FromXml() public method

public FromXml ( SecurityElement e ) : void
e SecurityElement
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
        // internal stuff

        internal static CodeGroup CreateFromXml(SecurityElement se, PolicyLevel level)
            string fullClassName = se.Attribute("class");
            string className     = fullClassName;
            // many possible formats
            // a. "FirstMatchCodeGroup"
            // b. "System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup"
            // c. "System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\"\r\n           version=\"1\">\r\n   <IMembershipCondition class=\"System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"
            int n = className.IndexOf(",");

            if (n > 0)
                className = className.Substring(0, n);
            n = className.LastIndexOf(".");
            if (n > 0)
                className = className.Substring(n + 1);
            // much faster than calling Activator.CreateInstance
            switch (className)
            case "FileCodeGroup":
                return(new FileCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "FirstMatchCodeGroup":
                return(new FirstMatchCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "NetCodeGroup":
                return(new NetCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "UnionCodeGroup":
                return(new UnionCodeGroup(se, level));

            default:                     // unknown
                Type      classType = Type.GetType(fullClassName);
                CodeGroup cg        = (CodeGroup)Activator.CreateInstance(classType, true);
                cg.FromXml(se, level);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static CodeGroup CreateFromXml(SecurityElement se, PolicyLevel level)
            string text  = se.Attribute("class");
            string text2 = text;
            int    num   = text2.IndexOf(",");

            if (num > 0)
                text2 = text2.Substring(0, num);
            num = text2.LastIndexOf(".");
            if (num > 0)
                text2 = text2.Substring(num + 1);
            string text3 = text2;

            switch (text3)
            case "FileCodeGroup":
                return(new FileCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "FirstMatchCodeGroup":
                return(new FirstMatchCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "NetCodeGroup":
                return(new NetCodeGroup(se, level));

            case "UnionCodeGroup":
                return(new UnionCodeGroup(se, level));
            Type      type      = Type.GetType(text);
            CodeGroup codeGroup = (CodeGroup)Activator.CreateInstance(type, true);

            codeGroup.FromXml(se, level);
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        internal void ParseChildren()
            lock (this)
                ArrayList childrenList = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());

                if (m_element != null && m_element.InternalChildren != null)
                    // We set the elements childrenList to a list that contains no code groups that are in
                    // assemblies that have not yet been loaded.  This guarantees that if
                    // we recurse while loading the child code groups or their membership conditions
                    // that we won't get back to this point to create an infinite recursion.

                    m_element.Children = (ArrayList)m_element.InternalChildren.Clone();

                    // We need to keep track of which children are not parsed and created in our
                    // first pass through the list of children, including what position they were
                    // at originally so that we can add them back in as we do parse them.

                    ArrayList unparsedChildren = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());

                    Evidence evidence = new Evidence();

                    int childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                    int i          = 0;
                    while (i < childCount)
                        SecurityElement elGroup = (SecurityElement)m_element.Children[i];

                        if (elGroup.Tag.Equals("CodeGroup"))
                            // Using safe load here to guarantee that we don't load any assemblies that aren't
                            // already loaded.  If we find a code group or membership condition that is defined
                            // in an assembly that is not yet loaded, we will remove the corresponding element
                            // from the list of child elements as to avoid the infinite recursion, and then
                            // add them back in later.

                            CodeGroup group = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(elGroup);

                            if (group != null)
                                group.FromXml(elGroup, m_parentLevel);

                                // We want to touch the membership condition to make sure it is loaded
                                // before we put the code group in a place where Resolve will touch it.
                                // This is critical in negotiating our recursive resolve scenario.

                                if (ParseMembershipCondition(true))
                                    // In addition, we need to touch several methods to make sure they are jitted previous
                                    // to a Resolve happening with this code gropu in the hierarchy.  We can run into
                                    // recursive cases where if you have a method that touchs an assembly that does
                                    // a resolve at load time (permission request, execution checking) that you recurse around
                                    // and end up trying to jit the same method again.


                                    // Now it should be ok to add the group to the hierarchy.


                                    // Increment the count since we are done with this child

                                    // Assembly that holds the membership condition is not loaded, remove
                                    // the child from the list.


                                    // Note: we do not increment the counter since the value at 'i' should
                                    // now be what was at 'i+1' previous to the RemoveAt( i ) above.  However,
                                    // we do need to update the count of children in the list

                                    childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count;

                                    // Add this child to the unparsed child list.

                                    unparsedChildren.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(i, childrenList.Count, elGroup));
                                // Assembly that holds the code group is not loaded, remove
                                // the child from the list.


                                // Note: we do not increment the counter since the value at 'i' should
                                // now be what was at 'i+1' previous to the RemoveAt( i ) above.  However,
                                // we do need to update the count of children in the list

                                childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count;

                                // Add this child to the unparsed child list.

                                unparsedChildren.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(i, childrenList.Count, elGroup));
                            // The current tag is not an <CodeGroup> tag, so we just skip it.


                    // Now we have parsed all the children that only use classes in already loaded
                    // assemblies.  Now go through the process of loading the needed classes (and
                    // therefore assemblies) and building the objects in the order that they
                    // appear in the list of children (which is the same as they now appear in the
                    // list of unparsed children since we always added to the back of the list).
                    // As each is parsed, add that child back into the list of children since they
                    // can now be parsed without loading any additional assemblies.

