = " +
                        startOffset + ", " + endOffset + ", actual offsets = " + actualStartOffset + ", " + actualEndOffset);
                Comment("Created range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///     Finds the text control in our target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Initializes the TextPattern object and event handlers.
        /// </remarks>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void FindTextProvider_Click(object src, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set up the conditions for finding the text control.
            var documentControl = new PropertyCondition(
            var textPatternAvailable = new PropertyCondition(
                AutomationElement.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty, true);
            var findControl =
                new AndCondition(documentControl, textPatternAvailable);

            // Get the Automation Element for the first text control found.
            // For the purposes of this sample it is sufficient to find the 
            // first text control. In other cases there may be multiple text
            // controls to sort through.
            _targetDocument =
                _targetWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, findControl);

            // Didn't find a text control.
            if (_targetDocument == null)
                _targetResult.Content =
                    _wpfTarget +
                    " does not contain a Document control type.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;
                _startWpfTargetButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // Get required control patterns 
            _targetTextPattern =
                    TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern;

            // Didn't find a text control that supports TextPattern.
            if (_targetTextPattern == null)
                _targetResult.Content =
                    _wpfTarget +
                    " does not contain an element that supports TextPattern.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;
                _startWpfTargetButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // Text control is available so display the client controls.
            _infoGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            _targetResult.Content =
                "Text provider found.";
            _targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen;

            // Initialize the document range for the text of the document.
            _documentRange = _targetTextPattern.DocumentRange;

            // Initialize the client's search buttons.
            if (_targetTextPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(1).Length > 0)
                _searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = true;
            // Initialize the client's search TextBox.
            _searchString.IsEnabled = true;

            // Check if the text control supports text selection
            if (_targetTextPattern.SupportedTextSelection ==
                _targetResult.Content = "Unable to select text.";
                _targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;

            // Edit control found so remove the find button from the client.
            _findEditButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Initialize the client with the current target selection, if any.

            // Search starts at beginning of doc and goes forward
            _searchBackward = false;

            // Initialize a text changed listener.
            // An instance of TextPatternRange will become invalid if 
            // one of the following occurs:
            // 1) The text in the provider changes via some user activity.
            // 2) ValuePattern.SetValue is used to programatically change 
            // the value of the text in the provider.
            // The only way the client application can detect if the text 
            // has changed (to ensure that the ranges are still valid), 
            // is by setting a listener for the TextChanged event of 
            // the TextPattern. If this event is raised, the client needs 
            // to update the targetDocumentRange member data to ensure the 
            // user is working with the updated text. 
            // Clients must always anticipate the possibility that the text 
            // can change underneath them.

            // Initialize a selection changed listener.
            // The target selection is reflected in the client.
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static int CountTextUnit(TextUnit tu, TextPatternRange rangeToCount)
     return TextLibraryCount.CountTextUnit(tu, rangeToCount);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets the enclosing element of the target selection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
        /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void GetEnclosingElement_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Obtain the enclosing element.
            AutomationElement enclosingElement;
                enclosingElement = _searchRange.GetEnclosingElement();
            catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
                // TODO: error handling.

            // Assemble the information about the enclosing element.
            var enclosingElementInformation = new StringBuilder();
                "Enclosing element:\t").AppendLine(

            // The WPF target doesn't show selected text as highlighted unless
            // the window has focus.

            // Display the enclosing element information in the client.
            _targetSelectionDetails.Text = enclosingElementInformation.ToString();

            // Is the enclosing element the entire document?
            // If so, select the document.
            if (enclosingElement == _targetDocument)
                _documentRange = _targetTextPattern.DocumentRange;
            // Otherwise, select the range from the child element.
            var childRange =
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public int CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
                             TextPatternRange targetRange,
                             TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     return(source.CompareEndpoints(endpoint, targetRange.Source, targetEndpoint));
Ejemplo n.º 33
 internal static TextPatternRange[] Wrap(UIAutomationClient.IUIAutomationTextRangeArray ranges, TextPattern pattern)
     if (ranges == null)
         return null;
     TextPatternRange[] rangeArray = new TextPatternRange[ranges.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
         rangeArray[i] = new TextPatternRange(ranges.GetElement(i), pattern);
     return rangeArray;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        internal void CreateEmptyRange(out TextPatternRange range, RangeLocation rangeLoc, CheckType checkType)
            string text = "";
            int expectedCount = 0;
            int actualCount = 0;

