Ejemplo n.º 1
 //Checks all subrectangles in a guiNode to see if any of them were also clicked
 private int checkRectDex(Point p, NodeMap.guiNode gn)
     for (int i = 1; i < gn.rects.Length; i++)
         if (isColliding(gn.rects[i], p))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void initRects(int x, int y, NodeMap.guiNode gn)
            int  needed     = gn.node.getNeeded();
            int  opt        = gn.node.getOptional();
            bool isOutput   = gn.node.GetType() == typeof(OutputNode);
            int  mainHeight = Math.Max((needed + opt) * SRS, 32);
            int  mainWidth  = 4 * SRS;

            gn.rects[0] = new Rectangle(x, y, mainWidth, mainHeight);
            for (int i = 0; i < needed + opt; i++)
                int inY = i * SRS;
                gn.rects[i + 1] = new Rectangle(x, y + inY, SRS, SRS);
            gn.rects[needed + opt + 1] = new Rectangle(x + mainWidth - SRS, y + mainHeight - SRS, SRS, SRS);
            if (!isOutput)
                gn.rects[needed + opt + 2] = new Rectangle(x + mainWidth - SRS, y, SRS, SRS);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void NP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Point point = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

            //Check if user clicked a node
            NodeMap.guiNode colNode = this.checkCollision(point);
            //If so colNode would be the node they clicked
            //Check collision prioritizes the sub rectangles.
            //I have no idea why we'd want to take a click on a sub rect
            //as a click on the main one, but then again I'm f*****g dumb.
            if (colNode.node != null)
                int rDex = this.checkRectDex(point, colNode);
                if (rDex == 0)
                    if (selectedNode.node == colNode.node)
                        selectedNode = colNode;
                    //If it's an input to a node
                    if (rDex < colNode.rects.Length - 1)
                        //If the edge's destination hasn't been set
                        if (destSet == false)
                            nextEdge.n2 = colNode;
                            destSet     = true;
                            //This number stores the index of the child node that will be destination
                            nextEdge.dex = rDex - 1;
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't put an input into an input.\n...silly goose.");
                    //It's an output to a node
                        //If the edge's source hasn't been set
                        if (sourceSet == false)
                            nextEdge.n1 = colNode;
                            sourceSet   = true;
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't put an output into an output.\n...silly goose.");
                    //If, by the end of it all, we have a valid edge
                    if (sourceSet == true && destSet == true)
                        if (map.isValid(nextEdge))
                            nextEdge.p1 = midPoint(nextEdge.n1.rects[nextEdge.n1.rects.Length - 1]);
                            nextEdge.p2 = midPoint(nextEdge.n2.rects[nextEdge.dex + 1]);
                            MessageBox.Show("You can't create an infinite loop. Do you normally try and break anything you get your hands on?");
                        sourceSet = false;
                        destSet   = false;
                if (currentNode != NONE)
                    addCurrentNode(point.X, point.Y);