CheckQuoted() static private method

static private CheckQuoted ( string value ) : string
value string
return string
Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void BuildCookieCollectionFromDomainMatches(Uri uri, bool isSecure, int port, CookieCollection cookies, List <string> domainAttribute, bool matchOnlyPlainCookie)
            for (int i = 0; i < domainAttribute.Count; i++)
                bool     found        = false;
                bool     defaultAdded = false;
                PathList pathList;
                lock (_domainTable)
                    _domainTable.TryGetValue(domainAttribute[i], out pathList);

                if (pathList == null)

                lock (pathList.SyncRoot)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in pathList)
                        string path = (string)entry.Key;
                        if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(path)))
                            found = true;

                            CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)entry.Value;
                            MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, matchOnlyPlainCookie);

                            if (path == "/")
                                defaultAdded = true;
                        else if (found)

                if (!defaultAdded)
                    CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"];

                    if (cc != null)
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, matchOnlyPlainCookie);

                // Remove unused domain
                // (This is the only place that does domain removal)
                if (pathList.Count == 0)
                    AddRemoveDomain(domainAttribute[i], null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // According to spec we must assume default values for attributes but still
        // keep in mind that we must not include them into the requests.
        // We also check the validity of all attributes based on the version and variant (read RFC)
        // To work properly this function must be called after cookie construction with
        // default (response) URI AND setDefault == true
        // Afterwards, the function can be called many times with other URIs and
        // setDefault == false to check whether this cookie matches given uri
        internal bool VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant variant, Uri uri, bool isLocalDomain, string localDomain, bool setDefault, bool shouldThrow)
            string host  = uri.Host;
            int    port  = uri.Port;
            string path  = uri.AbsolutePath;
            bool   valid = true;

            if (setDefault)
                // Set Variant. If version is zero => reset cookie to Version0 style
                if (Version == 0)
                    variant = CookieVariant.Plain;
                else if (Version == 1 && variant == CookieVariant.Unknown)
                    // Since we don't expose Variant to an app, set it to Default
                    variant = CookieVariant.Default;
                m_cookieVariant = variant;

            // Check the name
            if (m_name == null || m_name.Length == 0 || m_name[0] == '$' || m_name.IndexOfAny(ReservedToName) != -1)
                if (shouldThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Name", m_name == null ? "<null>" : m_name));

            // Check the value
            if (m_value == null ||
                (!(m_value.Length > 2 && m_value[0] == '\"' && m_value[m_value.Length - 1] == '\"') && m_value.IndexOfAny(ReservedToValue) != -1))
                if (shouldThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, "Value", m_value == null ? "<null>" : m_value));

            // Check Comment syntax
            if (Comment != null && !(Comment.Length > 2 && Comment[0] == '\"' && Comment[Comment.Length - 1] == '\"') &&
                (Comment.IndexOfAny(ReservedToValue) != -1))
                if (shouldThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.CommentAttributeName, Comment));

            // Check Path syntax
            if (Path != null && !(Path.Length > 2 && Path[0] == '\"' && Path[Path.Length - 1] == '\"') &&
                (Path.IndexOfAny(ReservedToValue) != -1))
                if (shouldThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PathAttributeName, Path));

            // Check/set domain
            // If domain is implicit => assume a) uri is valid, b) just set domain to uri hostname.
            if (setDefault && m_domain_implicit == true)
                m_domain = host;
                if (!m_domain_implicit)
                    // Forwarding note: If Uri.Host is of IP address form then the only supported case
                    // is for IMPLICIT domain property of a cookie.
                    // The code below (explicit cookie.Domain value) will try to parse Uri.Host IP string
                    // as a fqdn and reject the cookie.

