Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static List <WindowsFeature> GetWindowsFeatures()
            List <WindowsFeature> features = new List <WindowsFeature>();

            SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("Win32_OptionalFeature");
            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);

            ManagementObjectCollection collection = searcher.Get();

            foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in collection)
                // Get caption and install state
                string caption      = (string)managementObject["Caption"];
                string name         = (string)managementObject["Name"];
                uint   installState = (uint)managementObject["InstallState"];

                // If caption is empty, use the feature's name
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(caption))
                    caption = name;

                // Create feature storage
                WindowsFeature feature = new WindowsFeature(caption);

                // Set installed boolean from install state
                feature.Installed = installState == 1;

                // Add feature to list

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static WindowsFeature Parse(BinaryReader reader)
            // Get name of feature
            string name = reader.ReadString();

            // Create storage of feature information
            WindowsFeature feature = new WindowsFeature(name);

            // Get install and scoring status
            feature.Installed = reader.ReadBoolean();
            feature.IsScored  = reader.ReadBoolean();