                    IEnumerator enumerator = unparsedChildren.GetEnumerator();

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        CodeGroupPositionMarker marker = (CodeGroupPositionMarker)enumerator.Current;

                        CodeGroup group = System.Security.Util.XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(marker.element);

                        if (group != null)
                            group.FromXml(marker.element, m_parentLevel);

                            // We want to touch the membership condition to make sure it is loaded
                            // before we put the code group in a place where Resolve will touch it.
                            // This is critical in negotiating our recursive resolve scenario.


                            // Now it should be ok to add the group to the hierarchy.

                            childrenList.Insert(marker.groupIndex, group);

                            // Add the element back into the child list in the proper spot.

                            m_element.InternalChildren.Insert(marker.elementIndex, marker.element);
                            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_FailedCodeGroup"), marker.element.Attribute("class")));
                m_children = childrenList;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 internal void ParseChildren()
     lock (this)
         ArrayList list = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
         if ((this.m_element != null) && (this.m_element.InternalChildren != null))
             this.m_element.Children = (ArrayList)this.m_element.InternalChildren.Clone();
             ArrayList list2    = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
             Evidence  evidence = new Evidence();
             int       count    = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
             int       index    = 0;
             while (index < count)
                 SecurityElement el = (SecurityElement)this.m_element.Children[index];
                 if (el.Tag.Equals("CodeGroup"))
                     CodeGroup group = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(el);
                     if (group != null)
                         group.FromXml(el, this.m_parentLevel);
                         if (this.ParseMembershipCondition(true))
                             count = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                             list2.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(index, list.Count, el));
                         count = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                         list2.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(index, list.Count, el));
             IEnumerator enumerator = list2.GetEnumerator();
             while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                 CodeGroupPositionMarker current = (CodeGroupPositionMarker)enumerator.Current;
                 CodeGroup group2 = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(current.element);
                 if (group2 == null)
                     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_FailedCodeGroup"), new object[] { current.element.Attribute("class") }));
                 group2.FromXml(current.element, this.m_parentLevel);
                 list.Insert(current.groupIndex, group2);
                 this.m_element.InternalChildren.Insert(current.elementIndex, current.element);
         this.m_children = list;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal void ParseChildren()
     lock (this)
         ArrayList local_2 = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
         if (this.m_element != null && this.m_element.InternalChildren != null)
             this.m_element.Children = (ArrayList)this.m_element.InternalChildren.Clone();
             ArrayList local_3 = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
             Evidence  local_4 = new Evidence();
             int       local_5 = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
             int       local_6 = 0;
             while (local_6 < local_5)
                 SecurityElement local_8 = (SecurityElement)this.m_element.Children[local_6];
                 if (local_8.Tag.Equals("CodeGroup"))
                     CodeGroup local_9 = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(local_8);
                     if (local_9 != null)
                         local_9.FromXml(local_8, this.m_parentLevel);
                         if (this.ParseMembershipCondition(true))
                             local_5 = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                             local_3.Add((object)new CodeGroupPositionMarker(local_6, local_2.Count, local_8));
                         local_5 = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                         local_3.Add((object)new CodeGroupPositionMarker(local_6, local_2.Count, local_8));
             foreach (CodeGroupPositionMarker item_0 in local_3)
                 CodeGroup local_11 = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(item_0.element);
                 if (local_11 == null)
                     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format((IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_FailedCodeGroup"), (object)item_0.element.Attribute("class")));
                 local_11.FromXml(item_0.element, this.m_parentLevel);
                 local_2.Insert(item_0.groupIndex, (object)local_11);
                 this.m_element.InternalChildren.Insert(item_0.elementIndex, (object)item_0.element);
         this.m_children = (IList)local_2;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal void ParseChildren()
     lock (this)
         ArrayList arrayList = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
         if (this.m_element != null && this.m_element.InternalChildren != null)
             this.m_element.Children = (ArrayList)this.m_element.InternalChildren.Clone();
             ArrayList arrayList2 = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
             Evidence  evidence   = new Evidence();
             int       count      = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
             int       i          = 0;
             while (i < count)
                 SecurityElement securityElement = (SecurityElement)this.m_element.Children[i];
                 if (securityElement.Tag.Equals("CodeGroup"))
                     CodeGroup codeGroup = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(securityElement);
                     if (codeGroup != null)
                         codeGroup.FromXml(securityElement, this.m_parentLevel);
                         if (this.ParseMembershipCondition(true))
                             count = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                             arrayList2.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(i, arrayList.Count, securityElement));
                         count = this.m_element.InternalChildren.Count;
                         arrayList2.Add(new CodeGroupPositionMarker(i, arrayList.Count, securityElement));
             foreach (object obj in arrayList2)
                 CodeGroupPositionMarker codeGroupPositionMarker = (CodeGroupPositionMarker)obj;
                 CodeGroup codeGroup2 = XMLUtil.CreateCodeGroup(codeGroupPositionMarker.element);
                 if (codeGroup2 == null)
                     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_FailedCodeGroup"), codeGroupPositionMarker.element.Attribute("class")));
                 codeGroup2.FromXml(codeGroupPositionMarker.element, this.m_parentLevel);
                 arrayList.Insert(codeGroupPositionMarker.groupIndex, codeGroup2);
                 this.m_element.InternalChildren.Insert(codeGroupPositionMarker.elementIndex, codeGroupPositionMarker.element);
         this.m_children = arrayList;