                    // Aliasing since we might need the KeyValue (but not the original one).
                    string domain = m_domain;

                    // Syntax check for Domain charset plus empty string.
                    if (!DomainCharsTest(domain))
                        if (shouldThrow)
                            throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.DomainAttributeName, domain == null ? "<null>" : domain));

                    // Domain must start with '.' if set explicitly.
                    if (domain[0] != '.')
                        if (!(variant == CookieVariant.Rfc2965 || variant == CookieVariant.Plain))
                            if (shouldThrow)
                                throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.DomainAttributeName, m_domain));
                        domain = '.' + domain;

                    int host_dot = host.IndexOf('.');

                    // First quick check is for pushing a cookie into the local domain.
                    if (isLocalDomain && string.Equals(localDomain, domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        valid = true;
                    else if (domain.IndexOf('.', 1, domain.Length - 2) == -1)
                        // A single label domain is valid only if the domain is exactly the same as the host specified in the URI.
                        if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
                            valid = false;
                    else if (variant == CookieVariant.Plain)
                        // We distinguish between Version0 cookie and other versions on domain issue.
                        // According to Version0 spec a domain must be just a substring of the hostname.

                        if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
                            if (host.Length <= domain.Length ||
                                (string.Compare(host, host.Length - domain.Length, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0))
                                valid = false;
                    else if (host_dot == -1 ||
                             domain.Length != host.Length - host_dot ||
                             (string.Compare(host, host_dot, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0))
                        // Starting from the first dot, the host must match the domain.
                        // For null hosts, the host must match the domain exactly.
                        if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
                            valid = false;

                    if (valid)
                        m_domainKey = domain.ToLowerInvariant();
                    // For implicitly set domain AND at the set_default == false time
                    // we simply need to match uri.Host against m_domain.
                    if (!string.Equals(host, m_domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        valid = false;
                if (!valid)
                    if (shouldThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.DomainAttributeName, m_domain));

            // Check/Set Path
            if (setDefault && m_path_implicit == true)
                // This code assumes that the URI path is always valid and contains at least one '/'.
                switch (m_cookieVariant)
                case CookieVariant.Plain:
                    m_path = path;

                case CookieVariant.Rfc2109:
                    m_path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/'));     // May be empty

                case CookieVariant.Rfc2965:
                    // NOTE: this code is not resilient against future versions with different 'Path' semantics.
                    m_path = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                // Check current path (implicit/explicit) against given URI.
                if (!path.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(m_path)))
                    if (shouldThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PathAttributeName, m_path));

            // Set the default port if Port attribute was present but had no value.
            if (setDefault && (m_port_implicit == false && m_port.Length == 0))
                m_port_list = new int[1] {

            if (m_port_implicit == false)
                // Port must match against the one from the uri.
                valid = false;
                foreach (int p in m_port_list)
                    if (p == port)
                        valid = true;
                if (!valid)
                    if (shouldThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.Format(SR.net_cookie_attribute, CookieFields.PortAttributeName, m_port));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal CookieCollection InternalGetCookies(Uri uri)
            bool             isSecure = (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps);
            int              port     = uri.Port;
            CookieCollection cookies  = new CookieCollection();
            ArrayList        nameKeys = new ArrayList();
            int              firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 0;

            string fqdnRemote = uri.Host;

            int dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.');

            if (dot == -1)
                // DNS.resolve may return short names even for other inet domains ;-(
                // We _don't_ know what the exact domain is, so try also grab short hostname cookies.
                // add a preceding dot (null host)
                nameKeys.Add("." + fqdnRemote);
                // grab long name from the local domain
                if (m_fqdnMyDomain != null && m_fqdnMyDomain.Length != 0)
                    nameKeys.Add(fqdnRemote + m_fqdnMyDomain);
                    // grab the local domain itself
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 3;
                    firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 1;
                // grab the host itself
                // add a preceding dot (null host)
                nameKeys.Add("." + fqdnRemote);
                // grab the host domain
                firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey = 2;
                // The following block is only for compatibility with Version0 spec.
                // Still, we'll add only Plain-Variant cookies if found under below keys
                if (fqdnRemote.Length > 2)
                    // We ignore the '.' at the end on the name
                    int last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', fqdnRemote.Length - 2);
                    //AND keys with <2 dots inside.
                    if (last > 0)
                        last = fqdnRemote.LastIndexOf('.', last - 1);
                    if (last != -1)
                        while ((dot < last) && (dot = fqdnRemote.IndexOf('.', dot + 1)) != -1)

            foreach (string key in nameKeys)
                bool     found        = false;
                bool     defaultAdded = false;
                PathList pathList;
                lock (m_domainTable.SyncRoot) {
                    pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[key];

                if (pathList == null)

                lock (pathList.SyncRoot) {
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in pathList)
                        string path = (string)entry.Key;
                        if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(path)))
                            found = true;

