Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void updateCellValue(Cell c, string name)
            string content  = c.getContent();                       //get content of cell
            string preValue = c.getValue();                         //get current value of cell

            c.setPreValue(value);                                   //set previous value of cell to current value
            int           rowIndex    = getRowIndexByName(name);    //get row index of cell
            int           columnIndex = getColumnIndexByName(name); //get column index of cell
            List <string> list        = new List <string>();

            if (content != null && content != "")
                expTree = new ExpTree(content.Substring(1));
                list    = expTree.parseVariables(content.Substring(1)); //get list of variables
                string n = getCellName(rowIndex, columnIndex);          //get name of current cell
                //addDependencies(n, list); //add to dependencies dictionary
                string val;
                foreach (string var in list)
                    val = getCellByName(var).getValue();                  //get numerical value of cell
                    expTree.addToDictionary(var, val);                    //add variable name and value to expression tree dictionary
                if (expTree.getDictionarySize() > 0)                      //variables exist in the tree
                    expTree.resetTree(content.Substring(1));              //put variable values in tree
                string value = expTree.Eval().ToString();                 //get value of expression and convert it to string
                spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue(value, true); //set value of cell to new value
                spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("", true);
            rowChanged    = rowIndex;     //save the row number that was changed
            columnChanged = columnIndex;  //save the column number that was changed
            OnPropertyChanged("content"); //fire property changed event to update UI
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void CellPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) //cell property changed event
            int  rowIndex = 0, columnIndex = 0;
            bool found = false;

            //determine which cell threw the event
            for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                    if (sender.Equals(spreadsheet[i, j])) //check if current cell is the one that sent the event
                        found       = true;
                        rowIndex    = i; //save row index of sender
                        columnIndex = j; //save column index of sender
                        break;           //break out of loop

            if ("content" == e.PropertyName)
                if (found == true) //only proceed if sender was identified
                    bool   error   = false;
                    string content = spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].getContent(); //get content string
                    if (content != null && content != "")
                        if (content.StartsWith("=")) //value needs to be updated
                            List <string> list = new List <string>();
                            expTree = new ExpTree(content.Substring(1));
                            list    = expTree.parseVariables(content.Substring(1));                 //get list of variables
                            if (checkVariablesExist(list))                                          //only execute following code if all variables exist in the spreadsheet
                                if (checkSelfReference(list, rowIndex, columnIndex))                //only execute following code if there aren't any self references in the formula
                                    visited.Add(getCell(rowIndex, columnIndex));                    //add starting cell to visited hash set
                                    string n = getCellName(rowIndex, columnIndex);                  //get name of current cell
                                    removeDependencies(n);                                          //remove old dependencies before adding new ones
                                    addDependencies(n, list);                                       //add to dependencies dictionary
                                    if (checkCircularReference(getCellName(rowIndex, columnIndex))) //only execute following code if there aren't any circular references in the formula
                                        string val;
                                        foreach (string var in list)
                                            val = getCellByName(var).getValue();                   //get numerical value of cell
                                            expTree.addToDictionary(var, val);                     //add variable name and value to expression tree dictionary
                                        if (expTree.getDictionarySize() > 0)                       //variables exist in the tree
                                            expTree.resetTree(content.Substring(1));               //put variable values in tree
                                        string value = expTree.Eval().ToString();                  //get value of expression and convert it to string
                                        spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue(value, false); //set value of cell to new value
                                    else //expression in cell contained a circular reference
                                        spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("!(circular reference)", false); //set value of cell to error message
                                        error = true;
                                        //visited.Clear(); //clear visited hash set for the next expression
                                else //expression in cell contained a self reference
                                    spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("!(self reference)", false); //set value of cell to error message
                                    error = true;
                            else //expression in cell contained an invalid cell name
                                spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("!(bad reference)", false); //set value of cell to error message
                                error = true;
                        else //value is the same as content
                            string n = getCellName(rowIndex, columnIndex); //get cell name
                            removeDependencies(n);                                       //remove dependencies since cell is now just a constant value and doesn't reference any cells
                            spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue(content, false); //set value of cell to content of cell
                        spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("", false);

                    bool   success = false;
                    string name    = getCellName(rowIndex, columnIndex); //get name of current cell
                    if (error == false)                                  //only update dependencies if there is not an error
                        //visited.Add(getCellByName(name)); //add starting cell to visited hash set
                        success = updateDependencies(name); //update dependencies of current cell, returns false if there is a circular dependency
                        //if(success == false) //there was a circular dependency in the expression
                        //    spreadsheet[rowIndex, columnIndex].setValue("!(circular reference)", false); //set value of cell to error message
                        //    setPreValues(getCellByName(name)); //make sure values of dependent cells don't change
                    visited.Clear();              //clear hash set for next expression
                    rowChanged    = rowIndex;     //save the row number that was changed
                    columnChanged = columnIndex;  //save the column number that was changed

                    OnPropertyChanged("content"); //fire PropertyChanged event
            else if ("value" == e.PropertyName)
                rowChanged    = rowIndex;
                columnChanged = columnIndex;
                OnPropertyChanged("content"); //fire PropertyChanged event

            else if ("BGColor" == e.PropertyName)
                rowChanged    = rowIndex;
                columnChanged = columnIndex;
                OnPropertyChanged("BGColor"); //fire PropertyChanged event
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void eventHandle(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Dictionary <string, double> newDict = new Dictionary <string, double>();

            if ("Text" == e.PropertyName)
                cellArray c = (sender as cellArray);

                if (c.Text[0] != '=')

                    string  newText = c.Text;
                    ExpTree newTree = new ExpTree(newText.Substring(1));
                    //findCol = Convert.ToInt32(newText[1] - 65);
                    //findRow = Convert.ToInt32(newText.Substring(2)) - 1;


                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> x in newTree.backUp)
                        int    findCol  = Convert.ToInt32(x.Key[0] - 65);
                        int    findRow  = Convert.ToInt32(x.Key.Substring(1)) - 1;
                        string cellName = x.Key;
                        if (!c.references.Contains(cellName))
                        char   col         = (char)(c.columnIndex + 65); //change to c related text.
                        string rowString   = (c.rowIndex + 1).ToString();
                        string currentCell = string.Format("{0}{1}", col, rowString);
                        Cell   tempCell    = findCell(findRow, findCol);
                        if (!tempCell.referencedBy.Contains(currentCell))
                        //string cellName = Convert.ToString(c.columnIndex + 65) + Convert.ToChar(c.rowIndex);

                        if ((grid[findRow, findCol].Value.ToString()) != "")
                            newDict.Add(x.Key, Convert.ToDouble(grid[findRow, findCol].Value));



                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> x in newDict)
                        newTree.backUp.Add(x.Key, x.Value);


                    if (c.changeCellValue(newTree.Eval().ToString()) != "0")


                    //this.Text = grid[findRow, findCol].Value;//**


                funcellPropertyChanged(sender as Cell, "CellValue");