            // Get range and text in the range            
            range = null;
            range = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);

            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Document already has an empty range, proceeding with next test step");
                Range_GetText(range, ref text, -1, null, checkType);

            // Now, create the degenerate range            
            switch (rangeLoc)
                case RangeLocation.Start:
                    // Move end point to start of document
                    expectedCount = -1;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Document, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.Middle:
                    // Move start point to middle of doc
                    expectedCount = text.Length / 2;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);

                    // Move End point to middle of doc
                    expectedCount = -1 * (text.Length - expectedCount);
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.End:
                    // Move end point to start of document
                    expectedCount = 1;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Document, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);

                    //Bug1134056: Resolve RichEdit control inconsistencies / unexpected behavior
                    TextLibrary.TrimRangeCRLF(m_le, range);
                    throw new ArgumentException("TS_CreateEmptyRange() has no support for " + ParseType(rangeLoc));

            // Final check
            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Created degenerate (empty) range at " + rangeLoc + " of the document");
                ThrowMe(checkType, "TS_CreateEmptyRange() failed to create empty range, text = '" + TrimText(Range_GetText(range), 512) + "'");

Ejemplo n.º 35
        // Calls MOveEndPointByUnit2(range,TextUnit,count) and validates expected / actual return value
        internal void TS_MoveEndpointByUnitAndValidate2(TextPatternRange callingRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint endPoint, Count requestedCountEnum, Count expectedCountEnum, int[] countOfTextUnits, int richEditOffset, CheckType checkType)
            int requestedCount = 0;
            int expectedCount  = 0;
            int actualCount    = 0;
            int errorCount = 0;
            TextPatternRange rangeToMove = null;

            for( TextUnit unit = TextUnit.Character; unit <= TextUnit.Document; unit ++ )
                requestedCount =  CountConvert(requestedCountEnum, countOfTextUnits[(int) unit]);
                expectedCount  =  CountConvert(expectedCountEnum,  countOfTextUnits[(int) unit]);

                // Clone range
                Range_Clone(callingRange, ref rangeToMove, null, checkType);

                Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(rangeToMove, endPoint, unit, requestedCount, ref actualCount, null, checkType);

                if (actualCount == expectedCount)
                    Comment("MoveEndpointByUnit(" + endPoint + "," + unit + "," + requestedCount + ") moved the range by " + actualCount + ", as expected");
                else if ((richEditOffset != 0)
                      && ((actualCount + richEditOffset) == expectedCount))
                    Comment("MoveEndpointByUnit(" + endPoint + "," + unit + "," + requestedCount + ") moved the range by " + actualCount + ", as expected taking into account extra characters added by RichEdit");
                    Comment(KNOWNISSUE + " MoveEndpointByUnit(" + endPoint + "," + unit + "," + requestedCount + ") moved the range by " + actualCount + ", expected " + expectedCount);
            if (errorCount > 0)
                ThrowMe(checkType, errorCount + " errors while calling MoveEndpointByUnit() method");

Ejemplo n.º 36
 public bool Compare(TextPatternRange range)
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public static int CountTrailingCRLF(AutomationElement autoElement, TextPatternRange callingRange)
            // Bug: 1134056: Resolve RichEdit control inconsistencies / unexpected behavior
            int offset = 0;

            Library.ValidateArgumentNonNull(autoElement, "AutomationElement cannot be null");
            Library.ValidateArgumentNonNull(callingRange, "callingRange cannot be null");

            if (IsRichEdit(autoElement) == true)
                string text = callingRange.GetText(-1);

                offset = GetTrailingCRLFOffset(text);
            return offset;
Ejemplo n.º 38
        internal void CreateEmptyRandomRange(out TextPatternRange range, RangeLocation rangeLoc, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, CheckType checkType)
            int actualCount = 0;
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);

            // Requires non-empty range
            if (IsEmptyRange(documentRange, checkType))
                ThrowMe(checkType, ParseType(targetRangeType) + " requires non-empty range");

            // Get range and text in the range            
            range = null;
            range = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);

            // calculate position of random range
            int length = Range_GetText(range).Length;
            int offset = 1 + Helpers.RandomValue(1, length / 4);