                            CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)entry.Value;
                            MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey < 0));

                            if (path == "/")
                                defaultAdded = true;
                        else if (found)

                if (!defaultAdded)
                    CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"];

                    if (cc != null)
                        MergeUpdateCollections(cookies, cc, port, isSecure, (firstCompatibleVersion0SpecKey < 0));

                // Remove unused domain
                // (This is the only place that does domain removal)
                if (pathList.Count == 0)
                    AddRemoveDomain(key, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void BuildCookieCollectionFromDomainMatches(Uri uri, bool isSecure, int port, ref CookieCollection cookies, System.Collections.Generic.List <string> domainAttribute, bool matchOnlyPlainCookie)
            for (int i = 0; i < domainAttribute.Count; i++)
                bool     found        = false;
                bool     defaultAdded = false;
                PathList pathList;
                lock (m_domainTable.SyncRoot)
                    pathList = (PathList)m_domainTable[domainAttribute[i]];
                    if (pathList == null)

                lock (pathList.SyncRoot)
                    // Manual use of IDictionaryEnumerator instead of foreach to avoid DictionaryEntry box allocations.
                    IDictionaryEnumerator e = pathList.GetEnumerator();
                    while (e.MoveNext())
                        string path = (string)e.Key;
                        if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(path)))
                            found = true;

                            CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)e.Value;
                            MergeUpdateCollections(ref cookies, cc, port, isSecure, matchOnlyPlainCookie);

                            if (path == "/")
                                defaultAdded = true;
                        else if (found)

                if (!defaultAdded)
                    CookieCollection cc = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"];

                    if (cc != null)
                        MergeUpdateCollections(ref cookies, cc, port, isSecure, matchOnlyPlainCookie);

                // Remove unused domain
                // (This is the only place that does domain removal)
                if (pathList.Count == 0)
                    lock (m_domainTable.SyncRoot)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        internal bool VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant variant, Uri uri, bool isLocalDomain, string localDomain, bool set_default, bool isThrow)
            string host         = uri.Host;
            int    port         = uri.Port;
            string absolutePath = uri.AbsolutePath;
            bool   flag         = true;

            if (set_default)
                if (this.Version == 0)
                    variant = CookieVariant.Plain;
                else if ((this.Version == 1) && (variant == CookieVariant.Unknown))
                    variant = CookieVariant.Rfc2109;
                this.m_cookieVariant = variant;
            if (((this.m_name == null) || (this.m_name.Length == 0)) || ((this.m_name[0] == '$') || (this.m_name.IndexOfAny(Reserved2Name) != -1)))
                if (isThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Name", (this.m_name == null) ? "<null>" : this.m_name }));
            if ((this.m_value == null) || ((((this.m_value.Length <= 2) || (this.m_value[0] != '"')) || (this.m_value[this.m_value.Length - 1] != '"')) && (this.m_value.IndexOfAny(Reserved2Value) != -1)))
                if (isThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Value", (this.m_value == null) ? "<null>" : this.m_value }));
            if (((this.Comment != null) && (((this.Comment.Length <= 2) || (this.Comment[0] != '"')) || (this.Comment[this.Comment.Length - 1] != '"'))) && (this.Comment.IndexOfAny(Reserved2Value) != -1))
                if (isThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Comment", this.Comment }));
            if (((this.Path != null) && (((this.Path.Length <= 2) || (this.Path[0] != '"')) || (this.Path[this.Path.Length - 1] != '"'))) && (this.Path.IndexOfAny(Reserved2Value) != -1))
                if (isThrow)
                    throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Path", this.Path }));
            if (set_default && this.m_domain_implicit)
                this.m_domain = host;
                if (!this.m_domain_implicit)
                    string domain = this.m_domain;
                    if (!DomainCharsTest(domain))
                        if (isThrow)
                            throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Domain", (domain == null) ? "<null>" : domain }));
                    if (domain[0] != '.')
                        if ((variant != CookieVariant.Rfc2965) && (variant != CookieVariant.Plain))
                            if (isThrow)
                                throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Domain", this.m_domain }));
                        domain = '.' + domain;
                    int index = host.IndexOf('.');
                    if (isLocalDomain && (string.Compare(localDomain, domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0))
                        flag = true;
                    else if (domain.IndexOf('.', 1, domain.Length - 2) == -1)
                        if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
                            flag = false;
                    else if (variant == CookieVariant.Plain)
                        if (!IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host) && ((host.Length <= domain.Length) || (string.Compare(host, host.Length - domain.Length, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)))
                            flag = false;
                    else if ((((index == -1) || (domain.Length != (host.Length - index))) || (string.Compare(host, index, domain, 0, domain.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)) && !IsDomainEqualToHost(domain, host))
                        flag = false;
                    if (flag)
                        this.m_domainKey = domain.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                else if (string.Compare(host, this.m_domain, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                    flag = false;
                if (!flag)
                    if (isThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Domain", this.m_domain }));
            if (!set_default || !this.m_path_implicit)
                if (!absolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(this.m_path)))
                    if (isThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Path", this.m_path }));
                switch (this.m_cookieVariant)
                case CookieVariant.Plain:
                    this.m_path = absolutePath;
                    goto Label_04F0;

