Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static TwitterService CreateFromOAuthClient(TwitterOAuthClient client) {

            // This should never be null
            if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client");

            // Initialize the service
            TwitterService service = new TwitterService {
                Client = client

            // Set the endpoints etc.
            service.Account = new TwitterAccountEndpoint(service);
            service.Favorites = new TwitterFavoritesEndpoint(service);
            service.Followers = new TwitterFollowersEndpoint(service);
            service.Friends = new TwitterFriendsEndpoint(service);
            service.Geo = new TwitterGeoEndpoint(service);
            service.Lists = new TwitterListsEndpoint(service);
            service.Search = new TwitterSearchEndpoint(service);
            service.Statuses = new TwitterStatusesEndpoint(service);
            service.Users = new TwitterUsersEndpoint(service);

            // Return the service
            return service;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List<UserProfile> SearchTwitter(SocialApp app, string searchText)
            var userProfiles = new List<UserProfile>();
            // Initialize a new OAuth client from the consumer key and secret
            var client = new TwitterOAuthClient(app.ApiKey, app.ApiSecret, app.Token, app.TokenSecret);

            var service = TwitterService.CreateFromOAuthClient(client);

            var response = service.Users.Search(searchText);

            //TO DO Url is returning null so had to hard code it with screen name , look at this later
            return response.Body.Select(u => new UserProfile
                    ImageUrl = u.ProfileImageUrl,
                    Name = u.Name,
                    ProfileLink = "https://twitter.com/"  + u.ScreenName
        public object GetTweet(long id)
            TwitterOAuthClient oauth = new TwitterOAuthClient {
                ConsumerKey = "sgJtXh7FoPVrizbTX00G8UnCx",
                ConsumerSecret = "eQpoqMbYgO62FymLDyKridL9rE5kpT7bqfyZ8a2MFnl0xTYvCZ"

            string tweet;

            try {
                tweet = oauth.Statuses.GetTweet(id);
                if (tweet.StartsWith("{\"errors\":")) {
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new {
                        error = "Unable to retrieve tweet."
            } catch (Exception) {
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new {
                    error = "Unable to retrieve tweet."

            return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(tweet);
 internal TwitterStatusesRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
 internal TwitterAccountRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
 internal TwitterGeoRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
 internal TwitterUsersRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            Callback = Request.QueryString["callback"];
            ContentTypeAlias = Request.QueryString["contentTypeAlias"];
            PropertyAlias = Request.QueryString["propertyAlias"];

            // Get the prevalue options
            TwitterOAuthPreValueOptions options = TwitterOAuthPreValueOptions.Get(ContentTypeAlias, PropertyAlias);
            if (!options.IsValid) {
                Content.Text += "<p><strong>ContentTypeAlias</strong> " + ContentTypeAlias + "</p>";
                Content.Text += "<p><strong>PropertyAlias</strong> " + PropertyAlias + "</p>";
                Content.Text += "Hold on now! The options of the underlying prevalue editor isn't valid.";

            // Configure the OAuth client based on the options of the prevalue options
            TwitterOAuthClient client = new TwitterOAuthClient {
                ConsumerKey = options.ConsumerKey,
                ConsumerSecret = options.ConsumerSecret,
                Callback = Request.Url.ToString()
            // Check whether the user has denied the app
            if (HasUserDenied) {
                Content.Text = "<div class=\"error\">Error: The app was denied access to your account.</div>";

            #region OAuth 1.0a - Step 3

            if (OAuthToken != null) {
                // Grab the request token from the session
                OAuthRequestToken token = Session[OAuthToken] as OAuthRequestToken;

                // Check whether the requets token was found in the current session
                if (token == null) {
                    Content.Text = "<div class=\"error\">An error occured. Timeout?</div>";

                // Update the token and token secret
                client.Token = token.Token;
                client.TokenSecret = token.TokenSecret;

                // Now get the access token
                try {
                    OAuthAccessToken accessToken = client.GetAccessToken(OAuthVerifier);
                    client.Token = accessToken.Token;
                    client.TokenSecret = accessToken.TokenSecret;
                } catch (Exception) {
                    Content.Text = "<div class=\"error\">Unable to retrieve access token from <b>Twitter.com</b>.</div>";

                try {

                    // Initialize an instance of TwitterService
                    TwitterService service = TwitterService.CreateFromOAuthClient(client);

                    // Get information about the server
                    TwitterUser user = service.Account.VerifyCredentials().Body;

                    Content.Text += "<p>Hi <strong>" + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Name) ? user.ScreenName : user.Name) + "</strong></p>";
                    Content.Text += "<p>Please wait while you're being redirected...</p>";

                    // Set the callback data
                    TwitterOAuthData data = new TwitterOAuthData {
                        Id = user.Id,
                        ScreenName = user.ScreenName,
                        Name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Name) ? "" : user.Name,
                        Avatar = user.ProfileImageUrlHttps,
                        ConsumerKey = client.ConsumerKey,
                        ConsumerSecret = client.ConsumerSecret,
                        AccessToken = client.Token,
                        AccessTokenSecret = client.TokenSecret

                    // Update the UI and close the popup window
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "callback", String.Format(
                        "self.opener." + Callback + "({0}); window.close();",
                    ), true);

                } catch (TwitterException ex) {
                    Content.Text = "<div class=\"error\">Error in the communication with Twitter.com<br /><br />" + ex.Message + " (Code: " + ex.Code + ")</div>";
                } catch (Exception) {
                    Content.Text = "<div class=\"error\">Error in the communication with Twitter.com</div>";




            #region OAuth 1.0a - Step 1

            // Get a request token from the Twitter API
            OAuthRequestToken requestToken = client.GetRequestToken();

            // Save the token information to the session so we can grab it later
            Session[requestToken.Token] = requestToken;
            // Redirect the user to the authentication page at Twitter.com


 internal TwitterFavoritesRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
 internal TwitterListsRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;
 internal TwitterFriendsRawEndpoint(TwitterOAuthClient client) {
     Client = client;