            // Create empty range by collapsing endpoint to start
            CreateEmptyRange(out range, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);

            // Now, create the degenerate range            
            switch (rangeLoc)
                case RangeLocation.Start:
                    // Move start (and end) endPoint to location in document
                    // This works because Start EndPoint can never roll past end endPoint (it just rolls with start)
                    Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character,
                            offset, ref actualCount, null, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.End:
                    offset = 0 - offset; // was length - offset. This seems to be correct
                    // Move start (and end) endPoint to location in document
                    // This works because Start EndPoint can never roll past end endPoint (it just rolls with start)
                    Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character,
                            offset, ref actualCount, null, checkType);
                    throw new ArgumentException("TS_CreateEmptyRandomRange() has no support for " + ParseType(rangeLoc));

            // Final check
            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Created degenerate (empty) range near " + rangeLoc + " of the document");
                ThrowMe(checkType, "TS_CreateEmptyRange() failed to create empty range, text = '" +
                         TrimText(Range_GetText(range), 512) + "'");
Ejemplo n.º 39
 public bool Compare(TextPatternRange range)
     Validate.ArgumentNotNull(parameter: range, parameterName: nameof(range));
     return(Convert.ToBoolean(value: IUIAutomationTextRange.Compare(range: range.IUIAutomationTextRange)));
Ejemplo n.º 40
        // Tests if start and end points of a range are identical
        internal bool IsEmptyRange(TextPatternRange range, CheckType checkType)
            int results = 0;

            // We compare if start and end points are the same...
            Range_CompareEndpoints(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start,
                                    range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, ref results,
                                    null, checkType);

            return (results == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares this range with another range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="range">A range to compare.
 /// The range must have come from the same text provider or an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.</param>
 /// <returns>true if both ranges span the same text.</returns>
 public bool Compare(TextPatternRange range)
     ValidateRangeArgument(range, "range");
     return(UiaCoreApi.TextRange_Compare(_hTextRange, range._hTextRange));
Ejemplo n.º 42
        internal void RecurseChildAutomationElements(int recurseLevel, TextPatternRange callingRange, CheckType checkType)
            AutomationElement parent = null;
            AutomationElement[] children = null;

            if (recurseLevel > recurseLevelMax)
                throw new ArgumentException("Arbitrary sanity check: RecurseChildAutomationElement likely should not have exceeded " + recurseLevelMax + " generations of children for a given document");

            if (callingRange == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("RecurseChildAutomationElement requires non-null callingRange");

            // Get child and parent automation elements
            Range_GetEnclosingElement(callingRange, ref parent, null, checkType);
            Range_GetChildren(callingRange, ref children, checkType);

            Comment("Level " + recurseLevel + " has " + children.Length + " child Automation Elements");

            for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
                int childrenCount;
                TextPatternRange childRange = null;

                // Get child range
                Pattern_RangeFromChild(_pattern, ref childRange, children[i], null, checkType);

                // Validate child range
                if (childRange == null)
                    ThrowMe(checkType, "Level " + recurseLevel + ", Child[" + i + "] incorrectly returned null range.");

                childrenCount = childRange.GetChildren().Length;

                Comment("Level " + recurseLevel + ", Child[" + i + "] range has " +
                        childRange.GetChildren().Length + " child elements.");

                if (childrenCount > 0)
                    RecurseChildAutomationElements(recurseLevel + 1, childRange, checkType);

                // Perform value equality to validate instances have same identity
                VerifyAutomationElement(parent, children[i], checkType);
Ejemplo n.º 43
 public void MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
                                 TextPatternRange targetRange,
                                 TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
     source.MoveEndpointByRange(endpoint, targetRange.Source, targetEndpoint);
Ejemplo n.º 44
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 ///     The delegate for the target text changed event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="arg">null argument</param>
 /// <returns>A null object.</returns>
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void NotifyTextChanged(string message)
     // Notify the user of the text changed event. 
     _targetSelectionLabel.Content = message;
     // Re-initialize the document range for the text of the document
     // since we don't know the extent of the changes. For example, a 
     // change in the font color attribute, such as on a hyperlink 
     // mouseover, raises this event but doesn't change the content of 
     // the text control.
     _documentRange = _targetTextPattern.DocumentRange;
Ejemplo n.º 45
        // Create a TextPatternRange that contains all visible ranges
        internal void CreateVisibleRange( ref TextPatternRange targetRange, CheckType checkType )
            int startMin = Int32.MaxValue, startTemp = 0;
            int endMax   = Int32.MinValue, endTemp   = 0;;
            TextPatternRange[] visibleRanges = null;
            Pattern_GetVisibleRanges( _pattern, ref visibleRanges, null, checkType );

            targetRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);

