Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void Initialize(TypeDefKey key)
            Debug.Assert(key.Type.IsEnum && key is TypeDefKeyWithUnmanagedType);

            Type type = key.Type;

            this.name        = Utility.GetNameOfType(type);
            this.isFlagsEnum = type.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);

            UnmanagedType underlying_unmng_type = ((TypeDefKeyWithUnmanagedType)key).UnmanagedType;
            TypeName      type_name             = TypeName.GetTypeNameForUnmanagedType(underlying_unmng_type);

            // The unmanaged type has been validated by EnumNativeType and is surely a primitive type, for
            // which there is a simple direct translation to TypeName.

            this.underlyingType = new PrimitiveNativeType(
                (key.Flags & MarshalFlags.Platform64Bit) == MarshalFlags.Platform64Bit);

            // now enumerate the enum fields and set up the fields array
            string[] names  = Enum.GetNames(type);
            Array    values = Enum.GetValues(type);

            Debug.Assert(names.Length == values.Length);

            this.fields = new EnumField[values.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                this.fields[i] = new EnumField(names[i], values.GetValue(i));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void PrintTo(ICodePrinter printer, ILogPrinter logPrinter, PrintFlags flags)
            Debug.Assert(printer != null && logPrinter != null);

            base.PrintTo(printer, logPrinter, flags);

            switch (arrayKind)
            case ArrayKind.Invalid:
                // void */PVOID
                PrimitiveNativeType.PrintNameTo(TypeName.Void, 1, printer, flags);

            case ArrayKind.SafeArray:
                // prefix with const if in-only
                if (isInOnly)
                    printer.Print(OutputType.Keyword, "const");
                    printer.Print(OutputType.Other, " ");

                // SAFEARRAY * or LPSAFEARRAY
                if ((flags & PrintFlags.UsePlainC) == PrintFlags.UsePlainC)
                    TypeName.PrintTo(printer, TypeName.SafeArray.PlainC);
                    printer.Print(OutputType.Other, " ");
                    printer.Print(OutputType.Operator, "*");
                    TypeName.PrintTo(printer, "LP" + TypeName.SafeArray.WinApi);

                elementType.PrintTo(printer, logPrinter, flags);

            if (indirections > 0)
                // We'll suppress the [] suffix in this case; one indirection will be provided by the
                // element itself because the ByRefParam flag has been inherited by it.
                int stars = indirections;

                while (stars-- > 0)
                    printer.Print(OutputType.Operator, "*");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Initialize(TypeDefKey key)
            if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
            Debug.Assert(key.Type.IsEnum && key is TypeDefKeyWithUnmanagedType);

            Type type = key.Type;
            this.name = Utility.GetNameOfType(type);
            this.isFlagsEnum = type.IsDefined(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);

            UnmanagedType underlying_unmng_type = ((TypeDefKeyWithUnmanagedType)key).UnmanagedType;
            TypeName type_name = TypeName.GetTypeNameForUnmanagedType(underlying_unmng_type);

            // The unmanaged type has been validated by EnumNativeType and is surely a primitive type, for
            // which there is a simple direct translation to TypeName.

            this.underlyingType = new PrimitiveNativeType(
                (key.Flags & MarshalFlags.Platform64Bit) == MarshalFlags.Platform64Bit);

            // now enumerate the enum fields and set up the fields array
            string[] names = Enum.GetNames(type);
            Array values = Enum.GetValues(type);

            Debug.Assert(names.Length == values.Length);

            this.fields = new EnumField[values.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                this.fields[i] = new EnumField(names[i], values.GetValue(i));