Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the absorption shield is at least 900 and therefore close to maximum
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true is the absorption shield has a value of 900-999 (999 is max value but 1000+ would break this method if made possible)</returns>
        protected bool AbsorptionShieldIsHigh()
            int left   = 20;
            int right  = 31;
            int top    = 25;
            int bottom = 59;

            double hundredsPlaceWhite = Vision.FractionalMatchPiece(RGBHSBRangeFactory.White(), left, right, top, bottom);

            return(Numerical.WithinRange(hundredsPlaceWhite, 0.1476, 0.0005));    //TODO determine good values for range
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Eats a bite of rock cake if hitpoints are above 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if a bite of rock cake is taken</returns>
        protected bool Hitpoints()
            if (TimeSinceLastOverload < overloadDrainTime || Numerical.CloseEnough(overloadBoostTime, TimeSinceLastOverload, 0.02))
                return(false);   //an overload might be taking effect or wearing off

            const double    oneHitpoint       = 0.035714285714285712;
            RectangleBounds hitpoints         = Minimap.HitpointsDigitsArea();
            double          redHitpointsMatch = Vision.FractionalMatchPiece(HitpointsRed, hitpoints.Left, hitpoints.Right, hitpoints.Top, hitpoints.Bottom);

            if (Numerical.WithinRange(redHitpointsMatch, oneHitpoint, 0.01 * oneHitpoint) || (Minimap.Hitpoints() > 0.25))
                return(false);   //hitpoints are already at 1 or an overload has just worn off and hitpoints are no longer red

            Inventory.RightClickInventoryOption(0, 0, 1, false);   //guzzle rock cake
            SafeWaitPlus(1000, 250);