            // Find smallest start endPoint, highest end endPoint
            for( int i=0; i < visibleRanges.Length; i++ )
                Range_CompareEndpoints(visibleRanges[i], TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, ref startTemp, null, checkType);
                Range_CompareEndpoints(visibleRanges[i], TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End,   targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, ref endTemp, null, checkType);
                startMin = Math.Min( startMin, startTemp );
                endMax   = Math.Max( endMax,   endTemp   );
            // Build new range
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, startMin, ref startTemp, null, checkType);
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End,   TextUnit.Character, endMax,   ref endMax,    null, checkType);

            Comment("Created composite range of " + visibleRanges.Length + " visible ranges");
            Comment("   Start = " + startMin.ToString().PadLeft(5) + " (actual = " + startTemp.ToString().PadLeft(5) + ")");
            Comment("   End   = " + endMax.ToString().PadLeft(5) + " (actual = " + endTemp.ToString().PadLeft(5) + ")");
            Comment("   Text  = " + TrimText( Range_GetText(targetRange), 512 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 46
        // Calls move N+1 times and validates results
        // First N times should equal expected result
        // N+1'th time should return 0
        // Unit is the actual unit we're going to call move with.
        internal void TS_MoveNTimes(TextUnit unit, int[] numberOfTextUnits, TextPatternRange range, int moveCount, int expectedResult, CheckType checkType)
            int count = 0;
            int countOffset = 0;
            int actualResult = 0;
            bool isRichEdit = TextLibrary.IsRichEdit(m_le);
            string msg = "Move(" + unit.ToString() + ", " + moveCount + ")";
            TextPatternRange callingRange = null;

            // Get document range and clone calling range
            Range_Clone(range, ref callingRange, null, checkType);

            // Get count of type
            count = numberOfTextUnits[(int)unit];

            if (isRichEdit == true)    // Bug 1059357 or 1134056 (take your pick)
                if (unit == TextUnit.Character)
                    countOffset = _trailingCRLFCount;
                    count += countOffset;
                    Comment("Depricating expected count of chracters by " + countOffset + " for textunit " + ParseType(TextUnit.Character));
                else if (unit == TextUnit.Word)
                    Comment("Depricating expected count of words by -1 for textunit " + ParseType(TextUnit.Word));

            // First N times, the return value of Move should equal result
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Range_Move(callingRange, unit, moveCount, ref actualResult, null, checkType);

                if (actualResult != expectedResult)
                    ThrowMe(checkType, msg + " returned " + actualResult + ", expected = " + expectedResult);
            Comment(msg + " called " + count + " times successfully");

            // Now move N+1'th time, should always return 0
            moveCount = 0;
            Range_Move(callingRange, unit, moveCount, ref actualResult, null, checkType);

            if (actualResult != 0)
                ThrowMe(checkType, msg + " returned " + actualResult + ", expected = 0");
                Comment(msg + " returned 0 as expected");

Ejemplo n.º 47
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Count a single TextUnit
 /// </summary>
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------
 internal static int Win32CountTextUnit(TextUnit textUnit, TextPatternRange rangeToCount)
     return Win32CountTextUnit(textUnit, rangeToCount);
Ejemplo n.º 48
        // Expands range by a given # of units, and optionally then 
        // validates if # of units moved actual == expected
        internal void ExpandRange(TextPatternRange range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint endPoint, TextUnit unit, int expectedCount, out int actualCount, bool mustMatchExpected, CheckType checkType)
            actualCount = 0;