                case CookieVariant.Rfc2109:
                    this.m_path = absolutePath.Substring(0, absolutePath.LastIndexOf('/'));
                    goto Label_04F0;
                this.m_path = absolutePath.Substring(0, absolutePath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
            if ((set_default && !this.m_port_implicit) && (this.m_port.Length == 0))
                this.m_port_list = new int[] { port };
            if (!this.m_port_implicit)
                flag = false;
                foreach (int num3 in this.m_port_list)
                    if (num3 == port)
                        flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                    if (isThrow)
                        throw new CookieException(SR.GetString("net_cookie_attribute", new object[] { "Port", this.m_port }));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal CookieCollection InternalGetCookies(Uri uri)
            bool             isSecure    = uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps;
            int              port        = uri.Port;
            CookieCollection destination = new CookieCollection();
            ArrayList        arrayList   = new ArrayList();
            string           host        = uri.Host;
            int              startIndex  = host.IndexOf('.');
            int              num1;

            if (startIndex == -1)
                arrayList.Add((object)("." + host));
                if (this.m_fqdnMyDomain != null && this.m_fqdnMyDomain.Length != 0)
                    arrayList.Add((object)(host + this.m_fqdnMyDomain));
                    num1 = 3;
                    num1 = 1;
                arrayList.Add((object)("." + host));
                num1 = 2;
                if (host.Length > 2)
                    int num2 = host.LastIndexOf('.', host.Length - 2);
                    if (num2 > 0)
                        num2 = host.LastIndexOf('.', num2 - 1);
                    if (num2 != -1)
                        while (startIndex < num2 && (startIndex = host.IndexOf('.', startIndex + 1)) != -1)
            foreach (string key in arrayList)
                bool     flag1    = false;
                bool     flag2    = false;
                PathList pathList = (PathList)this.m_domainTable[(object)key];
                if (pathList != null)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry dictionaryEntry in pathList)
                        string str = (string)dictionaryEntry.Key;
                        if (uri.AbsolutePath.StartsWith(CookieParser.CheckQuoted(str)))
                            flag1 = true;
                            CookieCollection source = (CookieCollection)dictionaryEntry.Value;
                            this.MergeUpdateCollections(destination, source, port, isSecure, num1 < 0);
                            if (str == "/")
                                flag2 = true;
                        else if (flag1)
                    if (!flag2)
                        CookieCollection source = (CookieCollection)pathList["/"];
                        if (source != null)
                            this.MergeUpdateCollections(destination, source, port, isSecure, num1 < 0);
                    if (pathList.Count == 0)
                        this.AddRemoveDomain(key, (PathList)null);