            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, endPoint, unit, expectedCount, ref actualCount, null, checkType);

            if (mustMatchExpected == true)
                if (actualCount != expectedCount)
                            checkType, "Unable to modify range " + endPoint + " endPoint by expected " +
                            expectedCount + " " + unit + " units. Actual = " + actualCount);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        public static void TrimRangeCRLF(AutomationElement autoElement, TextPatternRange callingRange)
            Library.ValidateArgumentNonNull(autoElement, "AutomationElement cannot be null");
            Library.ValidateArgumentNonNull(autoElement, "callingRange cannot be null");

            if (IsRichEdit(autoElement) == true)
                int actualOffset = 0; // Actual   offset of \r, \n or \r\n
                int expectedOffset = 0; // Expected offset of \r, \n or \r\n
                string text = callingRange.GetText(-1);

                expectedOffset = GetTrailingCRLFOffset(text);

                // Now... move the endpoint
                actualOffset = callingRange.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, expectedOffset);

                if (actualOffset != expectedOffset)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to move endpoint back by " + expectedOffset + " characters. Actual = " + actualOffset);
                    /* changing to new flexible logging */
                    //Logger.LogComment("Adjusted size of range for RichEdit control by omitting last " + expectedOffset + " characters");
                    UIVerifyLogger.LogComment("Adjusted size of range for RichEdit control by omitting last " + expectedOffset + " characters");
Ejemplo n.º 50
        internal void GetAttributeValues(TextPatternRange callingRange, out IDictionary dict, AttributeType attribType, CheckType checkType)
            bool isRichEdit = TextLibrary.IsRichEdit(m_le);
            int supportedAttribs = 0;   // How many attributes for this control???
            int expectedCount = 0;   // How many attributes do we expect to have?
            IDictionaryEnumerator enum1 = null;
            AutomationTextAttribute key = null;
            AttributeMadness attrib = null;

            dict = new Hashtable(attributesCount);

            enum1 = attributeMadness.GetEnumerator();

            // count attributes
            for (int i = 0; i < attributeMadness.Count; i++)
                key = (AutomationTextAttribute)enum1.Key;
                attrib = (AttributeMadness)enum1.Value;

                switch (attribType)
                    case AttributeType.SupportedAttributes:                // Supported attributes on the edit/richedit control
                        if (((isRichEdit == true) && (attrib.isRichEditControl == true))
                         || ((isRichEdit == false) && (attrib.isEditControl == true)))
                            AddAttributeToDictionary(callingRange, ref dict, key, checkType);
                    case AttributeType.UnsupportedAttributes:              // Attributes not supported by the edit/richedit control
                        if (((isRichEdit == true) && (attrib.isRichEditControl == false))
                         || ((isRichEdit == false) && (attrib.isEditControl == false)))
                            AddAttributeToDictionary(callingRange, ref dict, key, checkType);
                    case AttributeType.EnumAttributes:                     // Those attributes whose data type is an enum
                        if (attrib.isEnum == true)
                            AddAttributeToDictionary(callingRange, ref dict, key, checkType);
                    //case AttributeType.Null:  // Delibratly skipped, this is for sending NULL as arg to GetAttributeValue
                    //      Building a dictionary here doesn't makes sense.
                        throw new ArgumentException("GetAttributeValues() has no support for  " + ParseType(attribType));

            // Determine what correct count should be
            if (isRichEdit == true)
                supportedAttribs = richEditControlAttribCount;
                supportedAttribs = editControlAttribCount;

            switch (attribType)
                case AttributeType.SupportedAttributes:                // Supported attributes on the edit/richedit control
                    expectedCount = supportedAttribs;
                case AttributeType.UnsupportedAttributes:              // Attributes not supported by the edit/richedit control
                    expectedCount = attributesCount - supportedAttribs;
                case AttributeType.EnumAttributes:                     // Those attributes whose data type is an enum
                    expectedCount = enumAttributesCount;
                case AttributeType.Null:                               // Null value for   attribute(s)
                    expectedCount = supportedAttribs;
                    throw new ArgumentException("GetAttributeValues() has no support for  " + ParseType(attribType));

            // Now, does count equal expectations???

            if (dict.Count != expectedCount)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "Expected " + expectedCount + " attributes for Win32 " +
                        (isRichEdit == true ? "RichEdit" : "Edit") +
                        " control, got " + dict.Count);
                Comment("Correctly retrived values for " + dict.Count + " attributes for Win32 " +
                        (isRichEdit == true ? "RichEdit" : "Edit") + " control");